

Design and Research of the New Combined Membrane Bioreactor

【作者】 孙华萍

【导师】 费庆志; 于丽华;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 环境科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 膜生物反应器是一种由膜分离单元与生物处理单元相结合的新型水处理技术。由于一体式膜-生物反应器(MBR)具有处理效率高、污泥产量低和占地面积小等特点,其研究和应用受到了广泛关注。特别是处理医院废水时,MBR的出水悬浮物浓度非常低,污水中未处理掉的细菌与病毒失去了屏障,从而也易于被杀灭。然而,膜生物反应器的应用仍受到膜污染的影响,从而导致膜通量较小,清洗较困难,运行管理不太方便。为解决现有技术存在的上述问题,本文探索了膜组件与其他生物处理工艺的组合方式,结合各工艺的特点设计了一种新型组合式膜生物反应器。实质是膜组件与倒置A2/O、生物接触氧化工艺的组合,根据理论知识和现有条件的结合设计出膜生物反应器的尺寸然后制作反应设备并投入运行。试验用水取自大连医大二院的医院废水。原水SS为200-300 mg/L,COD为400-600 mg/L,TOC为200-300 mg/L,TN为90-120 mg/L,TP为3-5 mg/L,粪大肠菌群为1.7×108 MPN/L。接种污泥采用大连市春柳河污水处理厂污泥浓缩池处理后的污泥,然后进行培养驯化,直到运行稳定。膜生物反应器分为缺氧区、厌氧区、好氧区、沉淀区、生物接触氧化区和膜组件区,各自的体积分别为12.48L、12.48L、28.08L、14.82L、16.25L和30.66L。反应器启动后,经过多次试验,好氧反应池中的曝气量最终确定为0.1 m3/h,生物接触氧化池的曝气量为0.08 m3/h,膜组件区的曝气量为0.15 m3/h,该膜生物反应器的最佳水力停留时间为7.73~8.68 h。通过对试验方案的不断调整,该反应器对各项污染指标的去除率分别为:COD为90%,TOC为85%,TN为80%,TP为90%,SS为99%以上,粪大肠菌群为70MPN/L。有很好的抗冲击负荷能力,膜生物反应器能高效的去除污染指标是各处理单元共同作用的结果。该工艺处理的容积负荷约为2.2KgCOD/(m3.d)。试验经过两个月后,总磷的去除率达不到要求,而倒置A2/O工艺TP的出水在1~2 mg/L左右。采取的应对措施是定期排泄沉淀池中的污泥,并向沉淀池中投加FeCl3混凝剂以提高磷的去除率。经试验证明,FeCl3的最佳投加量为33 mg/L。经过70天的运行试验,跨膜压差变化很小,始终保持在0.06 MPa以下。膜通量不断降低,而且下降幅度越来越大。为了保证膜生物反应器能够有效、稳定地运行,采用0.1%的NaClO和0.2%的硫酸对膜生物反应进行定期清洗,膜通量恢复至96%以上。

【Abstract】 Membrane bioreactor is a new water treatment technology combined a membrane separation unit and the biological treatment unit. Submerged membrane bioreactor has many advantages such as obvious treating efficiency, less sludge production and small floor coverage. The study and application has been received extensive attention, especially for medical sewage treatment. The concentration of effluent suspended in the MBR water is very low, so the untreated bacteria and viruses are easier to be killed without protecting. However, the application of membrane bioreactor is still subject to membrane fouling, leading to less flux, cleaning more difficult, inconvenient operation and management.To solve the above problems existing in current technology, this article explores a new technology combined the membrane module and other biological treatment. Combine the features of each technology, Design the new combined membrane bioreactor. The technology combined by membrane, inverted A2/O and the biological oxidation process. Design the size of membrane bioreactor based on the theoretical knowledge and the existing conditions, then product the equipment and put into operation.The aim of this paper was to solve these above problems. This paper has investigated the combination of membrane and other biological technology, and absorbed the advantages of other treatments and designed the new membrane biological reactor. According to the sticking time of water and other conditions, and worked out the size of reactor and made it.The test wastewater was taken from the 2nd affiliated hospital of Dalian, to ensure stable quality and sometimes would be adjusted accordingly, Raw water SS is 200~300 mg/L, COD is 400~600 mg/L, TOC is 200~300 mg/L, TN is the 90~120 mg/L, TP is 3~5 mg/L, and faecal coliform is about 1.7×108 MPN/L. Seed sludge was collected from the sludge thickener of Dalian Chunliu sewage treatment plant, and then cultivated in acclimation.The SMBR is divided into anoxic zone, anaerobic zone, oxic zone, settling zone, biological contact oxidation (BCO) zone and membrane module zone and the capacity is 12.48 L, 12.48 L, 28.08 L, 14.82 L, 16.25 L and 30.66 L respectively. After reactor startup through a series of test, the aerobic reaction aeration pond identified as 0.1 m3/h, biological contact oxidation pond aeration is 0.08 m3/h, aeration membrane area was 0.15 m3/h, and the prime HRT for the membrane bioreactor was 7.73~8.68 h. The experiment program was adjusted continuously. The results showed that the eliminating efficiency of pollutants with the new combined membrane bioreactor could be perfect and the removal rates of COD, TOC, TN, TP, SS exceeded approximately 90%, 85%, 80%, 90% and 99%, respectively. The process of the volume load is about 2.2 Kg COD/ (m3.d), have a good shock load, the membrane bioreactor has so efficiently removal of the pollution index is the result of the interaction processing units.After two months experiment, the removal rate of TP increased gradually, the removal rate of TP in inverted A2/O is 1~2 mg/L. The measures are regularly discharge the sludge from the sedimentation tank and FeCl3 coagulant dosage in order to enhance the removal of phosphorus rate of trial. The result demonstrated that the prime quantity of FeCl3 dosage was 33mg/L.After 70 days of operation, it showed that there was little change in transmembrane pressure and always kept the following under 0.06 MPa. The membrane flux decrease and the growing drop substantially. To ensure the membrane bioreactor steady and operate effectively, cleaning membrane by 0.1% NaClO and 0.2% H2SO4 to and the membrane flux recovered to more than 96%.


