

【作者】 习蕾

【导师】 刘安荣;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 和谐社会,是人类孜孜以求的一种理想社会状态。在我国社会转型期,我们党根据我国社会主义建设新阶段出现的新趋势、新特点提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的治国方略。和谐社会必须建立在以人为本、人民当家作主的基础上,其核心是政治和谐,只有政治和谐,才能保证经济的和谐发展和社会的稳定有序,才能激发社会的活力和人们的创造力。构建社会主义和谐社会就是在各项事业不断发展的基础上正确处理各种社会矛盾的历史和过程。政治妥协作为一种普适的社会调节机制,并不等同于放弃原则的“投降”、“背叛”,而是体现了大原则的坚定性与具体策略制定的灵活性,是有效且可行的协调和化解矛盾的方法。政治妥协蕴含着工具理性与价值理性的统一。构建社会主义和谐社会就是要保证社会的可持续和谐,这就要求建构一套技术化、工艺化的处理社会政治经济事务的机制,建立缓和矛盾和化解冲突的民主和法治机制,建构一个体现现代宪政民主的人人参与、人人平等的社会政治平台。政治妥协解决冲突的方式是要避免暴力,尽可能的以和平的方式解决矛盾冲突。和谐社会的构建,最终就是要使各方甚至是有着矛盾冲突的各方都能和谐友好的相处;政治妥协往往带来的是行为规则的形成,从而提高政治系统的制度化水平。持续不断的政治妥协和制度的自我强化,可以使政治系统得以生存和延续,因此也就具备了适应性和复杂性。当政治系统拥有了这样的特性时,它便具有了比较高的制度化水平;政治妥协过程中所表现出来的合作精神对构建和谐社会也有着积极的意义,当政治行为主体意识到自己的利益诉求可以得到对方的尊重,并且可以通过既定的制度框架加以表达实现合作时,他们便获得了一种遵从现有规则的鼓励,也更愿以合法有序的方式来参与到政治过程中,从而使现存的政治系统处于连续与有序的状态并实现政治稳定,达到和谐社会的目标。

【Abstract】 The harmonious society is the ideal social state which human beings assiduously seek. During the period of social transformation in China, the Communist Party put forward the strategy of constructing a harmonious society based on the trend and characteristics that emerge in the new stage of socialist construction. The harmonious society should be people oriented and the core of such a society is political harmony which would assure the harmonious economic development and social stabilization. Besides, political harmony could stimulate people’s creativity and vitality of the whole society. The construction of a harmonious socialist society is the process of dealing with various social contradictions correctly on the basis of social development. Political compromise, a universally applicable social regulatory mechanism, doesn’t equate "surrender" or "betray" which implies abandoning the principle. Instead, it demonstrates steadfastness of the main principles and flexibility of concrete strategy establishment. In fact, political compromise is an effective and workable method of regulating and resolving contradictions. Political compromise contains the unity of instrumental rationality and valuable rationality. The purpose of constructing a harmonious socialist society is to assure the sustainable harmony of our society. This requires the construction of a series of technofied and kerosene systems to deal with social, political, and economic affairs. It also requires the construction of democratic and legal systems to smooth down contradictions and resolve conflicts. Furthermore, it requires the construction of a social and political platform which demonstrates the democracy of modern constitutional government and every person could take part in it equally.Political compromise aims at resolving conflicts and contradictions peacefully, avoiding violence. The ultimate goal of constructing a harmonious society is to make sure different parties get along with each other well, even if there are contradictions among them. Political compromise helps to improve the level of political system in that it will bring the formation of the rules of conduct. Sustainable political compromises and systematic intensification lead to the existence and continuation of adaptive and complicated political systems. In other words, the level of political systems is much higher. When the political subjects realize that its appeal for interests could win respect from the other party and could be met in the established framework, they are encouraged to follow the existing rules and they will be more willing to take part in the process of dealing with political, affairs. In this way, the established political systems will be sustainable and in order; political stabilization and the harmony of society will be realized.


