

Study on the Legal System of the Collective Forest Property Circulation of China

【作者】 包晶

【导师】 刘国涛;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 在中国,林地的面积要比耕地的面积广大得多,中国现有43亿亩林地,是18亿亩耕地的2.4倍,而林地亩均产出只有22元,仅为耕地的3%。国家林业局局长贾治邦说:“中国农业用18亿亩耕地,解决了13亿人的吃饭问题,而林业用43亿亩林地,却没有解决13亿人的用材问题,更没有解决社会对生态的需求问题,其根本原因,就是林权改革不到位,体制和机制不顺,阻碍了林业生产力的发展。”集体林权制度改革的全面推进离不开规范合理的林权流转。集体所有的森林、林地和林木通过合理、有序地流转,能很好地解决传统林业投资周期长、效益差的问题,并能使生态效益和经济效益紧密结合起来。通过流转,从静态的林权到动态的权利,林业资源价值实现最大化,农民得以致富,生态得以改善。有研究认为,林权流转的法律属性实质上是林业物权的变动而非森林资源的交易。2003年6月,《中共中央国务院关于加快林业发展的决定》出台,其要求:“加快推进森林、林木和林地使用权的合理流转。在明确权属的基础上,国家鼓励森林、林木和林地使用权合理流转,各种社会主体都可通过承包、租赁、转让、拍卖、协商、划拨等形式参与流转。”此为我国集体林权流转的发展提供了政策支持。集体林权的流转主要是物权变动的一种形式,2007年颁布实施的《中华人民共和国物权法》给我国集体林权改革打下了坚实的基础,也给林权流转提供了很好的法律保障。福建、江西两省作为试点先后于2003年和2004年开始探索集体林权制度改革。但是,由于我国集体林权流转大部分处于试点的阶段,没有完善的法律法规和与之相配套的制度作为后盾,我国集体林权流转尚不规范,对林农权益在一定程度上造了的冲击,使得林农尚未成为我国集体林权改革的最终受益者。这与城乡统筹、破除城乡二元结构、形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局,从而推进“新农村建设”的总体目标是背道而驰的。2008年6月8日,《中共中央国务院关于全面推进集体林权制度改革的意见》出台后,集体林权改革将会推广到全国各个省区,规范集体林权林权流转的法律制度将会影响到全国林农的权益。因此,我们必须研究分析规范我国集体林权流转的法律制度对策,防范集体林权流转对林农权益造成的冲击。本文以我国集体林权流转中林农权益保护为研究视角,试图在贯彻落实党的十七届三中全会精神,加快推进落实《中共中央国务院关于全面推进集体林权制度改革的意见》的过程中,通过对我国集体林权流转的法律制度研究,为提高我国集体林权流转的规范化程度以促进新农村建设的顺利进行尽自己的微薄之力。除导论和结语外,本文共包括以下五个方面的内容。第一部分是我国集体林权流转的概述部分。本部分首先对文章中所涉及的基本概念,如林权、集体林权、集体林权流转等做出了具体界定。同时,本部分还从集体林权流转的主体、流转方式以及集体林权流转的法律属性几个方面做出了细致阐述。整体上阐明了我国集体林权流转的基本概念和法律理论。第二部分主要是对我国集体林权流转的必要性和可行性进行了分析。其中,对我国集体林权的必要性是从我国经济发展的角度进行分析,我国集体林权流转的可行性主要从法学理论的支撑、我国的法律法规的支持、政策的引导与重视以及国外林权流转经验的借鉴四个方面进行了阐释。第三部分主要是对国外现有的林权流转的制度作了介绍与分析,希望能在分析的基础上,对我国的集体林权流转的法律制度的构建有积极的借鉴意义。第四部分是本文的一大亮点,通过对我国集体林权流转在各个试点的实践对林农权益的影响进行梳理,得出了现有的集体林权流转的法律制度尚不完善,在流转过程中,给林农带来一定经济利益的同时,也给林农的权益造成了一定程度的冲击,从而引出我国现有的集体林权流转法律制度的缺陷和漏洞,突出了完善我国集体林权流转的法律制度的紧迫性。第五部分是文章的落脚点,从立法、司法、行政执法和政策四个层面上展开了对完善我国集体林权流转的法律制度的对策进行了详细的阐述,其中指出创设可操作性的法律法规以及完善流转过程中相关配套制度等都是必不可少的手段。

【Abstract】 In China, the forest area is much larger than the area of arable land, now there are 43 million mu of forest land in China,18 million mu of cultivated land is 2.4 times, while the output of the forest is only 22 yuan per mu, only 3% of arable land’s. State Forestry Bureau, Jia said: "China’s 18 million mu of arable land for agriculture to solve the problem of feeding 1.3 billion people, while 43 million mu of forest land for forestry, 1.3 billion people did not address the use of materials and failed to solve the ecological community the demand, the fundamental reason is that tenure reform is not in place, institutions and mechanisms not smooth, hindered the development of forest productivity." Reform of collective forest rights is inseparable from the overall advance of forest ownership transfer of a reasonable standard. Through collective owned forests, woodlands and forests proper circulation, can solve a long tradition of forestry investment cycle, the problem of poor efficiency, and ecological and economic benefits can be closely combined. By circulation, from static to dynamic forest ownership rights, maximizing the value of forest resources, farmers can get rich, to improve the ecology. Some studies show that the transfer of forest ownership is essentially the legal property of Forestry forest resources rather than changes in property transactions.June 2003, the CPC Central Committee State Council on Accelerating the Development of Forestry decision" issued its request: ’speed up the forests, trees and woodlands right to use reasonable circulation. In the clear on the basis of ownership, the state encourages the forests, trees and woodlands reasonable transfer of the right to use all kinds of social subjects can be through contracting, leasing, transfer, sale, negotiation, transfer and other forms of participation in circulation. "This is our collective right to transfer the development of forest policy support. Fujian and Jiangxi provinces as a pilot successively in 2003 and 2004 began to explore the reform of collective forest right system, clear forest land use rights and forest ownership, and deregulation, franchise,The implementation of right of disposal, to protect the right and the benefits. However, due to the transfer of most of the collective forest right at the pilot stage, there is no perfect laws and regulations, and a corresponding system as a backup, transfer of collective forest rights in China is not standardized yet, thus to some extent on the interests of the plantation owners made the impact, so foresters have not yet become the ultimate collective forest tenure reform beneficiaries. The rural areas, get rid of urban-rural dual structure, integration of urban and rural economic and social development of a new pattern, thereby promoting the "new countryside construction" is contrary to the overall objective.On June 8,2008, the CCPC and the state council on promoting the collective forest tenure reform, the opinion of collective forest right reform will be extended to the various provinces, regulating the transfer of collective forest right system of law will affect the rights of the forest. Therefore, we must research and analysis of collective forest right circulation standardize Chinese legal system of collective forest right circulation, preventing countermeasures for imposition of the impact of rights and interests.Based on our collective forest right circulation imposition of rights and interests protection for study Angle, trying to implement the 17th session of the third plenary session, accelerate the CCPC and the state council on implementing comprehensively promote collective forest right system reform in the opinion of the process, through the collective forest right circulation in China’s legal system in China, to improve the standardization of the transfer of collective forest right to promote the smooth progress of the construction of new countryside as little of their own power.Besides the introductory remarks and conclusion, This article is mainly including the following five aspects:The first part is a summary of collective forest right circulation in China. This part of the first involved in the basic concepts, such as forest, the collective forest right, such collective forest right circulation made specific definition. At the same time, this section is from the collective forest right circulation, transfer and transfer collective away the legal attribute of several aspects meticulous expounded. In China, on the whole, expounds the basic concept of collective forest right circulation and legal theory. The second part of our collective forest right circulation is the necessity and feasibility is analyzed. One of our country, the necessity of collective forest right from the Angle of economic development in China is analyzed, the feasibility of collective forest right circulation in China mainly from the laws and regulations of our country’s support and policy guidance and attention, contracted land circulation provides some experiences and transfer of foreign experience from four aspects.The third part is mainly to the foreign existing transfer system are introduced and analyzed, the hope can be in on the basis of the analysis of collective forest right circulation in China’s legal system construction has positive significance.This is the fourth part of a window, through our collective forest right circulation in the practice of various experimental forest, the influence of the rights and interests of the existing legal system of collective forest right circulation in the imperfect, transfer process, brings certain economic benefits for imposition of farmers, but also to the rights and interests is caused to a certain extent, and the impact of perfecting the legal system of collective forest right circulation of urgency.The fifth part is the foothold, from which the legislative, judicial and administrative law enforcement and policy on the four aspects of perfecting the legal system of collective forest right circulation countermeasures in detail, including that create the operability and perfect laws and regulations transfer process related system is essential.

  • 【分类号】D922.63;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】358
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