

Spatial Variation and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in the Soil of Delta Region Changjiang River

【作者】 杨楠楠

【导师】 李平;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 环境科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着长三角城市化进程的加快,重金属污染问题越来越受到人们的关注。对重金属的输入输出做定量分析,能准确了解该系统中重金属污染及平衡情况,从而掌握重金属元素的积累趋势,为生态污染风险和农业可持续发展的评估提供重要依据。本文通过对长江三角洲地区包括上海市,江苏省南京市、扬州市、镇江市、常州市、无锡市、苏州市、泰州市、南通市,浙江省杭州市、湖州市、嘉兴市、绍兴市、宁波市、台州市、舟山市等16个中心城市表层及深层七种土壤重金属进行定量分析,采用GIS软件绘制了土壤地球化学图;结合化学含量图对深层土壤和浅层土壤重金属化学含量做定量分析;并采用瑞典科学家Hakanson提出的潜在生态风险评价法对土壤重金属进行了潜在生态危害程度的评价,旨在为今后长三角地区的土壤的利用、环境管理及发展规划提供一定的科学依据,主要结论如下:(1)通过长江三角洲地区表层与深层土壤地球化学关系分析、地球化学分布特征研究,在参阅与总结前人研究成果的基础上,进一步明确了土壤地球化学基准值的基本概念,并根据学者提出来的土壤地球化学基准值的求取方法,计算了长江三角洲地区七种重金属土壤地球化学基准值。为长江三角洲的土壤评估提供了数据支持。(2)通过对长江三角洲地区多目标区域地球化学调查数据以及土壤类型叠加分析,运用GIS软件,采用Kring泛克立格网格化方法编制了七种重金属表层土壤、深层土壤地球化学图14张,比较分析了长江三角洲地区表层和深层污染趋势,可以从一定程度上直观的反映长三角土壤污染的状况,为长江三角洲地区开展基础地质研究、土地资源利用、矿产资源潜力评价、环境保护等提供了系统的基础图件。(3)通过对长江三角洲地区表层及深层土壤污染状况进行了总体评价,指出沿江土壤污染区,扬州、南京、常州、无锡、苏州、上海、杭州、绍兴、宁波等城市及周边地区土壤污染、湖州—苏州酸化区是本区主要的区域性污染区。(4)本文采用瑞典科学家Lars Hakanson提出的潜在生态风险评价法对七种土壤重金属进行了潜在生态危害程度的评价。并作出了单因子趋势演变图以及污染等级图;其中,单因子评价结果显示,汞、铅、镉等元素严重超标的地区主要集中在上海、南京、浙江等发达城市中心,充分说明了城市化进程的加快以及土地利用的变革对土壤环境造成的影响;综合生态风险程度图显示,区内中强度级以上的污染占80%左右,并且在中心城市出现了较大面积的局部污染,这对土壤污染的预防工作提出了新的挑战,因此,有必要对长三角地区的建设用地,或农用地进行地球化学含量监测和农产品安全和人居环境安全评估等各项安全评估。

【Abstract】 With the Changjiang River Delta to speed up the process of urbanization, heavy metal pollution has received much attention. Input and output of heavy metals to do quantitative analysis, can accurately understand the system and the balance of heavy metal pollution to control the accumulation of heavy metals in the trend of pollution on the ecological risk assessment of sustainable agricultural development and provide an important basis.Based on the Changjiang River Delta, including Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou, Taizhou, Nantong, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Huzhou, Jiaxing, Shaoxing, Ningbo, Taizhou and Zhoushan cities in 16 surface soil seven heavy metals in soil and deep quantitative analysis, using GIS software to draw a soil geochemical maps; combined with chemical content of deep soil and shallow map of the chemical content of heavy metals to do quantitative analysis; and raised by Swedish scientists Hakanson Ecological Risk Assessment method of soil heavy metals in the degree of potential ecological risk assessment, to the soil for future use of the Yangtze River Delta region, environmental management and development planning to provide some scientific basis, the main conclusions are as follows:(1) Changjiang River Delta region through the surface and deep relationship of soil geochemical and geochemical characteristics of the distribution, in the light of previous studies based on the results, further defined soil geochemical reference value of the basic concepts, and according to academics out soil geochemical methods to obtain reference values calculated seven heavy metals in the Yangtze River Delta soil geochemical reference value. Assessment of the Yangtze River Delta provides data to support the soil.(2) On the Yangtze River Delta multi-objective regional geochemical survey data, and overlay of soil types, using GIS software, using Kring universal kriging grid method for the eight kinds of heavy metals in surface soil, deep soil geochemical Figure 14 Zhang, comparative analysis of the Changjiang River Delta pollution trends in surface and deep, can be intuitive to some extent reflected the situation of soil pollution Yangtze River Delta, Yangtze River Delta to carry out basic geological studies, land use, mineral resource potential assessment, environmental protection system is based on maps provided.(3) On the Changjiang River Delta surface and deep soil pollution status of the overall evaluation, that contaminated soil along the river, Yangzhou, Nanjing, Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Ningbo and other cities and the surrounding areas of soil contamination , Huzhou - Suzhou acidification is a major regional polluted area.(4) In this paper, the Swedish scientists Lars Hakan son made of the potential ecological risk evaluation carried out on seven soil heavy metals in the degree of potential ecological risk assessment. And trends in the evolution to a single factor maps and map pollution levels; one, single factor evaluation results show that mercury, lead, cadmium and other elements in areas far exceeded mainly in Shanghai, Nanjing, Zhejiang and other developed urban centers, results show that both the city acceleration of the process, and land use change on soil environmental impact; comprehensive ecological risk map shows the area of the pollution intensity level and above accounted for about 80%, and appeared in larger urban centers of local pollution, prevention of soil pollution posed new challenges, therefore, necessary to the construction site on the Yangtze River Delta region and the geochemistry of agricultural land for content monitoring, agriculture, human settlement and other security assessment.

  • 【分类号】X820.4;X53
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】619
  • 攻读期成果

