

A Study on the Envoys Between Ming Dynasty and Korea

【作者】 高攀攀

【导师】 李云泉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 使节往来是两个国家之间外交关系的重要内容,在明代中朝关系中,使节亦发挥了重要的作用。本文试图通过对明代中朝两国使节出使的路线、原因,出使使命及选任,使节的接待礼仪等的分析和探讨,来说明使节在中朝关系中所发挥的重要作用。本文共分为六部分:第一部分论述了明朝中朝宗藩关系的确立过程。明建国初,面对国内外的复杂形势,采取和平外交方针。为了防止北元与高丽联手,明太祖朱元璋积极与高丽王朝交往,而高丽王朝对北元、明朝采取双边外交,时而弃明投元,时而弃元投明,致使两国关系十分紧张。李成桂改国号李氏朝鲜后,两国关系仍没有得到根本改善。直到明成祖朱棣即位后,明朝与李朝的关系才走上正常发展的轨道。第二部分论述了中朝使节的往来路线及使臣出使的原因。朝鲜主要通过定期向明朝贡来维系与中国的宗藩关系。随着两国关系的变化及国家势力的强弱,朝鲜朝贡的路线也一度发生了几次变化,经历了由海路到陆路再到海路的演变过程。而一般每逢两国帝王即位、立储、立后,战争或是赏赐等,都会派遣使者。第三部分论述了明代中朝两国使团的构成以及使节的选任。在明代,中朝两国互通使节,这些使节代表国家出使,肩负着各种各样的外交使命,代表着国家的利益和尊严,因此使节的选任尤其受到国家的重视。第四部分论述了明代中朝使节的种类和接待礼仪。根据使节出使使命的不同,使节可以分为好多种类。比如册封使、颁诏使、陈慰、杂令、赐赉、蠲免、交易、洋舶事务、进香、问安等等。为了接待络绎不绝的各国朝贡使节,明朝政府制定了接待各国使节的礼仪。而朝鲜为了显示对宗主国的重视和尊重,也制定了迎接中国使臣的程式。第五部分论述了明代中朝使节往来的在政治、经济、文化等方面对两国产生的重要影响和作用。第六部分结语,通过对中朝使节的研究,阐述了明代中朝使节的使命及其选任,并由此肯定了使节带给两国的重要影响和作用,从而对我们研究和把握中朝关系开拓新的视角领域,有着重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The two countries sending ambassadors made the most important part in their between diplomatic ties. In the mid Ming Dynasty, the ambassadors also played a key role thereof. The author tries to state the ambassadors’ functional roles during that period by analyzing and exploring the routes the ambassadors took, reasons they visiting each other, the tasks they visited for, and their appointments, as well as the receipt etiquettes, ect.The paper consists of 6 paragraphs:The first one analyzes the process that the suzerain-vassal relationship established.At the early period of the Ming dynasty’s infancy, it employed the strategy of peaceful foreign diplomacy according to its complex situation at home and abroad. In order to prevent the Bei Yuan and the Koryo joined hands, T’ai-tsu Zhu Yuanzhang (First Emperor of the Ming Dynasty) issued command to associate with the Koryo actively. While the Koryo carried out bilateral diplomatic activities with the Bei Yuan and Ming dynasty, that was, sometimes rejected Ming but supported Yuan, sometimes rejected Yuan but supported Ming ,which resulted in a tension relationship between the two countries. The relationship between the Ming dynasty and the Lee Dynasty hadn’t been improved after Lee Seong-gye changed its reigning title into Korea and until Ch’eng-tsu Zhu Di succeeded to the throne, the relationship therebetween came into a normal track.The second paragraph states the routes the ambassadors took and the reasons they visited. Korea maintained the suzerain-vassal relationship with the Ming Dynasty mainly by presenting tributes periodly to the Ming Dynasty. As the ties changes and the strengths varies between the two countries, the Korea had changed their routes several times—from the sea to the land and then to the sea. Every time the emperors ascending their thrones, making their Monarch Inherits, making the princesses, under the wars and grant rewards would all be the reasons for ambassadors visiting between countries.The third part discusses the composition of the Ming Dynasty and Korean missions and envoys of the selection. In the Ming Dynasty, China and Korea exchange ambassadors, the diplomats diplomatic mission on behalf of the State, responsible for a variety of diplomatic missions, representing the national interests and dignity, so the selection of envoys particular attention by the State.The fourth part discusses the types of Ming China and Korea envoys and reception etiquette. According to diplomatic envoys of different mission to mission, diplomats can be divided into many categories. For example canonized so, Ban Zhao to make, Chen Wei, mixed order, give Dalai, Juan-free, trade, foreign ship affairs, incense, greeting and so on. Tribute to receiving a constant stream of envoys of various countries, the Ming government established etiquette for receiving foreign envoys. North Korea to show the importance of and respect for the sovereign state, has also developed programs to meet the Chinese envoy.The fifth Part foeuses on the great effect and funetions that the envoys brought to the two countries on Politics,economy and cultures.As a eonclusion, the sixth Part briefly coneludes the election of envoys and their Missions,further confirms their great impact and functions on the two countries.This is vital for us to study the relations between China and Korea on the whole.

【关键词】 明朝朝鲜宗藩关系
【Key words】 the Ming DynastyKoreathe Li DynastySuzerain-vassal relationship

