

Research on Constructing Marine Oil Spill Ecological Damage Protection Legislation in China

【作者】 梁伟平

【导师】 王宏;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “生态损害”这一新型损害,改变了传统法学仅将环境作为损害结果发生的中介物的做法,使法学上的“损害”范畴从对传统法益的损害扩大到对人类共享的生存发展的根本利益——生态利益的损害,丰富了法学上“损害”的概念,为法学理论研究和法律制度建设提供了一个新颖、独特而又充满意义的重要课题。海洋是全球生命支持系统的重要组成部分,海洋生态环境是人类赖以生存和发展的重要基础。随着人们征服自然能力的逐步增强,享受海洋带来的种种物质和精神利益的同时,对海洋生态环境的损害也像恶魔一样吞噬着人类自身的生存空间,给人类的生存和可持续发展带来了长远、深重的危害。由于人类在船舶运输、海上石油开发和港口装卸油类作业中未采取充分的预防措施,溢油事故频发,海上溢油造成了严重的海洋生态损害,表现为海洋生态系统的结构和功能的严重改变,海洋的资源价值和生态服务价值的严重减损。海上溢油造成的“生态损害”已经成为威胁海洋生态安全的主要原因之一。然而,我国海上溢油生态损害预防法律制度的现状不容乐观:关于海上溢油的一系列环境保护法律、法规并未明确保护人类海洋生态利益的立法目标;有些法律规定比较抽象,操作性不强;有些领域的法律规定不完善,如强制保险和油污基金方面的法律规定不健全;有些法律规定虽然比较完备,但执行力度不够。在我国目前的海上溢油预防法律制度下,海上溢油虽然对海洋环境造成了严重损害,但海上溢油生态损害往往得不到充分的补偿,不利于海洋环境的恢复和养护。目前,我国有关海上溢油生态损害防治的科学技术发展迅速,可持续发展和预防原则在环境法中开始得到贯彻,这为海洋环境保护提供了技术和理论基础。以生态利益的法律保护为基点,将海上石油运输、海上石油开发和输送等活动对海洋生态环境的影响纳入法律的有效规制、构建海上溢油生态损害预防法律制度成为海洋环境保护立法的迫切任务。本文以生态文明思想作为我国海上溢油生态损害预防法律制度的立法指导思想,以综合生态系统管理理念作为我国海上溢油生态损害预防法律制度的立法理念,结合我国目前的海上溢油污染形势以及海上溢油预防立法现状,从海上溢油生态损害风险预防法律制度,海上石油生产、运输清洁作业法律制度以及海上溢油应急处理法律制度三方面构建我国海上溢油生态损害预防法律制度。首先,海上溢油生态损害风险预防法律制度在海上溢油生态损害的预防立法中具有突出的重要性,是预防海上溢油生态损害、维护海洋生态利益的第一道防线。构建海上溢油生态损害风险预防法律制度,需要完善我国海域监视监测法律制度,在海洋环境影响评价制度中引入替代方案评价制度,完善强制性油污保险法律制度。其次,海上石油生产、运输清洁作业法律制度可以将预防海洋生态损害的成本内化于从事海上作业的主体的成本之中,是防止海上溢油生态损害、实现海洋可持续发展目标的重要中间环节。构建我国海上石油生产、运输清洁作业法律制度,需要完善我国海上含油污水排放收费制度,制定海洋石油产业清洁生产标准,完善海上石油开发清洁生产激励机制,构建海上清洁作业合力机制。再次,海上溢油应急处理法律制度是对海上溢油事故发生后的应急救援工作所做的规范性要求,是尽可能地防止或减弱海上溢油生态损害的最后一道防线。构建海上溢油应急处理法律制度需要建立国家溢油应急指挥体系,建立油污基金制度,规范专业清污公司的管理,完善港口溢油应急能力标准建设。在海上溢油生态损害预防法律制度的构建中,本文始终坚持生态文明的立法指导思想和综合生态系统管理的立法理念,强调在法律规制下激发海上活动中人的自觉与自律,强调人与自然环境的相互依存、相互促进、共处共融。以海上溢油造成的生态损害为着眼点,注重生态利益的法律保护,努力建立健全与现阶段经济社会发展特点和海洋环境保护管理决策相适应的环境法规、政策、标准和技术体系。

【Abstract】 “Ecological damage”, the new type of damage changed the practice of the traditional law that took the environment as a mediator of the result of environmental damage, expanded damage category from the traditional legal interest to the human survival and development fundamental interests——ecological interests ,and provided a new, unique and meaningful important issue to legal theory research and legal system construction.Ocean is an important part of the world’s life support system, marine environment is an important foundation for the existence and development of human. As the gradual enhancement of people’s ability to conquer the nature, at the same time of enjoying the material and spiritual interests of the ocean, the damage to the marine environment also like the devil devours the living space of human beings, and has brought long-term, profound damage to human survival and sustainable development. In shipping, offshore oil development and oil handling port operations did not take adequate preventive measures, that caused the frequency of oil spill, led to severe adverse changes in the composition ,the structure and the function of marine ecosystem, and seriously damaged the marine resources value, marine ecosystem service value and the function of marine culture. Ecological damage caused by oil spills at sea has become one of the major marine threats to the safety of marine ecology. However, oil spill in China’s legal system to prevent ecological damage is not optimistic, a series of environmental laws and regulations on Marine oil spill did not explicitly take the protection of the marine ecosystem interests as the highest goal. Some of them are abstract, feasibility is not strong. Some of them are complete, but enforcement is not enough. Some areas of the legal system are imperfect ,such as mandatory insurance and oil pollution fund system. In our current marine oil spill legal system, although the oil spill caused severe damage to the marine environment, there is inadequate compensation for oil spills, that isn’t conducive to the restoration and conservation of the marine environment. At present, science and technology on ecological damage of the oil spill develop rapidly, sustainable development and the precautionary principle implement effectively in the environmental law. On the basic of ecological interests protection, taking the affect of offshore oil transport and shipping, offshore oil development and other activities on the marine environment into the effective law regulation, constructing the oil spill prevention legal system of ecological damage become an urgent task.In this paper, taking the ecological civilization as the legislative guidelines of marine oil spill ecological damage protection legislation, and taking the integrated ecosystem management concept as the legislative concept of marine oil spill ecological damage protection legislation, according to the current status of marine oil pollution and oil spill prevention legislation, we construct our marine oil spill environmental protection legislation from risk prevention legislation, clean operating legal system and emergency legal system. Firstly, Marine oil spill ecological damage risk prevention legislation has outstanding importance in marine oil spill ecological damage protection legislation. Constructing the marine oil spill ecological damage protection legislation, need to improve our maritime surveillance and monitoring the legal system, introduce an alternative evaluation system in the marine environmental impact assessment system,improve the legal system of compulsory insurance oil pollution at sea, construct the first safeguarding line of preventing oil spill ecological damage and maintaining the interests of the marine ecosystem. Secondly, Offshore oil production, transportation clean operation of legal system Ecological damage is an important part in preventing oil spills ecological damage at sea and achieving the important objectives of sustainable development of marine areas.Consructing Offshore oil production, transportation clean operation of legal system Ecological damage, need to improve our wastewater discharge fee system for marine oil, develop the offshore oil industry standards for clean production, improve the incentives mechanism for the development of clean offshore oil development, build force mechanisms for Cleaning operation at sea, internalizing the expense of prevent damage to the marine ecosystem in the cost of the subject engaging in offshore operations. Thirdly, Oil spill contingency legal system made the work of the normative requirements on oil spill emergency rescue after the accident. Constructing oil spill contingency legal system need to build national oil spill contingency command system, establish the oil pollution fund system, regulate the management of professional clean-up company, perfect the specification standards of competence-building port oil spill, try the best to prevent or reduce the marine ecosystem resulting from oil spill damage as the last line of defense. In constructing the marine oil spill ecological damage protection legislation ,this paper always takes the ecological civilization as the legislative guidelines of marine oil spill ecological damage protection legislation, the integrated ecosystem management concept as the legislative concept of marine oil spill ecological damage protection legislation ,stresses on inspiring the human consciousness and self-discipline in the activities under the sea by legal regulation , emphasizes the interdependence of man and the natural environment, promoting each other. take the ecological damage caused by oil spill as the focus of attention, regard the legal protection of ecological interests, as chief ,make efforts to establish the environmental regulations, policies, standards and technology system,consistent with economic,social development characteristics and environmental management decisions.


