

The Study on the Jealous Wives’ Images in the Novels of the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties

【作者】 张晓晓

【导师】 冯文楼;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “妒妇”形象是明末清初小说中大量出现的一群独具特色的人物类型。“妒悍”的性格决定了她们和中国古代传统女性是完全不一样的,传统的女性形象大都温顺贤淑,恪守妇道,遵从“三从四德”,尽心服侍丈夫和公婆,是封建礼教所认可的“贤妻孝妇”。明末清初的“妒妇”小说,则向我们展现了背弃这些传统的另类女性群体。从某种程度上讲,“妒妇”的出现很大一方面是男性造成的,而男性作家又掌握了几乎所有的话语权,为了显示男权的不可动摇性,作家“设计”了“妒妇”变“贤妇”的结局,企图重整“夫纲”,恢复男性在家庭中的中心位置。事实上,这只是男性作家一厢情愿的“幻想”。论文共分四章。引言,主要是对“妒妇”研究现状的概述和本文研究方法的介绍。就本文的研究方法而言,主要采取人物塑造和文化内涵两大分析路径,力求紧扣人物的身份和地位,进行多重视角的关照和阐释,避免架空立论,做到言之有据。第一章分为两节,先是对明末清初“妒妇”小说的整体情况做了概述,并对本文重点研究的三部小说《醒世姻缘传》、《醋葫芦》、《疗妒缘》作了介绍。然后对“妒妇”的诸种表现,如打骂丈夫、忤逆公婆、鞭打下人等进行了分析,丈夫“惧内”主要有三种情况,分别是:“情怕”、“理怕”、“势怕”。通过对以上的分析可以较为全面的把握文本,对“妒妇”和“惧内”丈夫的性格特征有更深入的了解。第二章由三小节组成,主要讨论对待“妒妇”的态度。首先,对文本中体现出的作者的创作心态进行了考察,文本中的细节描写,人物之间的对话等等都可以窥视出作者对一夫多妻现象、夫妇之礼、生子延嗣等问题的态度;其次,对明末清初时期其它的“妒妇”小说和史料文献中有关“妒妇”的篇章进行了梳理,从中发掘出当时社会和其它作家对待“妒妇”的态度。虽然大多数作家对“妒妇”进行了不遗余力的谴责,但仍有一些作家为“妒妇”翻案,主要有俞正燮和黄道周。第三章主要探求“妒妇”形象的社会形成机制。阐述了一夫多妻现象、明末清初的社会风气对女性的影响。一夫多妻是“妒妇”产生的社会历史根源,明末社会经济的发展、商品的繁荣、王阳明“心学”的影响,这些对女性的觉醒都起到了不可忽视的作用。第四章,着重考察了“妒妇”的出现带来的男权秩序的失落,以及给男性作家带来的焦虑心态。为了重整男权至上的社会和家庭秩序,男性作家就通过一系列的“疗妒方”让那些“悍妒”的女性变得贤惠,温顺,完全符合男权社会对女性的要求。但事实上并非如此,这些都只是男性作家一厢情愿的“幻想”而已。

【Abstract】 The images of the jealous wives were a group of characteristic character type in the novels of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. The character of "Hot-tempered" had decided that they were completely dissimilar with the traditional female in ancient times of China. The traditional feminine images which were mostly docile scrupulously followed the traditional woman ethics. They were approved of "good and filial wives" by the feudal ethics and rites because they also obeyed "the three obedience and four virtues" and took care of their husbands and the parents-in-law with their hearts. The novels of the jealous wives in the Late Ming and early Qing dynasties unfolded to us a kind of the feminine group who had abandoned the above traditions. The appearance of "the jealous wives" was created by the male in some kind of degree. The masculine writer had advantages on all words power. In order to demonstrate the male power unshakeable, they had designed the result that "the jealous wives" had been changed "the virtuous wives". By this way, they attempt to reorganize their authorities and restored their central places in the family. In fact, these were only one-sided fantasizes of the masculine writers.The paper is divided into four chapters.The introduction was mainly the outline of the present research situations of jealous wives and the description of the research technique. As far as the research technique of this article was concerned, we mainly adopted two analysis ways of characterization and cultural connotation. We had carried on the multiple angles of view and explanations and made every effort to thread up character’s status in order that the argument which had achieved good grounds for what one said.The first chapter was divided into two parts. Firstly, we made the outline of the novels of "the jealous wives" in late Ming and early Qing dynasties and the descriptions of three novels of Marriage to Awaken the World, Gourds Full of Vinegar,Liao Du Yuan which were mainly studied in this article. Then we had analyzed the manifestations of the jealous wives which were the action of beating and scolding their husband, the disobedient parents-in-law, and the movement of whipping servants. On the other hand, the henpecked phenomena mainly had three situations, which were the fears of sentiment, the principle fear and the potential fears. By the above analysis, we may have a thorough understanding of "the jealous wives" and characters of the henpecked husbands which were built on our comprehensive texts.The second chapter was composed of three sections. The main discussion was how to treat "the jealous wives". Firstly, we had carried on the inspections of creation mentality in which was manifested between the detail descriptions in texts, character’s dialogues and so on. Especially we had peeped at authors’attitudes to the plural marriage phenomenon, the etiquettes between husbands and wives, and the traditional idea of procreate. Next, we had carried on combing other texts which were related to "the jealous wives" in the novel and historical data in late Ming and Qing dynasties. By this way, we had excavated the attitudes to "the jealous wives" that were treated by the society and other writers at that time. Although the majority of writers who had made full efforts to the condemnations of "the jealous wives", some writers that mainly included Yu Zhengxie and Huang Daozhou had shown approval attitudes to "the jealous wives".The third chapter was the main search on the mechanism of the images of "the jealous wives". We had elaborated the plural marriage system and the social conventions which had made full influence on the female in late Ming and Qing dynasties. The plural marriage system was the historical root to "the jealous wives" in that society. The development such as social economy of late Ming dynasties, prosperous commodities and Wang Yangming’s "mind theories", which had played the noticeable role to awaken female.The fourth chapter was to inspect emphatically the appearance of the jealous wives that will had brought male power order’s losing, as well as the anxious views of the masculine writers.In order to rally the order of supreme male power between society and family, the masculine writers had let these "fierce and jealous" female become virtuous and docile through a series of "cures of jealous". That conformed to the request which the male power society had completely made to female. But in fact was not true, and these were only one-sided fantasizes of the masculine writers.


