

Research on the Newspaper Framework of Public Health Emergency

【作者】 吴媛

【导师】 李浩鸣; 刘洪海;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 新世纪以来,媒体在应对突发公共卫生事件中的作用越加突出。研究突发公共卫生事件的报纸新闻框架,既能改进报纸危机传播的策略,又能更好地发挥新闻舆论的监督和引导作用。新闻框架是对社会真实的转化,通过主题框架的构建将“自然”的事件信息转化为“媒体”的事件信息,最后形成“主观”的事件信息。本文认为报纸新闻框架的构建主要分为三个阶段:(1)事件信息的筛选;(2)新闻材料的构建;(3)新闻作品的影响。构建过程中受到主流价值观、社会情境、新闻常规等因素的影响。新闻框架若使用恰当合理,就能在突发公共卫生事件的应对中发挥诊断事件归因、引导公众舆论和强化主流价值观等功能。党报和科技类报纸在构建突发公共卫生事件新闻框架时,相同点表现在:消息是主要的新闻体裁;采用中立的报道基调。不同点主要表现在:消息来源,报道对象各有偏向。差异性与共性的存在使两类报纸构建的突发公共卫生事件的主题框架和而不同,它们都构建了“定义事件”框架,但党报还重点构建“国家形象”框架,而科技类报纸重点构建的是“科技力量”框架。改进科技类报纸新闻框架的方法主要有:坚持构建“科技力量”框架为主;消息来源、新闻体裁、报道对象的选择既要讲究平衡也要有所侧重;框架设置要有长期性,做好相关科学知识的普及工作。突发公共卫生事件报纸新闻框架的构建过程:一是事件信息的筛选。消息来源主要以“政府官员”等权威人士和机构为主,但也要注重消息来源的“多面性”。二是对新闻材料进行动态且理性的构建。运用保留与排除手段对新闻材料进行再选择。运用凸显与弱化等手段,通过对新闻体裁的选择、主题思想的提炼、版面位置和大小的确定做好对新闻材料的重构。三是主题框架的调整与侧重。在主流价值观的指导下,主题框架要适时科学地进行调整,但要保证主题框架的侧重,以稳定社会的“定义事件”框架为主,兼顾“人情趣味”框架和“评价分析”框架。

【Abstract】 In the new century, the media’s role becomes more and more important as the public health emergencies happen frequently. The research on newspaper framework of public health emergencies can improve crisis communication strategy of newspapers and play the role of supervision and guidanceNews framework is a transformation of social reality. The "natural" information is changed into "media" information, then become the "subjective" information. The construction of newspaper framework is divided into three stages: the first stage is the selection event information; the second stage is the construction of information materials; the third stage is the impact of news work. There are three parts which influence the process:mainstream values; the complexity social context; the impact of routine news. If the media use the framework appropriately and reasonable, the functions of diagnosis and attribution, reinforce mainstream values and guidance of public opinion will play an important role in public health emergencies.Party newspapers and sci-tech ones have the same points in the process of building news framework, such as choosing the news genre as a major organization; a neutral tone of the report. Differences mainly exist in the choice of sources and the main idea. The existence of similarities and differences make the thematic framework of the two newspapers have intersection. They all constructed the framework of "definition", but the party paper also constructed the framework of "national image", the sci-tech paper constructed the framework of "the power of scientific and technological ".In order to improve the function of sci-tech news in the public health emergency, the way to promote the construction of news framework is important. Methods are as follows:adhere to construct the frame of "the power of scientific and technological ";making balance between different sources, news genre, the main content, but emphasize one, in order to keep the objectivity of news frame; setting long-term framework, in order to popularize scientific knowledge.There are three-step processes in the construction of newspaper framework on public health emergencies. First, selecting event information. The dominated authorities and institutions are the main sources, such as government officials, but keep balance between different sources is also important. Second, re-selection and reconstruction of news materials by the use of highlight and weakened. Third, changing the main framework according to the development of public health emergencies and audience acceptance, not only to maintain the frame of "definition", but also pay attention to the frame of "human interest" and "evaluation".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期

