

【作者】 谢文庆

【导师】 鲁若愚;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中国教育体制改革以后,职业培训作为老牌服务行业,也与时俱进地进入了高速成长和逐步完善期。尤其在加入WTO以后,更多的企业和个人对职业培训表现出了前所未有的关注,逐渐成为了教育消费的又一热点,而其中以企业为代表的订单式职业培训则占到了总量的60%以上。笔者供职的XX高职学院便是众多参与职业培训的高职院校之一,随着培训行业的规模化和规范化不断提高,企业对培训的选择也日趋理性化;由于同行业竞争的加剧以及同质化的服务产品本身已不具备竞争优势,取而代之的是客户满意度的竞争。职业院校要想在竞争中取胜,关键取决于是否具备比竞争对手更强烈的以客户满意为导向的服务意识。本文即在对XX学院的沿革变化较为了解的基础上,以客户满意度作为核心主题,运用客户满意、客户满意度差距模型等现代营销理论,将服务营销中的客户角色、期望、行为、感知与企业的战略、运营、人力资源等管理要素有机的联系在一起,对培训流程及其各阶段的服务差距进行全面的深刻分析,找出影响培训差距的各种因素,并通过规范培训标准、优化培训流程和提升培训人员素质等手段,来弥合培训过程中各阶段的差距,从而缩小客户期望与实际感知之间的差距,制定出与企业实际情况相吻合的、以客户需求为导向的战略战术方案,最终提高职业培训的服务水平,增加客户对培训的满意度。为职业培训行业改进培训质量和解决服务营销问题提供了基本框架和新的优秀分析方法。虽然服务营销涵盖的范围相当广泛,但是国内学术界运用客户满意度差距模型对职业培训行业进行深入研究的并不多。本文仍属于探索性的研究,旨在讨论培训行业在质量管理方面的相关问题,试图采取个案研究和模型应用研究的方法来探索有效的解决方案。相信本文的论点和提出的解决方案能够有效地指导XX学院制定符合当前培训市场需求特征的服务营销策略和以客户满意为导向的职业培训工作发展战略,进而为促进当地培训行业健康有序的发展,并为我国高等职业院校探索发展职业培训事业做出应有的贡献。

【Abstract】 After chinese educational system was reformed, the vocational training, as one of the oldest consulting service field, also entered an accelerated period of development and perfected itself gradually. Especially after China has joined into WTO, more and more Chinese enterprises and individuals pay much attention to vocational training, and the vocational training becomes the new hotspot of consumption, among which 60% is ordered by the enterprises.The training center of XX vocational college, where I am working in is one of the higher vocational colleges in China. But as the standardization of training field, the increase of competition in this field, and the more reasonable choice of enterprises, the real competition among the different vocational colleges is the competition of service quality instead of the products themselves.The key to win for competition lies on the service consciousness to customers, which is directed by the customers’satisfaction and must be stronger than the competors’.On the basis that I know about the development and changes of XX college very well, I connect the role, expectation, behavior, and sense of customers with the strategy, operation, and human resource management of the company together and using the modern marketing theory, for example, model of custumers satisfactory, model of service quality gap etc in order to find out all kinds infuences for the service by the deeply analyzing the training process and the service difference in every steps. The service quality is the core topic. The training center decrease the gaps between the customers’expectation and actually real sense by standardizing the service, optimizing the service work flow and improving the quality of the employees.Than according to the reality the traning center can make out the strategy directed by the customers’ demonds finally the service quality in the vocational training can be improved and the customers’satisfactoury can be increased. This thesis provides not only an excellent and new analyzing method to improve the training quality and to resolve the service marketing problem, but also the basic frame for the service in the vocational training.Though the scale of service marketing is very wide, few researches regarding to the vocational training appear in the academic circles by using the model of service quality gaps. My thesis is only a research for exploration. I am trying to discuss the related problems in the management of service quality in the field of vocational training, and trying to explore the efficient resolving way by using the method of individual and model application research, to improve the service quality and satisfactory degree of customers.I believe the views and resolving methods in my thesis can be helpful and contributed to The training center of XX vocational college to make its service marketing and enterprise development strategy to satisfy the customers, and furthermore, to the whole field of vocational training, and even the higher education of China to be developed healthily.

  • 【分类号】G712
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】196

