

【作者】 李文

【导师】 祝小宁;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人口和计划生育管理的重点、难点在基层,在农村。乡村管理机制的选择和优化,直接影响着乡村行政管理职能、公共管理职能群众管理作用的发挥,体现着执政党执政能力和公共管理水平的高低。当前农村人口管理呈现出前所未有的复杂局面。人口惯性增长势头依然强劲,给经济社会发展带来严峻挑战;人口素质总体水平不高,难以适应激烈的综合国力竞争的要求;劳动年龄人口数量庞大,就业形势更加严峻;人口老龄化日益加重,社会保障面临空前压力;出生人口性别比居高不下,给社会稳定带来隐患;流动迁移人口持续增加,对公共资源配置构成巨大挑战;贫困人口结构趋于多元,促进社会均衡发展的任务十分艰巨。随着人本执政,科学执政、以法执政和公共管理服务理念的提出和实施,现行的乡村人口和计划生育管理机制存在着不协调、不适应、不对称、不匹配、不符合等突出问题。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,以公共治理理论、可持续发展理论、人口控制理论和计划生育理论为指导,以沧州市乡村人口计划生育管理的发展历程和现状为线索,研究分析了沧州市乡村人口计生管理在定位、有效性、机制、体制等方面存在的主要问题,对沧州市乡村人口计生管理在走向、途径、体制、等方面进行了完善分析,并尝试提出了结论和验证,提出了建立完善乡村人口计划生育管理体制、机制、手段、方法的对策和思路,力图构建一个与新形势发展要求相适应的乡村人口计划生育管理新机制。

【Abstract】 The key of population and family planning management is difficult at the grassroots level in village. The selection and optimization of village management system will directly impact on rural administrative functions, public administration functions, and mass management role. It’s embodies the party’s power capacity and the level of public management of water. Currently rural administration there has been a complicated situation than anyone before: Inertia momentum of population growth is still strong, to pose serious challenges to economic and social development, and the overall level of population quality is not high, it is difficult to adapt to fierce competition in comprehensive national strength requirements. There are the large number of working-age people, the employment situation is more severe, aging of the population is increasing, Social Security is facing unprecedented pressure: high sex ratio at birth, to the hidden dangers of social stability; mobile migration continued population increase, public resources constitutes a great challenge; poor population prone to pluralism, to promote balanced social development is a huge task. As the people of this ruling, scientifically, the ruling of law and public management concept proposed and implemented, the existing management of the rural population and family planning, there is lack of coordination mechanisms, suited, asymmetry, do not match, do not meet such prominent problems . In this paper, drawing on the basis of previous research, administrative organization theory, public management theory and family planning theory as a guide to family planning management of the rural population in Cangzhou City, the development process and status of the clues, analysis of the rural population and family planning in Cangzhou City management orientation, effectiveness, mechanism, structure and other aspects of the main problems and demands of the rural population and family planning management Cangzhou direction, mechanism, structure, performance and other aspects of the conduct of a sound analysis, and try to put forward conclusions and verification proposes the establishment of improved rural population and family planning management system, mechanism, means, methods, responses and ideas, trying to build a new situation and suited to the development of the rural population and family planning management of the new system.

  • 【分类号】C924.21
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】114

