

Research on Pension System of Communist Party of China(1949-1966)

【作者】 谢苗

【导师】 田海林;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中共党史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 抚恤制度是随着国家的产生而建立的,是伴随着战争的存在和军队的产生而产生的,中国历朝历代统治者都将抚恤看做是激励军人斗志和士气、精忠报国、维护国家和军队稳定的一项重要国策加以重视,抚恤随着统治阶级政权巩固的需要和社会政治、经济、文化、军事的发展程度而不断完善。1949——1966年间,中国共产党的抚恤事业不断发展,在取得了显著成就的同时,也存在着一定的问题。本文对建国前中共在各个历史时期的抚恤政策做了简单的回顾,系统的梳理了新中国成立之后的前十七年间对革命残废军人、烈属军属等社会特殊群体的抚恤政策进行了重点考察,从政策层面基本复原了该时期中共抚恤问题的历史原貌,最后通过总结该时期抚恤的历史影响与存在的问题,得出了对新时期抚恤工作的现实启示。本文首先阐述了中国共产党在新中国成立之前各个历史时期的抚恤政策,即建党初期、国共十年对峙时期、抗日战争时期、解放战争时期的抚恤政策,这一系列的抚恤政策对新时期抚恤政策的制定提供了很好的借鉴。其次阐述了1949——1966年中国共产党的抚恤政策。由于建国之前中国共产党并没有制定出全国范围内的统一的抚恤法律规范,抚恤工作并没有统一的法律依据,所以,1949——1966年的抚恤工作是非常繁重的。中国共产党根据当时中国社会的经济情况以及需要抚恤的群体,具体问题具体分析,制定了大量有关抚恤的条例规章,内容详细,涉及面广泛,对抚恤工作的开展产生了积极的影响。再次阐述了1949——1966年中国共产党的抚恤实践。在一系列抚恤政策的指导下,中国共产党在全国范围内对革命残废军人、革命工作人员、民兵民工及其家属、烈属开展了大量有意义的抚恤工作,比如实行生产优待(代耕和优待劳动日)、广泛开展大量的拥军优属活动等等。这不但切实的解决了他们的生活困难问题,同时也大力弘扬了革命烈士的英勇牺牲的大无畏精神,效果明显,意义深远。最后阐述了1949——1966年中国共产党抚恤政策的历史启示。主要包括1949——1966年中国共产党抚恤政策执行过程中存在的问题及原因分析,抚恤政策的现实作用以及新时期如何做好抚恤工作。

【Abstract】 Research on Pension system is established as the county’s produced,and is generated by the presence of war and military.The rulers of successive Chinese dynasties regarded pension as an important national policy.because it can encourage solideres to fight bravely for their motherland and keep the state and the army be stable.Pension system has continuous improved perfectly as the needs of the ruling class to consolidate their power and the development of socio-political, economic,cultural and military development.The business of Communist Party of China has made remarkable achievements during1949 to1966, however,there are some problems and limitations.Main content of the thesis has three parts.The first part expounds the history and origin of Chinese’pension s.On one hand,it introduces the pension of the period during the slave society and feudal society. The pension which in the Qing Dynasty has reached the most complete level in the ancient feudal dynasties. On the other hand,it introduces the Communist Party of China’s pension policy in various historical periods before the establishment of new China,including the early years of Communist Party of China’s establishment、the confrontation between 1927 and 1937、the war of Anti-Japanese、the War of Liberation.These series of pension policies have provided a good reference to the Pension Policy in a new period. The second part produces the Communist Party of China’s pension policy during 1949 to 1966. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China ,The great Chinese people fought a bloody war and finally achieved a great victory for the new democratic revolution.Because the Communist Party of China has not made a unified national pension laws and regulations within China before 1949,compensation work hasn’t a unified legal basis, pension is very heavy during 1949 to 1966. The Communist Party of China analyzed the specific issues,and made a large number of detailed and wide-ranging pension laws and regulations according to the economic conditions of Chinese society and the need of pension groups.The third part produces the Communist Party of China’s compassionate practice. Under the guidance of the series of pension policy, the Communist Party of China has carried out a large of number of meaningful and compassionate work for the disabled veterans、the revolutionary workers,migrant workers and families of martyrs and their dependents,such as the implementation of the production privileges (privileges of farm work and work day),a wide range considerable amount of the YongJunYongShu campaigns . These practices have far-reaching effect and influence,it not only solved the practical difficulties of their lives, but also carried forward the dauntless spirit of revolutionary martyrs and heroic solideres.The fourth part describes the Inspiration of the Communist Party of China’s pension policy during 1949 to 1966.Mainly including the problems、limitations、function and role of reality of Communist Party of China’s pension policy during 1949 to 1966,and how to do pension work in the new period. As long as we do some certain pension work acrooding to pension laws;make the society pay more attention to pension works; carry out the work to eliminate corruption in pension work resolutely,increase transparency adhere to the principle of fair and open make our country’s pension policy keep pace with the times at the guidance of scientific development concept,the work of China’s pension will make greater progress and have greater positive impact.


