

Study on the Problem of the Local Government Performs on the Functions about the Public Safety in Hunan Province

【作者】 高辉

【导师】 龙太江;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 由于社会转型时期的不确定因素和自然灾害的影响,近年来,我国各地的公共突发事件数目日趋上升,湖南省也不例外。一个地方政府处置公共突发事件的能力和态度,会影响到突发事件给当地社会所带来的影响。本文从地方政府公共安全职能的概念界定入手,分析了地方政府履行公共安全职能的理论依据,指出地方政府履行公共安全职能的合理性和必要性。同时,针对湖南省自然灾害多、娱乐场所多、市州发展水平差异大的具体省情,对湖南省境内各级地方政府履行公共安全职能时的履行者、履行环境、履行对象同全国各地进行了分析比较。同时本文对西方国家地方政府履行公共安全职能的大致模式和历史过程进行了简单概括,湖南省可以吸收借鉴西方地方政府履行公共安全职能的先进经验,重视公共事件应急管理的事先预防,重视非政府间组织和个人的力量,加大对公共安全职能履行时的财政投入。在学习西方先进模式的过程中,湖南省各市州政府要结合当地具体情况,注意把握“普遍与特殊”相结合的原则。湖南省的公共安全应急管理,应该是以湖南省政府为牵头,各地市州及所辖县市紧密配合,应急办、综治办、公安、卫生等职能部门有效衔接,建立起一个事前预防、灾害预警、应急反应和灾后处理为一体的公共安全职能综合履行体系;具有立法权限的立法机关要加强地方法规立法工作,对政府的公共安全权力和权限从立法上加以规范,保证《突发事件应对法》和《湖南省实施<中华人民共和国突发事件应对法>办法》从程序到实体的正确实施。同时本文设计了对湖南省地方政府的公共安全职能履行体系的总体设计中导入“无缝隙政府理论”。总之,本文意图对湖南省公共安全职能履行体系作出一些制度上的新设计,意在促进政府公共安全职能的有效转变,社会矛盾得到有效化解,使得社会“和谐稳定”的局面得到持续实现。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the number of incidents on public emergency is increasing in our country day by day, so it is in Hunan Province. The abilities and attitudes of the local government to dispose the public emergency will have an effect on the influence of a sudden accident bringing to the local government.This passage starts from defining the concept of local public safety functions, and it gives an analysis of the local government to fulfill the functions of the basis for public safety, pointing out the rationality and necessity of local governments to perform public safety functions.At the same time, considering that Hunan is a province with lots of natural disasters, an entertainment places, and big difference in economy between cities and states, it gives out an analysis and a comparison on the person who performs the rights, the environment,the implementation of the performances on Public Safety Functions which executives in all levers performed. On the other hand, this paper conducted a brief summary on the approximate model and its historical process of the local government to perform its public safety functions in Western countries, and Hunan Province can learn and absorb the advanced experience from them, including focuses on public events in advance to prevent emergency management, emphasis on non-governmental organizations and personal power, and increases the financial input to perform Public Safety Functions. In the process of learning advanced Western models, the state government of Hunan province should pay attention to its specific circumstances, putting an eye on the principles of combining common with special.Public Security Emergency Management in Hunan should be under the arrangements of Hunan Government, and the cities and states should follow it closely, Emergency Office, Comprehensive Management of public security, Health and other functional departments can get in harmony with each other, in order to establish a prior prevention, disaster warning, emergency response and post-processing functions as one integrated performance system for public safety. Legislatures with the power to carry out a law should strengthen local laws and regulations, making sure the Emergency response law and Hunan Province, the implementation of "The People’s Republic of China emergency response to Law" approach can implement property from a procedural to be substantive. At the same time this article focuses on the design of the Hunan Province to put seamless government theory into the functioning of local government public safety systems. And this paper intended to fulfill the functions of public security system in Hunan Province to make some new design of the system, hoping that all levels of government functions in Hunan Province to achieve a smooth transition, and social conflicts can be effectively averted. By making effective changes in government safety functions, we can see our society turn into a harmony and stable one in advance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】D625
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】145

