

【作者】 窦智童

【导师】 杨峰;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着雷达系统和长距离通讯的蓬勃发展,高增益天线变得必不可少。相比传统的抛物面天线和相控阵天线,微带平板反射阵天线具有剖面低、质量轻、效率高、方向图可重构、加工方便等优势,应用前景十分广阔。本文首先对微带平板反射阵天线的研究进展和热点问题进行了归纳总结,介绍了其基本原理。其次在对各种微带贴片单元进行分析和比较的基础上,阐述了展宽平板反射阵天线带宽的方法,并利用双圆环微带单元设计和制作了带宽为20%的Ku频段圆口径平板反射阵天线,实测结果与仿真结果基本吻合;提出了一种双频(Ku/Ka)共口面平板反射阵天线设计方案,利用频率选择表面(FSS)取代上层Ka阵面金属地板,以减小两层阵面间的相互影响,仿真结果表明天线性能良好,很好地解决了口径复用问题。最后介绍了矩形贴片极化变换的基本原理和栅格平板反射阵天线的设计步骤,并对模型进行了仿真分析;设计制作了一款Ku频段偏馈卫星电视接收天线,实测结果表明其具备较好的方向图及较佳的信号接收质量。

【Abstract】 With the development of radar system and long distance communications, the needfor high gain antenna is unavoidable. Compared with traditional parabolic antennas andphased arrays, reflectarray is lower in profile, lighter in weight, higher in efficiency, andcheaper in cost. The radiation patterns of reflectarray can be reconfigured and the usageof which will be widely spread in the future.First of all, the history and recent development of reflectarray is introduced andconcluded in this paper.Secondly, detailed analysis and comparison are carried out to the phase curve of allkinds microstrip patches. Based on the theory of enhancing the bandwidth ofreflectarray, a Ku band reflectarray with double ring structure elements is designed andmanufactured. The measuring result implies that the gain and bandwidth matches wellto the simulation results. After that, the design principle of dual band co-aperturereflectarray is presented in this paper. A FSS structure is utilized as the metal ground ofKa band layer, with the existence of which interferes between two layers is minimizedto a relative low level. Simulation result shows that the performance of FSS backedreflectarray is almost the same compared with ground plane backed counterpart atcentral frequency.In order to reduce the vertical dimension of reflectarray, a folded structure withpolarizing grids is introduced and the design principle is also concluded. Simulationresult shows that the polarizing grids bring a little drawback to the performance ofreflectarray when the vertical dimension of reflectarray is cut down to a half. At last, anoffset feed reflectarray for DBS is designed and manufactured with a relative goodperformance.


