

【作者】 李飞雄

【导师】 吴满意;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 媒介产业是中国从计划经济向市场经济转轨过程中出现的新概念。经过二十年发展,我国的媒介产业发展取得了一些成绩,媒体“事业性质,企业管理”的模式得到认同。媒介产业在长期的发展过程中形成了自身的一些特色:单一体制、多方式运作、多特色竞争;媒介体制改革中既有“变”,又有“不变”,媒介的核心领导由来自上层建筑的行政权力来决定,政府成为媒介产业化改革的宏观发动者、决策者、组织者和监督调控者等。在此过程中,那些能够熟练进行资源整合和资产重组的媒体,更是已经为其它媒体的发展提供了一些可借鉴的“成功模式”。伴随着市场经济的不断深化,我国媒介产业正经历着从意识形态媒介向产业经营媒介的过渡,媒介的产业化已成为中国媒介业改革的一个重要标识。在媒介产业中,媒介产品占有重要地位。媒介产品、广告产品和娱乐产品是当代媒介媒介生产的三个层次,媒介产品占有首要的地位。提高媒介产品的质量,是奠定媒介产业的基础。媒介产业若要健康的可持续发展,就必须要重视媒介诚信、广告诚信以及舆论监督对媒介产业发展的影响,因为只有当媒介本身具有足够的公信力,才能发挥媒介的影响力,媒体的目的并不在于改变受众的态度或是说服受众接受媒体的观点,而是要通过沟通与对话让受众认同。更确切的说,要通过平等的交流和内心的碰撞,产生情感上的共鸣,才能从根本上提升媒体产业的价值链和竞争力。本论文从中国媒体改革的现实出发,在梳理中国媒介产业化发展轨迹和中国媒介产业特征以及发展迟缓的原因的基础上,较为系统的探讨了中国媒介产业生存发展的两大核心问题,即以诚信为特征的媒体产品质量和以资本为龙头的媒介产业生存动力。本文认为提高媒介产品的质量,是奠定媒介产业的基础,不在做好媒介方面下工夫,媒介产业的根基是脆弱的。而媒介产业若要健康的可持续发展,就必须要重视媒介诚信、广告诚信以及舆论监督对媒介产业发展的影响,因为只有当媒介本身具有足够的公信力,才能发挥媒介的影响力。我国媒介产业资本运作的功能从宏观上看,一是推动了媒介产业的市场化进程,二是成为推动媒介产业体制转变的现实力量。从微观上看,媒介资本运营也能够在短期内解决媒介集团发展所需要的资金问题,有利于媒介集团的规模化、集约化经营,增强整体竞争力。

【Abstract】 China’s media industry is a new concepts in the process from planned economy to market economy. After 20 years of development, China’s media industry has made some achievements: the nature of enterprise management model was accepted. In the development of long-term process the media industry shape some of its features: a single system, multi-mode operation of the multi-feature competition; media reform in both "change", and "no change", the core of the leadership of the media from the top Construction of the administrative power to decide, the Government has become the media industry to launch the reform of the macro, policy makers, organizers of the regulation and supervision, and other persons. In the process, those who are able to carry out skilled resources and assets reorganization of the media, but also for the development of other media can learn from some of the "successful model." With the deepening of the market economy, China’s media industry is experiencing a term from the ideological to the media industry’s transition to operate media. Product news occupies an important position in the media industry. Product news, advertising and entertainment media is a contemporary of the three levels of production, product news primacy. To improve the quality of information products is laying the foundation for the media industry. It is necessary to attach importance to news integrity, honesty, as well as advertising media, public opinion on the development of the industry.Only when the media itself has sufficient credibility can play an influential media.The media and the purpose does not lie in changing the attitude of the audience or the media to convince the audience point of view, and through communication and dialogue so that the audience recognition. At the same time, there should be an equal exchange of the heart and a collision, resulting in emotional resonance in order to fundamentally improve the media industry’s value chain and competitiveness.In this paper we will research the reality of reform of the Chinese media, as well as the reasons for the slow development on the basis of the system is more of China’s media industry’s survival and development of the two core issues, that is, the credibility of the media features of the quality of products and capital as the leading driving force for the survival of the media industry. This article holds that to improve the quality of products is laying the foundation for the media industry. With out a good job in the media, the media industry is a fragile foundation. It is necessary to attach importance to media credibility, integrity, as well as advertising media, public opinion on the development of the industry to lead the media industry to a healthy sustainable development. Only when the media itself has sufficient credibility can it play the media’s influence. China’s media operations at the industrial capital is one of the media industry to promote the marketization process from the macro point of view. The other is to become the media industry to promote institutional change in the reality of force. From the micro point of view, the media capital can operate in the short term to address the development needs of the media group’s financing that will help the media group’s large-scale, intensive management, and enhance overall competitiveness.


