

【作者】 解宝祥

【导师】 武保剑;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 光学工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 鉴于磁光Bragg器件在信息处理及光通信领域的广阔应用前景及其并行处理优势,本文研究了多频静磁波对脉冲导波光的衍射作用理论,为相关实验的开展以及器件的应用提供理论指导。主要内容包括以下几点:1.描述了多个不同频率的静磁波与导波光脉冲的多级衍射过程。分析了三频情形下,衍射光光态的产生及转移特点,给出衍射光状态的计算公式。详细推导了它们相互作用的耦合模方程,给出了在小信号情形下,耦合模方程解析解,它是研究磁光多频衍射特性的基础。2.研究了多频静磁波与导波光脉冲作用时,静磁波频率间隔设置的原则,当多频静磁波的频率间隔增大,衍射光脉冲之间的均衡性变差,对应的-3dB均衡带宽约为40MHz。多频静磁波对导波光的衍射光脉冲的峰值强度随入射导波光脉冲宽度的增加逐渐接近连续导波光情形;当入射导波光脉冲宽度大于1.1ps时,可按多频静磁波对连续导波光的作用来处理。3.给出了一种多频磁光器件在光分组系统中的应用方案,主要分析了三个方面的问题:(1)利用微波磁光调制器产生光标签;(2)利用磁光衍射的特性擦除光标签,滤除干扰信号;(3)利用磁光开关读取标签信息。

【Abstract】 Magneto-optical bragg devices has a very broad application prospects in the field of information processing and optical communication and the advantage of parallel processing. This paper studies on the theory of the effects of multi-frequency magneto-optical on the pulse guided optical wave and provide theoretical guidance for the carrying out of corresponding experiments and the application of the device.The main contents include the following:1. Describes the Multi-stage diffraction process of the interaction between the pulsed guided optical wave and simultaneous causation of several different frequencies of MSW and analyzes the production of diffraction state and transferring characteristics under the tri-band case. The article gives the formula of diffraction state. And deduces the coupled mode equations of the interaction between the pulse guided wave and tri-band MSW, presents the coupled mode equation analytic solution in the small signal cases.2. Studies the principle of MSW frequency interval when pulse guided waves interacting with Multi-frequency MSW. When the frequency interval of Multi-frequency MSW increases, the balance between the diffraction pulses decrease, and the corresponding -3dB balanced bandwidth is about 40MHz. When pulsed guided waves interacting with Multi-frequency MSW, the case of peak intensity of diffraction pulse gradually getting close to continuous guided waves with the increasing of the width of incident guided wave pulse. When the incident guided wave pulse width is greater than 1.1ps, it can be handled as the effect multi-frequency MSWon continuous guided wave.3. A novel scheme of the application of magneto-optical devices in optical packet is proposed. And it mainly analyses three aspects problems: (1) Use the magneto-optical modulator to generate optical labels; (2) Erase optical tag, filter out interfering signals; (3) Use opticalswitch to read label information.


