

【作者】 高炜

【导师】 蒙林;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 等离子体物理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高功率微波(HPM)技术是上世纪70年代以来产生的一门新兴学科,是脉冲功率技术与等离子体物理学及电真空技术相结合的产物。军事应用和工业应用的需求,驱动了高功率微波的全面飞速发展。而回旋管,作为一种基于电子回旋谐振受激辐射机理的快波器件,工作频率范围宽,特别是在毫米和亚毫米波段,能产生高脉冲峰值功率和连续波功率。对于先进加速器、等离子体加热、雷达、微波武器、通讯及电子对抗等领域有很大应用价值,在世界上各个国家的科学研究中得到了广泛重视。在我国,电子科技大学在七十年代后期,由刘盛纲院士牵头开始了对电子回旋脉塞及器件的研究。此后,在李宏福教授的带领下,一大批研究人员针对回旋管进行了大量的研究工作。2001年,成功研制出世界上第一支8mm三次谐波永磁包装回旋管。国际上,除了对8 mm波段的回旋管进入了深入研究,对于大气窗口——3mm波段的回旋管器件的研究也初见端倪。3mm波段的回旋管具有自己特别的优势,在微波武器、雷达、等离子体加热等方面有着极其广泛的应用。但国内针对94GHz的回旋管的研究较少。因此,本文的创新之处在于,应用电子回旋脉塞的线性理论,设计了一只工作在94GHz的单腔回旋管振荡器,并通过大量的粒子模拟工作对各项参数进行了优化,大大提高了回旋管的输出功率和注波互作用效率,这为将来可能的研制94GHz的单腔回旋振荡管提供了可靠依据。具体工作如下:首先根据回旋管线性理论,计算回旋管的起振电流和引导磁场以排除模式竞争,计算注波耦合系数得到电子注引导半径,并初步设计回旋管的几何尺寸。通过MAGIC粒子模拟软件对初步得到的各项参数进行验证,并通过大量模拟工作观察不同参数对输出功率和注波互作用效率的影响,最后给出经过优化后的各项参数值参数。

【Abstract】 The High Power Microwave (HPM) technology as a combination of pulse power technology, plasma physics and vacuum electron device is a rising science in the 1970s. The demands from military and industry urged this new science to develop dramatically. The gyrotron, as a kind of fast-wave vacuum electron device based on electron cyclotron maser instability, can generate high pulse power and continuous power by diverse ways at a wide frequency scope. The numerous and significant applications in accelerator, plasma heating, radar, microwave weapon, communication and electron rivalry has lead to much respect in the world.In the later of 1970’s, Prof. Liu Shenggang started the research on electron cyclotron maser which is the first step of domestic research in this field. Later, a plenty of researchers leaded by Prof. Li Hongfu have done much research work on gyrotron and successfully developed a first Ka band third harmonic gyrotron oscillator with a permanent magnet system in 2001. Besides lots of development on the 8mm band gyrotron, many scientists in the world have focused on the research of the 3mm band gyrotron. As atmospheric window, the 3mm gyrotron has its own advantages, and has been applied in many areas such as radar, microwave arms, plasma heating and so on. However, domestic research on 3mm band gyrotron is not plentiful. The paper designed a 3mm band gyrotron oscillator based on the theory of electron cyclotron maser, and made a significant promotion on output power by optimizing parameters related to the gyrotron by PIC. All this work could provide reliable data for experiments on 3mm band gyrotron in future.The main works of this paper are listed as following:According to linear theory of gyrotron, the starting current and working magnetic field has been carried out to suppress competition mode; The coupling coefficient has been carried out to get electron guiding centre radius; Finally the cavity geometry parameters have been calculated initially.With the help of PIC software, MAGIC, the initial parameters have been verified, and the influences, the parameters brought to output power and interaction efficiency have been observed though a mass of PIC work. At the end, the optimize parameters have been listed.


