

【作者】 姜建明

【导师】 祝峰; 魏先民;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 土地开发整理是人类在土地利用实践活动中不断建设土地和重新配置土地的过程。土地开发整理以获取土地利用的社会效益、经济效益、生态效益三者协调统一的综合效益为原则,以保护和改善生态环境为前提,以改善农业生产条件和提高土地的集约化利用程度为手段,以土地资源的可持续利用为最终目标。土地开发整理预算定额计价方式是近几年国家新投资土地开发整理资金的一种有效管理形式。随着国家对土地整理项目资金的逐年增加,项目资金的预算工作越发重要,同时现在工程项目都要通过招投标方式实施。因此,将土地开发整理预算定额软件化也就成了具有重要意义的工作。相对于工业和民用建筑工程造价系统,我国在土地开发整理工程造价系统方面的研究才是刚刚起步。设计与开发出操作简单、规范实用的土地开发整理预算定额软件成了当前非常紧迫的任务。作者在掌握土地开发整理预算定额编制方法的基础上,重点分析了土地开发整理预算定额的结构,并且利用面向对象软件工程方法,对土地开发整理预算定额软件进行了面向对象分析、面向对象设计和面向对象程序设计,在windows平台上成功地开发出操作简单、规范实用的土地开发整理预算定额软件,通过对该软件进行系统测试,表明该软件操作简单、运行可靠,所得结果规范、正确。该软件具有如下优点:定额数据的可见性及可编辑性:可以直接在定额库中查看、查寻、修改,可自由扩充工程定额库、材料数据库、施工机械台班费定额库和设备数据库;操作过程简单快捷:在整个土地开发整理工程预算编制过程中,可以用鼠标来完成软件的所有功能和整个工程造价的编制工作(除了输入工程量和必要的标志性符号);计算速度快、结果准:土地开发整理预算定额软件所有内部自动计算均是根据有关文件规定设计,确保了计算结果的准确性;并且所有计算取费费率都可自由设定,确保软件的实用性和通用性;输出表格规范灵活:软件的报表格式完全按照土地开发整理预算定额编制文件的规定,保证输出的工程造价表格规范、美观,并且可自动调整页面和自由定制输出报表格式。使用该软件可以使原来花费一个月时间编制的工程造价能够在几个小时内就可以准确完成,大大的提高了工效和准确性。该软件的使用将土地开发整理预算编制水平的提升到了一个展新的高度。

【Abstract】 The land development and consolidation is the process of construction land and reconfigure land In human land use practice. The land development and consolidation principle is land use social benefit, economic, ecological three comprehensive benefits, premise is to protect and improve the ecological environment, means to improve conditions for agricultural production and raise the level of land intensive use, the ultimate goal is the sustainable utilization of land resources. The land development and consolidation budget quota valuation method is an effective form of management for the land development and consolidation of national new investment funds in recent years. Along with the state of land arrangement project funds increased year by year, the project budget work more important, and now the bidding project implementation ways. Therefore, the land development and consolidation budget norm software has become the important significance of the work. In china, relative to the industrial and civil engineering cost system, the land consolidation project cost system research is just getting started. Design and develop simple operation, standardize practical land development and consolidation budget norm software has very urgent task.Based on the mastery of the method for working out the cost of the land development and consolidation budget norm,the author analyze the structure of the cost of the land development and consolidation budget norm emphatically, then, object-oriented analysis, and object-oriented design, and object-oriented programming for the cost system of the land development and consolidation budget norm are processed with the method of the object-oriented software engineering, and the cost system of the land development and consolidation budget norm in operation simply and in wide use has been developed successfully on the flat of windows. At last, system testing for the cost system of the land development and consolidation budget norm is carried out, as indicates the system runs stably and its results are in according to the related requirements.This software has the following advantages:Fixed data visibility and editable: Can directly in the norm in view, search, modify, free expansion project quota, materials, construction machinery database platform BanFei norm and equipment database;Simple and easy to operate:Throughout the land development and consolidation of engineering cost, can use the mouse to finish all the functions and the software engineering cost(except the input quantities and necessary iconic symbol);Computing speed and Results allowed:The land development and consolidation budget norm all internal automatic calculation software is designed according to the relevant documents, to ensure the accuracy of the calculation results, And all the calculation for freedom can be set, rate of practical and universal that software;Output form standard flexible:The report form completely according to the software for land development and consolidation of budget norm prepares documents, ensure the engineering cost form output, beautiful, and can automatically adjust the page and free custom output statements format.Use of this software can make originally spend a month of project cost in a couple of hours to complete, accurate can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy.The use of the software will land development and consolidation budgeting level of ascension to a new height solo.

  • 【分类号】F224;F301
  • 【下载频次】167

