

【作者】 李显青

【导师】 马永庆;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 政府管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化和国际产业转移的迅猛发展,许多资源型城市因资源开采的不断深入而面临着经济结构转型。如何实现城市的可持续发展,成功实现经济结构转型已成为一个世界性的问题。东营市作为一个典型的油气资源城市,对该区域的经济结构转型问题研究具有重要的意义。本文通过对国内外资源型城市经济结构转型存在的问题以及取得的成功经验分析,结合东营市的现状,提出了东营市区域经济结构转型的主要对策和措施,对东营市实现可持续发展具有深远的现实意义和指导意义。本文共分3个部分,第一部分研究了区域经济结构转型是我国资源型城市可持续发展的必然选择,第二部分研究了东营市区域经济结构转型的指导思想、基本原则和可借鉴的经验,第三部分提出了东营市区域经济结构转型的主要对策和措施。文章指出,东营市区域经济存在着结构单一、产业链条短、骨干企业数量少、经济外向度低、服务业结构不合理等问题,但也存在着诸多的有利条件,通过定性、定量分析,提出了东营市产业结构转型的指导思想和突出比较优势、突出特色、可持续发展、开放性等原则。最后,提出了东营市区域经济结构转型的主要对策和措施,包括发展现代生态农业、加快新型工业化进程、提升服务业竞争水平、凝聚油地发展合力、深化体制机制创新、注重区域能力建设等。近期,国务院正式批复了黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划,这也对东营市的区域经济结构转型提出了迫切地更高的要求。本文基于当前国际国内形势和东营市的现状对东营市的区域经济结构转型提出了一些建议和对策,具有一定的针对性和可操作性,希望对政府的决策提供参考,以加快推动黄河三角洲高效生态经济区的开发和建设。

【Abstract】 Summary as the global economic integration and international industry transfer of rapid development, many cities because of the exploitation of the face of economic restructuring. How to implement a sustainable urban development, the successful implementation of the economic restructuring has become a global problem. Dongying city as a typical city, oil and gas resources on the areas of economic restructuring study has important implications. This article on domestic and international cities and economic restructuring problems and successes experienced analysis, combined with the current situation of Dongying city, has proposed the structure of Dongying city regional economic strategy and measures to achieve the sustainable development of Dongying city with profound significance and meaning.This article is divided into three parts, the first part of the economic restructuring are cities for sustainable development, the second part of the Dongying area economic restructuring philosophy, the basic principles and lessons of experience, the third part presents the structure of Dongying city regional economic strategy and measures.Article pointed out, the existence of Dongying city regional economic fabric single, industry leading enterprise chain short, few in number and economic extraversion low, service industry structure is not reasonable, but also exist many favorable conditions, through qualitative and quantitative analysis proposed Dongying area economic restructuring of guidelines and highlighted the comparative advantage, distinctive, sustainable development, the principle of openness. Finally, proposes the structure of Dongying city regional economic strategy and measures, including the development of modern ecological agriculture, accelerating the industrialization processes, improve service levels, condensate competition to develop together, deepening mechanism, focusing on regional capacity-building, etc.Recently, the State Council formally approved the Yellow River Delta economic zone high ecological development planning, this also on the regional economy of Dongying city restructuring made urgently. This article is based on the current international and domestic situation and status of Dongying city on the area of Dongying City economic restructuring advice and solutions, has and operability, hope that the Government’s decisions, to expedite the Yellow River Delta economic zone high ecological development and construction.

【关键词】 东营市区域经济转型研究
【Key words】 Dongying cityregional economictransformationresearch
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】250

