

【作者】 陈灿

【导师】 张宏森;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 电影学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 春节是中华民族重要的传统节日之一,也是传统家庭的年文化心理的重要承载形式,春节文化的精神内涵牵连着个体日常生活中的“家”、“身份感”、“归属感”、“安全感”等心理要素,是个体时间型构的重要内容,也牵连着空间认同。中央电视台春节联欢晚会(本文简称春晚)自1983年第一届现场直播,就已经成为了填补个体年文化心理空缺的新民俗,并逐渐成为多数中国人不可或缺的文化仪式。随着传统社会循环时间观的打破,现代线性时间观的侵入,个体像被抛入一个“一切都将烟消云散”的流动的、破碎的世界,生命本身充满着不安感,对身份归属、生命价值的期望在春节的心理时间中凸显,影响人的生命征程与社会互动。在具有神圣仪式感的除夕之夜,这种诉求更加明显,也更易接受情感的兴发。在某种程度上,春晚总是根据社会发展的不同语境与个体诉求的需要,带着某种积极的体验设想,对个体与社会的“在家感”进行整合,为个体确认家国归属感、身份感和个体生存意义上的安全感,在潜移默化中营造集体记忆与个体记忆的共同形式,产生有利于个体现代化和社会现代化的积极意义。这种整合在春晚节目语态中的表现依据社会不同发展断裂语境呈现出不同的主导倾向。70年代末到80年代初中国改革开放试水并获得初期发展,虽然这一时期的中国社会获得了前所未有的解冻,但总体依然处在一种迷茫中探索的状态,脱离了高度统一的意识形态的严格控制,社会个体对国家与民族的发展认识,对主导意识形态的归属和依靠感,对自己的身份归属是不确定的,迫切需要一种新的认同来增进民族内力,给整个社会和个体的未来发展以希望和信心。1983年春晚是应时代而生的一个节目,也是主导意识形态依托春晚对中国社会进行认同和整合的一个开始,因而80年代到90年代初的春晚,极力为个体和社会营造一种宏大的,嵌于传统“家国同构”心理上的国家与民族认同感。1992年中国社会主义市场经济体制改革目标确立后,改革开放的步履加快,春晚也在其节目语态中不断呈现新的特征。这一时期,物质生活方式发生了巨大的变化,精神价值层面也逐渐发生变化。最为显著的,就是日常生活中道德观念的松动和价值取向的转移。这种道德观的松动和价值取向的转移是随着市场经济时代的到来,个体私域世界打开后的一个新现象,它所带来的是个体的存在性不安和社会信任危机的蔓延,直接影响着个体日常的生产和生活活动,影响着国家与民族的发展。从90年代初到现在,春晚关注家庭伦理道德,以“家”的情感来强化基本的价值准则,缓解了社会的惶恐与不安,不断唤醒并拓展着个体内心的真实情感空间,面对断裂情境营造着一种微观主体日常生活的伦理情感。按照内在的文化逻辑,春晚的“在家感”营造分为两个时期,呈现不同的主导特征:前一时期即改革开放后到90年代初,国家与民族主体性话语失语的情况下,要想加快现代化发展,重建家园自信,必须凝聚民族力量,唤起人们的血缘亲情、故土乡情和民族感情,加强族群认同;后一时期即90年代初到现在,社会进入一个道德萎靡的时代,家庭情感伦理式微的时代,个体的精神状况日渐不佳,社会问题日益突出,作为个体所依赖和归属的共同体,国家和社会依托电视春晚,挖掘个体公共真实情感,同时规范社会道德,培养道德情感,在家庭伦理情感的引导下积极实现个体的现代化进步。顺应时代和社会需要,春晚适时扮演了由家国到家庭、社会的“在家感”型塑者角色。二者的断裂中也有延续。前一时期,在塑造家国认同的节目的话语叙事中,慢慢增添了对个体内心真实与道德规范意识的关注,同时在后一时期家国身份认同的整合塑造也同样显现于春晚的话语叙事中,只不过随着市场经济时代的到来,社会个体自我角色迷失,社会信任危机和道德危机加剧,春晚在这之后的时期倾向于对个体家庭道德情感场域的整合,以一种更加普世的个体真实情感整合作为显现的主导策略,家国身份认同的整合顺势成为更加隐匿和坚固的话语叙事。但无论哪个时期,“在家感”的意识是贯穿其中的质素。春晚承载着民族特殊的年文化心理,可以说春晚是一个大家庭化的公共文化仪式,春晚在带给个体“在家”的安全体验的同时,也传送着公共生活所遵循和倡导的价值与理念,不断在共同时间流中形成可以让个体产生熟悉感的记忆,整合着社会认同,影响着个体的日常生活。春晚对于“在家感”的营造,填补着个体的社会安全感和稳定感的空缺,影响着个体的思考与行为方式。但这种营造与弥补又非完美契合,因为春晚作为公共文化空间,又带有“家”的私密性,本身就充满矛盾,加之节目背后的资本机制错综复杂,其矛盾性最终导致春晚节目的实存状态必然呈现与某种媒介理想化模态的缝隙,与大众生活真实情感需求的错谬,而春晚的节目语态所极力探寻的正是在这种缝隙之中寻求一种更加贴近的可能性。春晚极力营造一种“在家感”,因为“家”的感觉,不论是“大国家”还是“小家庭”,粘连着人存在的所有意义问题。所以营造一种“在家感”,是春晚作为公共生活仪式为个体和社会生发的一种脆弱但积极的力量,这种力量,是将一种幽暗带入一种光亮之中的契机,春晚的存在意义在于此,其发展也理应在此方向中拓进。

【Abstract】 Chinese Spring Festival is one of the significant traditional festivals,Culture spiritual connotation underlie the individual in everyday life "family", "sense of identity", "sense of belonging", "sense of security" and other psychological factors, carrying the traditional family’s annual cultural psychology. Especially in the sacred sense of the ceremony a sense of time - New Year’s Eve, the individual either explicitly or implicitly the existence of a special psychological demands. Since 1983, the first live broadcast, it had already become the Cultural Psychology of individual to fill the vacancy of the new folk, and gradually become the majority of Chinese culture, an indispensable ceremony.Time to break with the traditional society, social modernization, the modern concept of linear time of the invasion of the individual as being cast into an "everything will vanish," the movement, broken world, life itself is full of insecurity, on the status of ownership , the expectation value of life time in the Spring Festival highlighted the psychological influence journey of human life and social interaction, in the sense of a sacred ceremony, New Year’s Eve, this appeal is more obvious, but also more receptive to emotional Hing Fat.Spring Festival Gala in part is based on the social development of the individual demands of different contexts and needs some kind of positive experience with vision, on the individual and society the sense of being at home to integrate, for the individual home country to confirm a sense of belonging, identity the sense of being and survival of individual sense of security and so on, imperceptibly to achieve a collective memory and individual memory to create the interlocking, produce a modern and conducive to individual positive social modernization. This integrated program in the Spring Festival Gala performance of voice in the development of fracture according to different social contexts show different dominant tendencies.The late 70s to early 80s test of China’s reform and opening up the water and get the early development of Chinese society, although this period was an unprecedented thaw, but overall still are in a confused state of exploration, from a high degree of ideological strict control, the social individual development of the state and national awareness of belonging to the dominant ideology and rely on a sense of ownership of their identity is uncertain, the urgent need for a new ethnic identity to promote the internal force to give the whole community and individual hope and confidence for future development. 1983 Spring Festival Evening is the time to be born of a program Is also the dominant ideology of the Chinese Spring Festival Evening society relies on the recognition and integration of a beginning, and thus the early 80’s to 90’s Spring Festival Gala, its best to create a great individual and society, and embedded in the traditional "home countries and institutions," the psychological State and national identity.In 1992, China’s socialist market economic system to achieve its objectives, the reform and opening up the walking speed, speed up the modernization of social life and development of Spring Festival Gala also voice their programs continuously present new features. During this period, material way of life, great changes took place, spiritual value level is gradually changing, most notably, that the loosening of moral values in daily life and values of the transfer. This loosening of moral values and values of the transfer of a market economy era, the individual private domain in the world opened a bad direction.Transverse view, during the Spring Festival Evening show two different dominant characteristics: the reform and opening up to the early 90s, the main discourse of the state and national aphasia cases, in order to speed up the modernization, rebuilding confidence, to rally national strength, arouses blood kinship, homeland nostalgia and sentiment, strengthening the ethnic identity. The late 90’s early now, the community into a moral malaise of the times, the family ethic fade emotional age of increasingly poor mental health of individuals, social problems have become increasingly prominent, as individuals rely on the community and belonging, relying on TV Spring Festival Gala, mining individual public real emotion,At the same time the social and moral norms, culture and moral emotion, emotion in the family under the guidance of ethics to achieve positive progress in the modernization of the individual. Vertical view, the two also have extended the fracture. The previous period, in shaping national identities in narrative discourse, and slowly added to the individual sense of inner reality and ethical concerns, while in the latter period of the integration of home and country identity shape also appears in the Spring Festival Evening narrative discourse just as the market economy era, the social role of the individual self lost, the social crisis of confidence and moral crisis intensified after the Spring Festival Gala in this period tended to individual family and moral integration of emotional field to a more universal individual living space to show real emotion as the lead integration strategies,The integration of family and nation identity and the strong advantage of the opportunity to become more hidden Narrative Discourse. But regardless of horizontal and vertical, the sense of being at home of consciousness through which the quality.Spring Festival Gala on carrying the national special cultural psychology can be said to Spring Festival Gala is a family ritual of public life, to bring the individual in the Spring Festival Gala "at home" security experience, but also send the public life and followed the values and ideas advocated continuously to form a common flow of time can produce familiarity of individual memory, integration of social identity, affect the daily lives of individuals. Spring Festival Gala for the the sense of being at home of the building, filled with an individual sense of social security and stability of the vacancies, influence thinking and behavior of individuals, but to create another non-perfect fit and compensate for,Because the Spring Festival Gala, as a public cultural space and "home" of the private nature of the combination of space, itself full of contradictions, combined with the capital program mechanism behind the complex and contradictory nature of their Spring Festival Evening programs leading to the real state of the media is inevitable and a good of the gap mode, and the public demand for public life, Errors in the real emotion, and Spring Festival Evening show strong voice which is precisely to explore the cracks in that the possibility of finding a closer.Spring Festival Evening strongly to create the sense of being at home because "home" feeling, regardless of the "Grand National" or "small family", there is adhesion of the people all the significance of the problem. So creating the sense of being at home is Spring Festival Gala Ceremony in public life as individuals and society as a fragile, but germinal positive force, this force is to bring a kind of dark and light into a kind of opportunity to Spring Festival Evening meaning of existence in this, its development should progress in this direction in the extension.


