

Research on Ziqing Military Governor of Tang Dynasty

【作者】 郑东岩

【导师】 仝晰纲;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 唐代中后期政治形势的突出特点之一,就是出现了藩镇林立和藩镇割据的局面。睿宗朝始设节度使,玄宗朝设“十节度”。在安史之乱期间和以后,唐政府又新设置了很多藩镇,直到唐末五代,藩镇问题一直是极为重要的政治军事问题。当时在山东地区也有一强大藩镇,即著名的淄青镇,它兵多地广,割据时间长,称霸一方,《新唐书·藩镇传》把它列在著名的“河朔三镇”,即魏博、成德、幽州之后,列第四。本文主要讲述了淄青镇从建立到被唐政府平定的历史,力求对该镇能够有一个比较全面的考察,同时也有助于加深对整个藩镇问题的把握和对山东地方史的研究。第一章:淄青镇的历史演进。这部分讲述了淄青镇产生、发展、被平定的简史。淄青镇由驻守东北的平卢军在安史之乱期间南下而建立。平卢军在山东地区扎根、发展并强大,到李正己时期开始正式割据,经历李纳、李师古时期。到李师道统治时期时,他专横跋扈,倒行逆施,走上了叛乱的道路,终于被唐政府集中力量平定。后来唐政府为了便于统治,将原来的淄青镇一分为三。第二章:淄青镇割据的经济基础。淄青镇之所以能够在政治军事上强大,离不开经济的大力支持。山东地区经济基础好,经济比较发达,受安史之乱影响较小,节度使又能实行比较正确的经济政策,因而能够负担相当大的军队开支。本章从农业、手工业、商业、城市与交通四个方面论述了淄青镇的经济状况。第三章:淄青镇与中央的的关系。淄青镇建立之初,对中央比较恭顺,但到后来越发跋扈,到最后彻底对抗中央。在这个过程中,淄青镇时叛时降,在不同时期采取不同策略,表现出较大的灵活性。本章分阶段论述了这个问题。关于淄青镇割据的原因,笔者不同意把胡化汉化说生搬硬套过来解释,必须全方位多角度,具体问题具体分析。第四章:淄青镇与其他藩镇的关系。淄青镇并不是孤立存在的,它不仅和中央存在诸多关系,还和其他藩镇发生了很多的联系。本章正是论述的淄青镇这个曾经号称“诸镇号令”的强镇与河朔藩镇以及其他藩镇的关系。第五章:淄青镇的特点。淄青镇名噪一时,称王称霸,自然有自己的特点。它是由平卢军南下而建立而非原来因时因地设置的藩镇。淄青镇内部环境较为稳定,军乱很少,节帅采用了一系列办法来巩固自己的统治。割据叛乱的淄青镇被唐政府平定也较其他藩镇为快,表现出了“其兴也勃焉,其亡也忽焉”的特点。本文既赞同前人文化因素的观点,又指出淄青镇被唐政府平定不能完全归结为文化原因,还提出了刘悟反正是一个不可忽视的重要原因的观点。而且强调历史的结果是由历史的合力所造成的。

【Abstract】 The situation of Military governor standing in great numbers and establishing a separatist regime became notable trait in the middle and later period of Tang Dynasty.Xuanzong Dynasty established ten Military governor.During and after the rebellion of AnLuShan-ShiSiMing,there are many new Military governor set by Tang government.Untill later period of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasty,the problem of Military governor is an impotent political problem of Tang Dynasty.During that time,there is a powerful Military governor in Shandong,that is ZiQing Military governor.The ZiQing Military governor have many army and much land,and dominated large land.It was list the fourth just after the“three Military governor in HeShuo”-----WeiBo,ChengDe ,YouZhou in OuYangxiu’s books.This paper mainly describe the history of ZiQing Military governor,in oder to make a whole grasping to ZiQing Military governor and do good to the research of Military governor.The first chapter discribe the history evolution of ZiQing Military governor. ZiQing Military governor was found by PingLu army during the rebellion of AnLuShan-ShiSiMing. PingLu army went south from LiaoNing province to ShanDong province and rooted in ShanDong province.In the period of governor LiZhengji, ZiQing Military governor became a separatist regime. In the period of governor LiShidao,he became domineering and begun to walk rebel road.In the end, ZiQing Military governor’s rebellion was putting down by Tang government.In oder to ruling well, Tang government divided ZiQing Military governor into three area.The second chapter describe the economic situation of ZiQing Military governor. ZiQing Military governor became powerful because of the powerful economy. This chapter elaborate ZiQing Military governor’s agriculture, handicraft industry, trade,cities and transportation.The third chapter describe the relationship between ZiQing Military governor and Tang government.In the initial period of ZiQing Military governor, the governor was respectful and submissive to Tang government.But in the later period of ZiQing Military governor, the governor was more and more domineering.The fourth chapter describe the relationship between ZiQing Military governor and other Military governor.The exist of Military governor is not isolate,it related other Military governor inevitably.The fifth chapter describe the characteristics of ZiQing Military governor.The internal environment was stable.The governor use a lot of method to consolidating the rule of himself. ZiQing Military governor’s death is faster than other Military governor.The result of history is created by joint forces of history.


