

【作者】 唐兰慧

【导师】 王玉华;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,轩辕黄帝作为中华民族的始祖越来越受到强调和尊崇,其作为中华民族的族源象征的历史源远流长,而其作为现代意义上的民族象征却是近代才完成建构的。晚清在亡国灭种的危机下,国人普遍认识到团结御外的重要性。然而对于长期生活在王朝统治下的国人来说,国家的概念非常模糊,甚至是淡漠。为此急需觉醒“民族意识”,而这种“民族意识”的觉醒需要借助“传统”资源。革命派认清这样一个事实后,开始借助最容易被人们接受的祖先传统,大造黄帝神话,排除文化因素,从血统上去划分族群脉络,塑造一个全新的民族意识形态,开启晚清革命派“尊黄”的浪潮。晚清“尊黄”现象既是民族复兴的再现,又是一种文化现象。研究这一现象将非常有助于理解承载传统文化众多信息的符号——“黄帝”在近代转型时的新活力,更能帮助我们理解中国“国族”的构建历程,展现近代国人为国抗争的智慧。通过革命派“尊黄”来廊清近代中华民族的族群脉络,给近代中国祖先崇拜以新的历史文化定位,这将具有重要学术价值;对构建当代中华民族体系,增强中华民族凝聚力,增进海峡两岸乃至全球华人的文化认同感,具有鲜明的现实作用。在借鉴沈松桥先生、孙隆基先生及高强先生有关晚清“尊黄”研究成果的基础上,本文运用大量的原始资料,丰富晚清“尊黄”内容。针对人们通常把焦点放在晚清“国族”建构本身的做法,笔者更加强调“尊黄”在“民族意识觉醒”及“民族族群脉络”建构方面的意义,并分析“尊黄”主体者——革命派在“尊黄”中的政治目的及其背后的民族诉求。本文首先叙述了选题的缘由及目前学术界对这一相关论题的研究情况。分别从“黄帝”与清末民族主义的关系、“黄帝纪年”的政治文化意义、“黄帝子孙”称谓的错位及其政治文化意义、“黄帝”与早期现代化等四个方面总结目前学术界在晚清“尊黄”思想这一现象上的研究成果,为本文提供论述的可能性和立论的基础。本文第二部分追溯了晚清“尊黄”的原因,分析了因时代背景冲击而激发出的种族意识,使政治目的不同的改良派、革命派分别赋予了传统“黄帝”不同的族群内涵,开启20世纪初期尊祖敬宗的热潮。本文的第三部分重点解构革命派的“尊黄”思想内容,分析革命派如何为了其政治目的而塑造黄帝神话,再现传统的现实价值。经过革命派改造,黄帝的史话发生巨大变化,被赋予了新的时代意义,成为整个汉族人民的“新灵魂”和“祖先神”,民族意识觉醒。但我们不难看出,为了革命目的,革命派所塑造的民族族群脉络带有明显的一刀切的非理性因素,其并不符合现代意义上的民族主义内涵。本文的第四部分,重点论述晚清革命派之所以能迅速掀起“尊黄”浪潮的根源。无论晚清知识分子赋予了“黄帝”多少新内容,而要影响受“传统”沐浴极深的中国人,则不可能脱离传统因素的影响。从革命派的“种族”论述中,我们可以看出支撑起理论根基的仍是传统的“夷夏观”。在这个过程中,晚清革命派大力渲染血统的重要性,极力排除文化的干扰,把“夷夏观”与近代西方的“民族主义”和“种族主义”结合起来,诠释出一套全新的“民族”建构理论,再现革命派“尊黄”的真正目的。最终革命派树立的这套“黄帝”认同符号在社会上引起极大反响,促成其“反清”革命的实现。由于革命派所宣扬的“尊黄”带有极大的狭隘性,在完成汉民族意识觉醒之后,革命的知识分子修改其民族理论,扩大“黄帝”始祖的族群脉络,把国内各民族都包含进去,黄帝成为中华民族的共祖,完成其由传统向现代的蜕变。总之,晚清革命派“尊黄”思想的内容是丰富多彩的,推翻“满清统治”这一现实目的背后,塑造的却是一种全新的民族、国族,甚至是一种全新的文化,这仍需我们进一步研究。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the Yellow Emperor has been increasingly emphasized and worshipped. It had a long history of ethnic sources. However, as a national symbol of the modern sense was only to complete metamorphosis in modern times. Facing the crisis of subjugation and genocide on Late Qing Dynasty, people generally recognized the importance of solidarity outside the Royal. However, for long life under the rule of the dynasty, the country’s concept was very vague or even indifference. This much needed awakening of national consciousness through traditional resources. The revolutionary recognized the fact and started to create the myth of the Yellow Emperor. They excluded cultural factors and divided up ethnic context from consanguinity and created a new national ideology, opening revolutionary wave of respecting for Yellow Emperor in late Qing. In late Qing, respecting the Yellow Emperor is a reproduction of national revival, but also a kind of cultural representation. Studying this phenomenon will be very helpful in understanding the new energy as the carrier of the traditional culture-the Yellow Emperor in the modern transformation, and better helps us understand the construction of the modern Chinese nation, and shows the wisdom of fighting for the country.Through the revolutionary respecting for the Yellow Emperor is to Catalog multiethnic context of Modern Chinese, and create the new position of worshiping the ancestors, which will be an important academic value. It reality has a clear role on the Construction of Contemporary Chinese system and strength the cohesion of the Chinese nation and promotion the cross-strait and even Global Chinese cultural sense of identity.Using the research of the worshiping the Yellow Emperor in late Qing period done by Shen Songqiao, Sun Longji and Gao Qiang, This article uses large amount of raw data to enrich the respect of the yellow emperor in Late Qing. Usually the focus is on the nation’s construction itself. The author is more emphasis on the national consciousness awakening and the significance of national construction, especially try to analyze the main person-Revolutionary’s political objectives and aspirations of the nation behind.This paper describes the reasons and current research on this topic related research. From the "yellow" respectively in the late Qing dynasty and the relationship of nationalism, "Christian" emperor of Yellow, "the political and cultural significance" of sons of the "Yellow emperor" and the early modernization from four aspects:summarize the current academic circles about this phenomenon of "honor" yellow in Qing dynasty, which provides for the research of the possibility and foundation for this article.This article traces the causation for the Yellow Emperor worshiped in late Qing at second part. It analyzes excitation of ethnic awareness impacted from the era background, so that the different political group, as the reformists and revolutionaries has given the Yellow Emperor of different ethnic connotation, opening the initial wave of Yellow Emperor worshipped in the 20th century. The second part refocuses of the content of revolutionary respecting for Yellow Emperor. By thinking of revolutionaries for political purposes to create the Yellow Emperor myth, reconstructs the traditional values. After the revolutionary transforming, the great changes of the Yellow Emperor’s History have taken pace and broken with the traditional, being given a new sense of the times and becoming the soul and God of ancestors of the Han people. The national consciousness was awakened. However, we can easily see, for the purpose of revolution, multiethnic context by the revolutionary molded has many apparent irrational factors. It does not meet the modern sense of the meaning of nationalism.The fourth part focuses on ideological Roots of the late Qing revolutionaries who is able to quickly set off the source wave for Yellow Emperor worshiped. For the Chinese people deepen bath by tradition, how much new content was endowed with Yellow Emperor by Intellectuals, it could not break away from traditional factors.From the "ethnic" discussion of revolutionary, we can see that the foundation which supported the theoretical was still the traditional national concept. In this process, the late Qing revolutionaries had exaggerated the importance of blood and did their best to exclude the interference of culture. They combined the "national concept" with "nationalism" and "racialism" to explain a new theory called "nation", while the real purpose was "respecting the Yellow Emperor". In the end, the "Yellow Emperor" setting up by the revolutionary caused great repercussions in the society, which attained the goal of "anti-Qing". As "respecting the Yellow Emperor" had enormous narrowness, after the awake of national consciousness, the revolutionary intellectuals modified its national theory, expanded ethnic venation of the "Yellow Emperor" which included all the nationalities in China. In this way, the Yellow Emperor became the common ancestors of the Chinese nation, completing its transformation from traditional to modern.In short, the late Qing revolutionaries’ ideology of "respecting the Yellow Emperor" is rich. Behind the reality of overthrowing the Manchu rule, there was a new nation, or even a new culture. This still need further study.


