

【作者】 方红森

【导师】 谢梅;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 涉案报道与司法公正的关系问题研究属于传媒与司法关系问题之一,也是新闻法学这一重大课题的内容之一。它与新闻法学研究同时出现,但被关注的程度却因时期而异。近年来,随着我国传媒业的迅速发展,传媒影响力日益扩大,传媒与司法的相关研究也越来越受传播学界和法学界学者们关注。为了进一步探讨传媒报道与司法公正之间的关系,分析传媒报道对司法公正所产生的影响,本文将以涉案报道为研究对象,分析涉案报道的传媒、法制环境,涉案报道受众的媒介素养等问题。本文通过对我国涉案报道的内涵、文本以及其影响司法公正的现状进行介绍,对涉案报道中的特殊主体与其动机提出认识,在此基础上运用传播学的相关理论对涉案报道对司法公正产生影响的作用机制进行分析。从一个新的视角去探析在我国特有的司法现状与传媒生态背景下,涉案报道是如何对司法公正的实现产生影响的。通过上述分析,本文力图指出涉案报道影响司法公正的作用机制,将涉案报道与司法公正之间的互动过程予以展现。最后,本文还依据涉案报道影响司法公正的作用机制,指出提高司法从业人员的传媒素养和提高传媒工作人员的法律素养之必要性。本文的研究主要通过理论分析与案例分析相结合的方法,从而得出有益于理论联系实际的思考。

【Abstract】 The relationship between news report concerning about cases and fair justice is a part of the relationship between Media and judicature. It’s also a detail of Press law. It appeared with the research of Press law, but the level of being pay close attention is different in various periods. In recent years, the rapid development of Media industry is strengthening the Media influence gradually, making investigator pay more attention to these areas. In order to investigate this issue further, the author will study the background, the media literacy of audience of news report concerning about cases et cetera. This paper introduced the current situation of news report concerning about cases affecting fair justice by talking about its connotation and text, discussing the special subjects and their motivation. Then the author will analyze the mechanism by which the news report concerning about cases effect the Justice, applying related theories of Communication. This article will also investigate that how the news report concerning about cases acting on the realization of justice. A new perspective of this paper is all research is run in view of the present Chinese judicial situation and the Media background. Through above analysis, the author is trying to indicate the mechanism and the interactive course between news report and Justice. Finally, it is necessary to improve the media literacy of justice practitioners and the legal literacy of media worker. Using the method of combining theoretical analysis and case analysis, this text will reach some conclusion that is benefit for practice.

【关键词】 涉案报道司法公正机制
【Key words】 News report concerning about casesJusticemechanism

