

The Study and Achievement of the Modestly Restraining Spirit of Criminal Law

【作者】 邝波

【导师】 邓祥瑞; 罗志勇;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 刑法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 不同时期的刑法学者从不同角度对刑法谦抑性进行的研究,对其概念所得出的结论也不尽相同。总结借鉴这些不同的观点,可以将刑法谦抑性界定为国家在制定和执行刑事法律的过程中,应按照一定规则控制刑法的范围、程度及行刑人性化,以实现保护法益和保障人权的目的。考察中西方刑法的发展历史,在民主、平等观念深入人心的前提下,刑法功能有限性认识的产生和刑法人道主义的兴起,使得谦抑性逐渐成为当代社会刑法的时代精神。刑法谦抑性的概念中蕴含的信息包括刑法的有限性、经济性和人道性。其中刑法的有限性是指刑法的调控范围以及刑罚手段的运用是有限的,而不是无穷的;刑法的经济性是指以最少的刑法资源投入,获取最大的刑法效益;刑法的人道性是指使用刑罚时,应把犯罪人当人看待,保护其合法权利和人格尊严。目的刑理论,刑法的经济分析理论,和人权保障理论三者联系在一起共同作为刑法谦抑性产生与存在的法理依据。要具体实现刑法谦抑性的内容,则离不开非犯罪化、非刑罚化和轻刑化。其中非犯罪化与刑法的有限性相联系,指立法机关或者司法机关将一些对社会危害不大,没有必要予以刑事惩罚的犯罪行为,通过立法不再作为犯罪或通过司法不予认定为犯罪,使其正当化或者行政违法化;非刑罚化与刑法的经济性相联系,指刑事立法机关或者司法机关通过立法或者司法的方式,对于某些比较轻微的犯罪适用非刑事制裁措施,以在社会可接受程度内尽可能的节省刑法成本;轻刑化与刑法的人道性相联系,指国家在刑事立法或者刑事审判过程中,对于符合刑法分则所规定犯罪构成的行为,能动用较轻刑罚就能达到刑罚的最佳效果的,就不动用较重的刑罚。

【Abstract】 Criminal law scholar’s conclusions of the conception on the modestly restraining spirit of criminal law are different because of the different time and angle. We could make a summary profit from these different viewpoints, that the modestly restraining spirit of criminal law means our country should control the scope and degree of criminal law and make the penalty more kindly defer to a certain rule for protecting people’s benefits and human rights in legislation and judicatory.The inspection of the phylogeny of criminal law find out that the modestly restraining spirit of criminal law has become the zeitgeist of criminal law in contemporary society gradually on the premise of the sense of democracy and equality. This conception contains information including finiteness, efficiency and humanity of criminal law. Finiteness of criminal law means the criminal law’s regulative scope as well as the penalty’s utilization is limited, but is not infinite. Efficiency of criminal law means gaining the biggest benefit by the least criminal law resources investment. Humanity of criminal law means that we should protect offender’s lawful right and personal dignity when punish them. The foundation of the modestly restraining spirit of criminal law includes the intention penalty theory, the economic analysis theory of criminal law, the safeguarding of human rights theory. Non-incrimination, non-penalization, and moderation of penalty are essential to meet the requirement of the modestly restraining spirit of criminal law. Non-incrimination is a theory has relation to finiteness of criminal law which means criminal law should reject those light harmfulness illegal act which is unnecessary to give penalty, for causing its legalization or the administration illegal. Non-penalization is a theory has relation to efficiency of criminal law which means legislature and judicial organ apply the non-criminal activity sanction measures to those light harmfulness illegal act to economize criminal law resources in the receptivity of society as far as possible. Moderation of penalty is a theory has relation to humanity of criminal law which means legislators and judges use the light penalty to achieve the desired effect of penalty as far as possible.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】511

