

【作者】 郭微

【导师】 周小佳;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着通信技术、计算技术的飞速发展,企业需求日益扩大,信息数据的总量呈爆炸式增长趋势的同时数据的形式也呈现多样化,这必然对设备的存储能力提出了越来越高的要求,存储产品的性能已然成为商家关注的重点,高效和高置信度的存储性能测试工具已经成为研究热点。存储产品的性能不仅体现在出厂时的常规性能指标,如吞吐量、响应时间、支持并发数等,存储设备在真实应用场景下的性能表现更能体现一款产品的核心竞争力。存储设备的性能测试是测试过程中的一个重要环节,合适且置信度高的性能测试工具是存储产品研发过程和产品采购过程所迫切需要的。然而,当前业界存在的一些存储性能测试工具存在一些缺陷,如测试代价昂贵、应用场景有限以及用户体验差等问题。基于以上原因,本文研究并实现了一款通过模拟存储产品的应用场景来对存储进行应用仿真测试的性能测试工具。该工具的测试对象包括DAS(Direct Attached Storage,直连式存储)、NAS(Network Attached Storage,网络附加存储)、SAN(Storage Area Network,存储区域网络)等存储系统,能够模拟的业务场景有普通文件的访问业务、VOD(Video On Demand,在线视频点播)业务、IPTV(Internet Protocol Television,网络电视)业务、NVS(Network Video Supervision,网络视频监控)业务。该工具通过模拟用户在这些场景中对存储的访问模式和IO操作方式对存储进行测试,这样就无需搭建真实的业务平台,可以节省大量的人力和物力。本文在研究主流性能测试工具的工作原理和架构的基础上,采用了自治组件架构进行系统设计。论文在一款实现了自治组件架构的框架(Jsim框架)下搭建系统总体框架并制定了组件间的通信流程。并完成了系统的模块设计。在整个系统设计完成之后,经过大量的检验以及置信度评估工作,证明该工具具有易用性、可扩展性、用户体验性好、高置信度等特点,并在实际工程中得到了应用。

【Abstract】 The equipment was required more and more high storage capacity, with the rapid development of communication and computing technology in recent years. The type of data becomes diversification when the total amount of information data becomes exploding growth. The performance of storage products has become the focus attention of the business.The storage performance testing tools which achieve efficient and high confidence level have become a hotspot of research.The performance of the storage products is embodied less in the factory routine performance indicators, such as throughput, response time, concurrent supported, etc. the core competitiveness embodied more when performance under the specific applications. The performance testing of storage is an important part of the test process, appropriate performance testing tool with high degree of confidence is the urgent need for storage product development process and product procurement process. However, the current existing performance testing tools in the industry have some deficiencies, such as high cost of testing, distortion of testing result, limited scenarios, bad feedback from the clients, etc.Due to these reasons above, this thesis designs and implements a performance testing tool which can make applied simulation testing to the storage through simulating various scenarios of storage. The test objects of the tool include DAS (Direct Attached Storage), NAS (Attached Storage Network), SAN (Storage Area Network) storage system, and the scenarios it can simulate include ordinary file access operations, VOD (Video on Demand Online) business, IPTV (Internet TV) business and NVS (Network Video Monitoring) business. The tool can test the storage by simulating the users’access patterns and IO operation mode. So this can save a lot of manpower and material resources without building real business platform.The thesis uses autonomous component architecture for system design Based on the research of working principle and architecture of the mainstream performance testing tools. The thesis builds the system framework and develops a communication flow between components under the Jsim framework which has implemented ACA framework. And the thesis has complemented the design of each modules of the system. A lot of experiments and confidence assessments have done base on the completed system. Practice has proved that the tool has the characteristics of usability, scalability, great user experience, high confidence and so on. Meanwhile, the tool has been applied in practical projects.


