

Design and Analyse of Ecological House in Southwest of China with Warm and Humid Climate

【作者】 黎玉洁

【导师】 王小凡;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人类社会在经历了一系列改革后,技术、文明都得到了空前的繁荣,然而却不得不面对经济、技术高速发展所带来的环境恶化问题。在建筑方面,人类对住宅舒适性要求的提高和环境不断恶化之间的矛盾日益严重,使得人们不得不开始审视自己的行为,提出了双方和谐发展的“生态住宅”概念。本文是以西南湿热山地地区为背景,利用适宜技术,即:中、低技术,结合当地的气候、地理环境对住宅这一量多面广的建筑类型进行讨论,对于促进建筑与生态的有序平衡起到了促进作用。从以下方面进行阐述:第一,在绪论部分阐述了选题的背景和意义。通过生态住宅的设计可以解决目前市场上的很多不良现状,在提高住宅的舒适性的同时,避免对环境造成破坏,对资源形成负担。接着,回顾了有关生态建筑的理论和实践的发展过程,并根据西南地区目前的经济技术水平,提出了行之有效的设计方法,即是利用被动式技术为主要手段,利用中、低技术加以合理利用,能够使生态住宅在该地区被广泛的采用。第二,西南湿热山地地区住宅环境介绍。介绍了西南湿热地区的地理、气候环境;同时,通过对传统民居的优点进行总结,从而提出了根据当地环境趋利避害,因地制宜,吸收当地优秀民居设计要点的设计方法。第三,对生态住宅进行了定义,并对山地环境和湿热气候背景下的生态住宅的设计流程和设计原则进行了阐述。第四,从设计遵循自然的原则,去探讨适应西南湿热地区山地环境的生态住宅的设计策略。从住宅建筑的整体布局、单体设计、户型优化等方面来优化住宅的热舒适性,从建筑防灾来保证山地住宅环境的安全性,从绿化景观的设计来有序创造优良的小环境。第五,从技术层面出发着重应对当地湿热的气候环境。即是从:隔热、通风、除湿方面去讨论该地区比较适应的方法。第六,资源利用。从合理利用资源出发,积极开发当地可利用的材料资源,提倡水资源的循环利用和垃圾资源的回收利用。

【Abstract】 The superb prosperity of civilization came from humanity’s innovative activity, but human beings have to face the environmental deterioration as the high speed economy development. The convenient request and the environmental continually deterioration becomes the main conflict in architecture. All of above has people have to reflect their activity, and put forward a conception of "Ecological House" which should assure convenient house and perfect environment can be got the balance, and compatible with each other.This thesis based on the dwelling buildings which are located on the southwest of China, Mega thermal, Humidity consist of features in that region. Use the "Adaptability Technology" Medial, Low technology, combine with the local climate, geographical condition, we will discuss the dwelling houses that a specific classification of architecture and with the huge amount and wide facet in this field, it can promote the harmonious balance between Housing and Ecological environment. This thesis contains the six aspects as below.In the part of the introduction will represent the theme of this thesis, there are lots of harmful situation in resent market can be solved by the "Ecological House", it will not destruction the environment and becomes a burden of nature resources, meanwhile it can be a promotion for the comfortable of our dwelling buildings. After that this part reviews the progress of the principle and practice of the conception "Ecological House". And puts forward a feasible and effective plan for this region which in southwest China that with limited level of economic and technological, finally based on the passive technology and have the mid, low technology under the good usage, make the "Ecological House" becomes wildly accepted and suitable classification of the dwelling buildings in this region.The Second part will introduce the environment of that region, special features of physical geography situation and climate over there. And summed up the existed advantages of the local traditional dwelling house, takes-up a proposal for new house consisted in the advantages that gather the advantages exclude the unfavorable aspects, carry out a new buildings with local conditions, convenient environment and good inherited those advantages.The third part, the thesis will give a definition of the "ecological House", and introduce how to design this kind of house and which principles should be followed in this area that is with mountainous region, mega thermal and humidity.This part focus on the designing strategy of the ecological house which can match the specific mountain region and mega thermal, Humidity area conditions. Optimize the dwelling that on comfortable for temperature from the layout of the structure, designing of the single room and optimizing for model of room. Assure the safety of the house to prevent natural and human calamities. Created excellent region environment by landscape and making green orderly and harmonious.Find out the right methods from the technology level to emphasis how to prevent out the high temperature, good ventilate, kick out the humidity in this region.Considering the resources usage, make ample develop plan for the local material which can be served, advocate recycle the water resource and reuse of the rubbish for increasing the using rate of the resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期

