

Advertising Effectiveness Research under Media Convergence

【作者】 张元圆

【导师】 李正良;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着媒体技术不断进步,新的媒介形态层出不穷,受众需求进一步多样化分众化,传统媒体用户大量流失。以报纸、杂志、广播、电视四大媒体为代表的传统媒介纷纷向新媒介领域拓展,各种媒体之间的界限也逐渐模糊,相互融合趋势进一步明显,一场由媒介技术、市场需求、经济因素三大动力推动的传媒革命“媒介融合”已悄然兴起并迅速波及全球。媒介融合改变了媒介的形态、属性、传播环境及传媒产业发展,使广告传播活动表现出前所未有的新规律和新特点,进而影响了广告效果的实现。一方面,更多新媒介不断被发明并广泛应用、种类增多的同时,媒介功能也更完善。借助丰富的传播载体和媒介组合,广告实现了跨时空、跨媒体传播,广告到达率和认知度等心理效果大大提升;与此同时,媒介资源的优化配置,进一步促进销售、降低广告成本;借助丰富多样的新媒介,广告对社会整体风气和价值理念的引导和干扰功能发挥得更充分,有利于加速有利于社会发展的新价值观、消费观及现代生活方式的形成。反之,由于广告传播信息的能力增强,而消费者的注意力非常有限。在泛滥的信息面前,消费者内心潜在的各种选择机制的功能将被显著强化,选择性注意、选择性理解、选择性记忆等将削弱广告心理效果;媒介多样性又对广告投放过程中媒介选择与组合策略提出了更高要求,媒介监测成本也有所增加:借助功能强大的新媒介,广告的传播渠道更直接、效果更明显,媒介“把关人”机制的功能弱化甚至缺失,给广告中传播的不良信息和观念等将会对社会整体风气和价值观念等产生消极影响。为应对全球媒介发展的新形势,必须对媒介融合背景对广告效果产生的影响进行深入研究分析,进而根据影响的作用机制,有针对性地采取有效措施,达到趋利避害、有效提升广告效果的目的。本文紧扣当今传媒界热点话题,立足媒介融合这一特定背景,在简要介绍媒介融合的概念、内涵、本质与现状,预测媒介融合发展趋势的基础上,以广告效果形成的各个阶段为线索,科学分析、论述媒介融合对广告效果的积极、消极影响,运用传播学、市场营销等学科理论和研究成果,提出了一些在媒介融合背景下提升广告效果的策略,旨在抛砖引玉,以期更多专家、学者等权威人士对这一课题的关注和研究。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of media technology, new forms of media constantly come into being, traditional media have being suffered a huge user drain. Thus, the four traditional media newspapers, magazines, radio and TV, which represent the traditional media, have being forced to constantly expand their territory towards new media’. The boundary between traditional media and new media is gradually blurred, which supplies possibility for the further fusion of the different media. Three major driving forces:media technology, market demands together with the certain necessity of economic interests promoted the emergence of an unprecedented significant trend during the development of media---Convergence. Regarded as the revolution of the world media sector, the trend of Media Convergence quietly and quickly spread from the new century and now has being much concerned all global countries.Media convergence has made great impact on media form and attribute, the media industry, as well as the global communication environment. Be carried by the converging media, advertisements come into a fresh times in which its communication and the realization of effectiveness might be affected to show some new features. On the one hand, more and more new media are constantly invented and widely used, as the types multiply, their functions are also improving. with kinds of communication carriers and media combinations, advertising time and space to achieve a cross, cross-media communication, advertising reach and awareness greatly enhance the degree of psychological effect; At the same time, the media and optimize resource allocation, and further promote sales, reduce advertising costs; with a variety of new media, advertising on the community as a whole culture and values of the guidance and interference function more fully, will help accelerate the development of new favor of social values, consumption and the formation of the modern way of life. Conversely, advertising information dissemination capacity enhancement, the attention of consumers is very limited. Flood of information in front of potential customers inside the functions of various selection mechanism will be significantly enhanced, selective attention, selective perception, selective memory and so would weaken the psychological effects of advertising; media diversity again the process of media advertising Selection and combination of strategies put forward higher requirements, media monitoring costs have increased; with powerful new media, advertising communication channels more directly, the effect is more obvious, the "gatekeeper" of media mechanism of weakening or even absence, to the ad dissemination of bad information and ideas so will the overall attitude of society, and values have a negative impact. In response to the new situation of global media development, media convergence must be the background of the impact on advertising effectiveness in-depth research and analysis, and then under the impact of the mechanisms, targeted to take effective measures to achieve the profit and avoid loss, effectively enhance advertising effectiveness purposes.This thesis centers around the hot topic "media convergence", based on the passed research achievements about the specific developing trend in media field, the author starts with a brief introduction of media convergence from angles of meanings, contents, features and some important impact towards media as well as the concerning fields. On the basis of detailed analyses and precise research on the positive and negative factors the media convergence might bring about during the whole process of advertising communication, the thesis aims to explore a number of significant strategies and useful measures to deal with media’converging trend nowadays. Through this statistical research project, civil advertisers in the context of the media convergence are provided more rational theories for conference in making feasible advertising strategies with which it will be possible for more advertisers to take effective measures to draw on advantages and avoid disadvantages, thus succeed in dealing with the new communication surroundings. That’s where the thesis’central target, main innovation and realistic significance locate.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】910

