

【作者】 张超男

【导师】 李令福;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国是水利大国,“大禹治水”的传说是每个中国人都耳熟能详的。中国的水利活动起源很早,远古人类择丘陵而处,逐水草而居就出现了防洪、供水问题。因而,防洪工程历来是水利史的重要组成部分,其中又以筑堤为防洪的主要手段。而在这其中,黄河堤防又是中国各大江河堤防中起源最早、规模最大、变化最频繁、种类最多,因而也最具有特色的堤防。尤其是经过明清两代的大力治理,黄河两岸堤防渐趋完整,虽然两岸不断决口,但都进行了堵合,直到咸丰五年以前,未发生过大的改道。本文就是选取明清时期黄河堤防建设的高潮期,以砀山、萧县、丰县和沛县四县的堤防研究作为切入点,探讨这一时期堤防技术和管理的特征。本文是充分建立在前人研究的基础上,以充分、翔实的第一手资料为保证,并发现其中的不足之处,同时结合实地考察,力争能对四县的堤防体系做一个较为完整的研究。具体而言,本文主要从以下五个部分展开论述:一、绪论部分。对本课题的选题缘由、学术背景、论文框架等给予交待。选题缘由有三,一是现实生活引发的思考,二是其重大的学术价值,三是有丰富的文献以及现存的历史遗迹为支撑。二、“筑堤束水,以水攻沙”的理论与黄河堤防的形成。本章主要论述了此段黄河堤防形成的历史背景,即明代以前的治河方略和明代后期“筑堤束水,以水攻沙”理论的形成,以及在此方略的影响下,如何推动了砀、萧、丰、沛四县的堤防建设。三、砀、萧、丰、沛四县的堤防体系。这部分首先阐明了黄河在四县流经的情形以及四县堤防体系的总体情况,如缕堤、遥堤、格堤、月堤的修筑和减水坝、挑水坝的设置等。其次详细论述了砀山、萧县、丰县和沛县堤防体系的具体建置,如砀山县的毛城铺减水坝等,进而分别讲述了各个部分在此段堤防体系中所发挥的作用。四、堤防的维修、管理及利用技术。这部分主要从河营机构的设置、河营兵的管理以及堤防各种修守技术,如筑堤技术、固堤技术、防守措施和堵口之特别技术等方面入手,结合四县的具体情况,对明清时期四县堤防的技术和管理状况一一说明。最后,还针对与之相关的桥梁和渡口等黄河利用予以解说。总而言之,这一时期黄河堤防的修守技术和管理方式都达到了一个较高的水平。五、黄河堤防对当地的影响。这是全文的总结,总体来看,堤防对当地产生了积极的影响,在一定程度减轻了水患。其次,也看到了堤防产生了一些负面效应,如对当地人口和疆域变迁的影响,以及对农业生产和人民生活造成的不便。最后对四县黄河故道的现状以及开发利用作了阐述,表明只要我们善于因地制宜,合理开发,最终能化害为利,将黄河故道区域改造成适宜农、林、牧、副、渔各业发展的宝贵资源。总而言之,基于当前学术界对黄河堤防技术的研究大都集中于长时间、大范围内的综合论述,鲜有对具体区域的细微考察的情况,本文以砀、萧、丰、沛四县为个案研究,从科学技术史的角度进行分析,借此来探究明清时期黄河堤防技术和管理的特色,具有一定的创见。此外,在研究方法上,本文更注重实地考察和历史文献的结合,力求对当时的堤防情况进行一个客观、真实的复原。

【Abstract】 The legend of "Da Yu" is well—known to us. China had lots of water conservancy projects since ancient times, so water supply system and flood control project are the main parts of water conservancy. During all these projects, dike is a major way to control or prevent flood. The dike of yellow river has a remote origin, with the most kinds and biggest scale ever, which also was the most frequently changed and the most unique in all the rivers’ dikes. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, China attached great importance to water conservancy construction. The dike in two banks of Yellow River gradually improved. Although Yellow River often burst its banks, we always closed up it successfully. The Yellow River never changed its course until A.D.1855.This article is a study on the dikes of Feng, Pei, Xiao and Dang countries In Ming and Qing Dynasties. Attempt to make more comprehensive understanding to the technology and management of dike projects in these areas.After reviewing the former achievements and thinking, the author finds deficiency, takes full and accurate material, uses scientific analysis method, and has a comprehensive discussion to the dike of Feng, Pei, Xiao and Dang countries.This article mainly launches the elaboration from five parts:In the first part, we introduce the background, concepts, research methods and the questions which will answer. As for the motivation of the present thesis, I would like to explain it with three points:firstly, The thinking caused by my hometown. Secondly, the thesis shows great academic and application values. Last but not the least, the study was depend on an extensive literature and historical sites.The second part, we discuss the formation of "banking up to prevent flooding, sweeping the sand by the river" and the establishment of Dike Project in Yellow River. We also explain how the dike project was built under the push of the theory.The third part is about the system of dike project in Feng, Pei, Xiao and Dang countries. Firstly, we introduce the way of Yellow River to flow through these areas and the system of dike in every country. Such as lv Dam、Yao Dam、Ge Dam、Yao Dam and others dams. Lastly, we explain the specific installation and its function of dike system in every country at some length by taking the Mao Chengpu water gate as an illustration.The fourth part is about the maintenance, management and technology of dike. It introduce how to establish Bureau of Water Conservancy、manage the soldiers whose main task is to build the dam. At the same time, it also shows us the technology of damming, repairing, and guarding. Lastly, we discuss the ferries and bridges which was connected with the Yellow River. In a word, the technology of dikes’ maintenance and management achieved the advanced level in in Ming and Qing dynasties.The last part is about the positive and negative affect exerted by the dikes on the local. It carries on the summary to the full text. On the one hand, the dike can prevent the floods to a certain extent. On the other hand, it had some negative effects. It brought inconvenience to agricultural production and people’s lives. Lastly discuss the research status and developmental utilization prospect of the old course of the Yellow River. In a word, as long as we make good use of it, we can pursue all-round development in farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline occupation and fishery.


