

The Study in Inheritance of Traditional Spiritual Culture for Chinese Sports Culture Development

【作者】 陈晓宁

【导师】 宋玉芳;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,在五千年的历史长河中,中华民族经历历史潮流一次次的冲击、荡涤和淘汰,通过自身的艰苦奋斗、自强不息创造了灿烂的中华文化。在中国共产党的领导下,经过半个世纪的奋斗,中国取得了亘古未有的巨大历史进步,凭借这一进步,成功克服了汶川地震的灾难,举办了无与伦比的奥运会,实现了太空行走。30年的改革开放,中国体育取得了前所未有的繁荣发展。新时期的中华文化必将对体育的发展做出更大的贡献。在全球化背景下,国际间文化的竞争成为当今世界的主流,文化多元化成为世界文化发展的潮流,并具有强大的生命力。具有五千年文明史的中华文化得到一个发展的契机。当前我国正经历着从传统农业向工业社会发展的转型期,社会发生了一系列的变化。如何对待我国传统文化和体育的发展将是我们面临的一个重要问题。文章从文化传承的角度研究今后中国体育发展的问题。通过对东西方文化的比较以及体育文化在中国发展的曲折历史进程,分析当前我国体育在饱受西方体育影响下遇到的问题。诸如:竞技体育与大众体育,传统与现代体育发展的不平衡,人们对传统体育观念的误解,以及竞技体育商业化发展中遭遇的物质利益膨胀和道德危机等问题。通过对传统精神文化内涵的研究分析,指出传统文化对体育发展会起到一定的促进作用,弥补西方思想影响下存在的缺陷。从教育、人们的观念、以及政府职能和文化产业化发展的角度,对中国体育文化的发展提出了相应的对策和建议。中国体育是人类体育的重要组成部分,在当今全球化的大背景下,传承中国优秀传统文化是关系到中国体育文化发展的重要问题,也是中国传统文化的责任。中国体育文化是世界文化的重要组成部分,是我们从先辈身上传承下来的丰厚历史遗产,它不仅记录了中华民族和中国文化发生、演化的历史,而且作为世代相传的思维方式、价值观念、行为准则、风俗习惯,渗透到每个中国人的血脉中,制约着中国人的行为方式和思想观念。中国传统文化并不能简单的等同于儒家文化,也不是道家思想和佛家文化的简单相加,而是中华民族各种思想文化的综合,包括了各种观念和物质形态的文化。正是这一脉相承的传统精神文化对体育的可持续发展提供了一个强大的理论支撑,同时也是体育可持续发展的一个榜样。处在现代化进程中的中国,面临着自身发展史上最深刻的社会转型,必然受到强有力的制约。中国体育文化的发展就要在保持自身文化独特性的同时不断面向世界,不断充实新的养料,以新的姿态实现自身的价值。体育文化既要对外开放,又要保持民族特色;既要继承传统精华,又要结合现实予以创新,从而使体育文化发展的源流一体,历史与现实贯通,民族与世界对接。

【Abstract】 China is a country with a long history of ancient civilization. In five thousand years of history, the Chinese nation historical trend and experience, and eliminate the impact, the tireless efforts and hard work of the Chinese culture and create a brilliant. Under the leadership of the communist party in China, after half a century of struggling, China has achieved great progress in history, Relying on the progress, we defeated a tough enemy of the Wenchuan earthquake disaster; hold the incomparable Olympic Games, realize the spacewalk. 30 years of reform and opening up, the Chinese sports achieved unprecedented prosperity development. In the new period of the Chinese culture to the development of sports will make greater contribution.In the context of globalization, today the international culture of competition become the mainstream in the world; culture diversity of world turn into cultural development trend; and it has strong vitality. The five thousand years history of Chinese culture, get a development opportunity. Currently, China is experiencing from traditional agriculture to industry period and social development of the social transition come to pass a series of change. How to treat our traditional culture and sports development is an important problem facing us.The thesis gives us a problem from the perspective of cultural heritage in the development of sports in China. Through the comparison of eastern and western culture and sports culture in China, the development history, analyses of the current our country sports in the western sports development under the influence of the problems encountered. Such as: athletic sports and mass sports, traditional and modern sports development imbalance. People misunderstand of traditional sports concepts, and internal development of competitive sports of inflation, the moral crisis. Based on the research of traditional cultural connotation of traditional culture, sports development will play a guiding role for western thought, under the influence of the defects. Propose some corresponding countermeasure and the suggestions from education, people’s e concept, function of government and c traditional culture’s industrialization development for the development of the sports culture. Chinese sport is an important part of human sport, in the background of globalization. Inheriting Chinese traditional culture is an important problem for the future development of China’s sports culture; Chinese traditional culture also has the responsibility for the people all over the world.Chinese sports culture is an important part of world culture. Chinese traditional culture that we inherited from our ancestors rich historical heritage, which not only records the occurrence of the Chinese nation and Chinese culture, history, evolution, and as generations way of thinking, value concepts, norms, customs, to every Chinese person’s blood, by restricting the behavior of the Chinese people and ideas. Chinese traditional culture is not simply equivalent to Confucian culture, Taoism and Buddhism are not the simple sum of culture, but the Chinese culture integrated various ideas, including a variety of ideas and material forms of culture. It is this same strain of the traditional culture of the sustainable development of sports provides a strong theoretical support, but also sports a model of sustainable development. Is in the process of modernization, China is facing its own development in the history of the most profound social transformation, will be subject to strong constraints. The development of Chinese sports culture must maintain its cultural uniqueness at the same time continue to face the world, constantly add new nourishment, a new attitude to realize its value. Sports both the outside world, while keeping national characteristics; both the essence of the tradition, but also be combined with real innovation, so that the origins of one sport and cultural development, history and reality through the nation and the world butt.


