

【作者】 王晓博

【导师】 王晖;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 战国时期在整个中国历史发展过程中是一个比较特殊而又十分重要的时代,一方面旧有的社会制度与文化影响尚未完全消退,另一方面新的社会变革和创新又处于突破之中,所以整个战国时期表现出了新旧两种因素并存而又不断变化的特征。确切的来说,这种变化从春秋时期就已经开始了,但是经由春秋中后期开始长达数百年时间的荡涤重构,到了战国末期之时,可以说一种全新的社会框架结构已经基本确立,并且为我国后世长达两千余年的中央集权制统治奠定了基础。探究这一变化发生背后的原因,商品因素应该说是其中一个重要的推动力。马克思认为推动社会进步最为活跃、最为有力的因素就是商品的流动,这是推动社会发展由静态向动态变化的根本原因。战国时期是中国历史上第一个商品经济发展高峰,这一时期的商品贸易活动极为繁荣,这是摧毁旧势力建立新秩序的重要动力。同时,因为商品贸易的发展,战国时期又是我国货币经济的开始确立期,这一时期丰富的货币即是商品贸易繁荣的产物和表现,又为我们提供了认识该时期商品贸易进步的重要实物。因此,本文的写作选择以货币入手,来对战国时期的商品贸易发展与繁荣情况进行初步的研究。关于具体的写作,本文主体将主要从以下三部分展开:第一部分,对战国之前的货币和商品贸易情况进行论述。因为战国时期货币大多产生在此期间,且这一时期的商品贸易发展为战国时期的贸易繁荣奠定了基础和条件。同时该部分的内容铺垫,更能凸显出战国时期的商品贸易发展相比前期有了明显的进步;第二部分,主要论述战国时期的货币和商品贸易繁荣状况。具体的章节则又包括战国经济发展的时代背景、战国时期货币的特点和战国货币反映出的商品贸易繁荣三部分内容展开。本章是全文的重点所在;第三部分,对战国时期商品贸易发展繁荣的原因进行分析。具体则包括社会制度、商品生产、商品流通和其他原因四个主要方面。

【Abstract】 Warring States period of Chinese history in the development process is a more special and important time, on the one hand the old social system and cultural impact has not fully dissipated, on the other hand new and innovative social change it is a breakthrough, as it the Warring States period, showed the coexistence of old and new elements without changing characteristics. Precise, this change has already begun from the Spring and Autumn period, but by the late Spring and Autumn in a few hundred years time and cleaned up the reconstruction, to the late Warring States, when it can be said a new structure has been the basic social framework established, and later in China over 2000 years of centralized rule basis. Explore the reasons behind this change occurs, it should be said commodity factor is an important driving force.Marx believed that the most active in promoting social progress, the most powerful factor is the flow of goods, which is the promotion of social development from static to dynamic changes in the underlying causes.Warring States period in Chinese history development of the first peak of the commodity economy, commodity trading activities during this period of great prosperity, which is the destruction of the old forces, an important driving force to establish a new order. Meanwhile, as the goods trade, China’s Warring States period is the beginning of the establishment of a money economy, the wealth of money during the commodity trade and prosperity is a product and performance, but also provides us know the progress of the important period of physical merchandise trade. Therefore, this choice of money to start writing to the Warring States period on the development and prosperity of the commodity trade conducted a preliminary study.,On the specific writing, this article will mainly start from the following three parts: The first part, before the Warring States currency and commodity trade situation discussed. Warring States period, mostly because of money generated in this period, and the development of commodity trade in this period of trade and prosperity to the Warring States period laid the foundation and conditions. At the same time that part of the contents of the bedding, better highlights the development of the Warring States period compared to pre-merchandise trade has been significant progress; The second part, discusses the Warring States period of prosperity in the currency and commodities trading. Specific sections in turn includes the background of the Warring States era of economic development, the characteristics of the Warring States Period and the Warring States currency currency reflected in merchandise trade boom started three sections. This chapter is the focus of full text.The third part, on the Warring States period, development and prosperity of merchandise trade to analyze the causes. Specifically include the social system, commodity production and circulation of commodities and other causes in four main areas.

【关键词】 货币商品贸易战国时期发展繁荣
【Key words】 CurrencyMerchandise tradeWarring States periodDevelopingProsperity

