

The Research of the Poems and the Essays of Luoyin

【作者】 孙兴国

【导师】 赵海菱;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文的研究对象是晚唐诗人罗隐的诗文著作,研究的方法是从文献学和文学的角度探讨罗隐诗文著作的文学价值和文献贡献。论文共分如下章节:第一章《绪论》:本论文研究动机和目的在于考证罗隐生平简谱和科举经历,考辨其诗文著作的真伪,挖掘其诗文著作的文献价值,观照其文学成就和历史贡献,从而重新审视罗隐在文学史、思想史和学术史的地位和价值。前人研究情况主要集中在罗隐生平事迹、著作版本流传、诗文辑校笺注和诗文艺术特色四个方面,于罗隐生平系年、著作版本辨伪和诗文艺术影响等方面还有待探讨。本论文研究范围主要限定在罗隐传世诗文著作:《甲乙集》、《谗书》、《两同书》、《广陵妖乱志》和后人集辑的《杂著》等。研究方法是深化罗隐著作的文献考辨研究,文史相证,考察罗隐生平简谱和科举经历;文史结合,考辨罗隐传世著作版本源流与真伪,进而探讨其诗文艺术成就以及其对后世文学的影响和功绩。第二章《罗隐简谱》:以民国汪德振《罗隐年谱》为底本,参考《唐五代文学编年史》等著作,以前辈学者的辛勤考证成果为依据,以系年的方式重新梳理罗隐一生交游、科举等人生经历,同时简要介绍其历史背景。第三章《科举考》:对罗隐一生参加过的科举经历予以考证和说明第四章《罗隐诗歌艺术研究》:以诗歌接受美学角度从历代文学评论家的各种评价中,总结出罗隐诗歌的美学特质是“峭直”。罗隐诗歌题材主要分四种:激浊扬清的咏史怀古诗;情真意挚的献酬寄赠诗;悲怀沧桑的感怀行旅诗;寓意兴寄的咏物讽喻诗;罗隐诗歌的好议论,喜用俗字、虚词的散文化特征,标志着重神韵的唐诗向重理致的宋诗的转型过渡。第五章《罗隐文章研究》:晚唐文坛唯美主义骈文复兴的同时,以罗隐、皮日休等人为代表的现实主义小品文异军突起。作为罗隐小品文代表作,《谗书》的最初功用是罗隐科举时的行卷,是行卷文学的典范,其犀利的批判锋芒和文体的多样化,对研究唐代行卷与文学的关系非常重要。罗隐的《两同书》,历代目录著录时作者或为罗隐,或为吴筠。通过对历代公私诸家目录的考订,可以认定唐代有两部同名的《两同书》:一为子部类著作,即吴筠的《两同书》,已佚;一为杂家类著作,即罗隐的《两同书》。罗隐《两同书》的政治思想是指导钱氏吴越国的治国方策,其援道入儒、重思辨的思想对唐宋两代儒学发展有重要传承作用。《广陵妖乱志》,历代目录家著录为郭廷诲或郑延诲撰,而历代丛书收录该书时均题罗隐撰。今参据史书、笔记记载和该书文本内容,认为《广陵妖乱志》可能即罗隐失传的《淮海寓言》,其书被郭廷诲冠以《妖乱志》之名而行于世。《杂著》部分中,表启是唐代公体文,属于唐代章奏之学。碑记对研究吴越国保境安民的国策提供了文献依据,罗隐还有两篇传奇作品,一篇已佚,今存《中元传》。

【Abstract】 The subject of thesis is the poem of the poet Luoyin in late Tang Dynasty. The thesis can be divide into the following parts.The first part–introduction. The motivate and the aim of the thesis can be recognized as the lifetime and imperial examination experience of the poet ,judge the truth of the poets and tap the values of the poems,appreciate the achievements in literature and contribution to history. So that we can observe the status, values of the poet in literature, ideology and academia carefully once again. The former researches are focused in four aspects, such as the life story, the spread of writing version, and features in artistic form. It remains to be researched in the detailed time of the life, the truth of the versions and the influence of the arts of the poems. The research s limited in the works that handed down, such,asJiayiji,Chanshu,Liangtongshu,Guanglingyaoluanzhi,Zazhu.The method is to further the research with the help of the works and history and explore the lifetime and experience of the imperial examination.Integrating the works and history, we can check and tell the source and the authenticity of the works that handed down, so that we can look into the achievements in arts and the impact they are produced to the literature of later ages.The second part: Luo Yin Chronicle It based on the Luo Yin Chronicle by WangDezhen living in Republic of China.With reference to the famous works , Tang Dynasty Literature Chronicle, the thesis is on the ground of the hardworking of the senior persons, organize the experience of the lifetime in making friends and the imperial examination.The third part :imperial examination . This part gives the textual research and introduction of the examination that he has attended.The fourth part: the research in the art of Luoyin’s poetry. It can be drew the conclusion that the art feature in his poetry is stern from all kinds of the comments by the literature aortic in different dynasties.The topic of the poems can be divided into four kinds.The fifth party: the research of the essays of luoyin. In late Tang Dynasty, the essays of realism became all the rage while parallel prose of aestheticism was popular.As the representative work, Chanshu is the Xing Juan and symbolize the model in Xing Juan with its sharp critic and various styles which plays an important role in the research of the relationship between Xing Juan. In the Liangtongshu,the catalogue of the previous dynasties are written by LuoYin or Wujun. It can draw the conclusion that there are two books of the same title. One is written by the WuJun, Liangtongshu,which has missed. The other is written by LuoYin. The theory in the book of LuoYin guides the administration of the WuYue .The theory focused on analytical abilities which makes the Confucian teachings in Tang and Song Dynasties pass on.Guanglingyaoluanzhi the catologe of the previous dynasties recorded that it was composed by Guotinghui or Zhengyanhui, but the books of previous dynasties recoded that it was composed by LuoYin. Today, with the reference of the historic records, textbook, and the contents of this book, it is said that the Guanglingyaoluanzhi may be the lost Huaihaiyuyan which was named as Yaoluanzhi by Guotinghui. In part of Zazhu, Inscription provides the basis for the research of the policies in keeping the borders secure and enabling the people to live in peace. One of LuoYin’legendary works is missing and the other is recorded in Zhongyuanzhuan.


