

【作者】 韩增虎

【导师】 马亚妮;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在运动训练中,疲劳出现是正常的现象,训练也必须达到一定的疲劳程度,才能引起机体的剧烈变化而产生适应,从而提高身体的各个方面的机能,取得训练效果。开展人类疲劳的研究,至今已有100多年的历史。生理学家们从各个角度对运动性疲劳进行研究,其中,运动性疲劳产生的生理机制一直是世界各国运动生理学领域研究的焦点。其运动学原因是人在不断运动过程中骨和肌肉会反复受力,当这种反复作用的力超过某一生理限度时会使骨或肌肉组织受到损伤;其生理生化原因可以概括为:能源的消耗,肝糖原等过量消耗导致血糖下降;疲劳物质在体内积累,乳酸和蛋白质分解物大量存留在体内,引起体内环境的变化,包括体液的酸碱平衡、渗透压平衡、离子分布等的变化或破坏及不能完全适应各种应激反应。在竞技体育快速发展的今天,寻求增强运动员体质和提高运动能力、尽快消除疲劳、无副作用、不含违禁成份的药物和食物,是国内外所有体育科研人员致力研究的重要课题。中医药在消除运动性疲劳和增强运动能力方面有其独特的优势。本实验运用了祖国传统医学足底反射疗法对人体的心、肺、脾、肝、肾的足底反射区进行刺激,为足底反射疗法消除机体由于运动导致的疲劳的应用和开发提供理论依据。此实验选择的实验对象为陕西省体育训练中心中长跑、竞走运动员男女共20名,采用中药复方对足底反射区进行刺激,取施药前基本数值作为对照组数值,训练强度、饮食等客观指标保持不变,运动员采血均在每月最后一周的周一清晨7:00到8:00之间,采时均为空腹、清醒、安静状态,女运动员如遇月经期,则在月经结束1天后进行采血。对睾酮、血尿素氮、肌酸激酶、白细胞、红细胞、红细胞压积、血小板和血红蛋白等8项血液生化指标进行跟踪监测。实验结果:(1)中药复方敷贴运动员足底反射区能提高运动员安静状态下体内睾酮含量。(2)中药复方敷贴运动员足底反射区能使运动员安静状态下体内血红蛋白的含量升高。(3)中药复方敷贴运动员足底反射区能降低运动员安静状态下体内肌酸激酶的含量。(4)中药复方敷贴运动员足底反射区能降低运动员安静状态下体内血尿素氮的含量。(5)中药复方敷贴运动员足底反射区能提高运动员安静状态下体内红细胞、红细胞压积、白细胞和血小板的含量。结论:中药复方敷贴运动员足底反射区能调节机体内分泌系统,可以提高机体能量储备和供能,提高机体的免疫能力和运动能力,改善运动训练对机体造成的某些不良影响,促进运动疲劳的恢复。

【Abstract】 In sports training, fatigue is a normal phenomenon occurs, the training must also reach a certain level of fatigue, can cause dramatic changes in the body resulting from the body to adapt and improve the aspect of ability to achieve results of training. To carry out the study of human fatigue and has more than 100 years of history. Physiologist from various angles to study exercise-induced fatigue, where fatigue resulting from exercise-induced physiological mechanism has been the world’s focus of research in the field of exercise physiology. Kinematics due to its continuous movement of people in the process will be repeated in the bone and muscle force,When this repeated the role of the force exceeds a certain physical limits to make bone or muscle tissue damaged; its physiological and biochemical reasons can be summarized as:energy consumption, such as excessive consumption of liver glycogen, blood glucose decline; fatigue substances accumulate in the body, lactic acid and protein decomposition of a large number of retention in the body, the body changes in the environment, including body fluid acid-base balance, ion distribution and osmotic pressure changes in balance or damage and can not fully adapt to a variety of stress response. In the rapid development of sports today, athletes seeking to enhance physique and improve athletic ability, as soon as possible to eliminate fatigue, does not contain prohibited ingredients, no side-effects of drugs and Food and are committed to domestic and international sports scientists an important research subject. Traditional Chinese Medicine in the elimination of exercise-induced fatigue and enhancing athletic ability has its unique advantages. This experiment is the use of Chinese traditional medicine health foot reflexology to the heart, lung, spleen, liver, kidney reflex zone stimulation, with the basic theories of Chinese traditional medicine to explain the reasons for fatigue caused by movement:Shaanxi Province in this experiment targeted at middle-distance sports training center, walking a total of 20 male and female athletes, using Chinese herbal compound on the plantar reflex areas to stimulate, take the basic value of the former pesticide as a control group values, training intensity, diet and other objective indicators of non-changed, the athletes were blood the last week of each month 7:00 to 8:00 Monday morning between the hours taken are fasting, sober, quiet state, female athletes, such as the event of menstrual period, then the end of a days later in menstrual blood. Of testosterone, blood urea nitrogen, creatine kinase, white blood cells, red blood cells, hematocrit, platelet and hemoglobin and other blood biochemical indicators of eight tracking and monitoring.Of testosterone, blood urea nitrogen, creatine kinase, white blood cells, red blood cells, hematocrit, platelet and hemoglobin and other blood biochemical indicators of eight tracking and monitoring.The experimental results:(1) external application of Chinese medicine compound athletes foot reflex zones in the quiet mode can improve the athlete body testosterone levels. (2) external application of Chinese medicine compound athletes, athletes foot reflex zones in the quiet state of the body make hemoglobin content height. (3) external application of Chinese medicine compound athletes foot reflex zones can reduce the athletes quiet state levels of creatine kinase in vivo. (4) external application of Chinese medicine compound athletes foot reflex zones can reduce the quiet state athlete blood urea nitrogen content of the body.(5) external application of Chinese medicine compound athletes foot reflex zones in the quiet mode can improve the athlete in vivo red blood cells, hematocrit, WBC and platelet levels.Conclusion:Chinese herbal compound Dressing athletes foot reflex zones in the body can regulate the endocrine system, can improve the body’s energy reserves and energy supply, improve the body’s immune ability and athletic ability, to improve exercise training on the body caused by certain adverse effects, the promotion of exercise-induced fatigue recovery.


