

American Child Labors Assistance during Progressive Movement

【作者】 赵全华

【导师】 邢佳佳;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 世界史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 童工作为历史上的一种罪恶现象,历来都被正义的声音所诟病,别是在美国这样一个标榜自由民主的国家,更不允许童工的存在。在进步主义运动时期,美国展开了轰轰烈烈的童工救助,使得大量的童工脱离了苦海。本文结合历史学、社会学和社会保障学的基本理论,对美国在这一时期的童工救助进行了分析与考证。文章对一些专有名词做了界定,并通过对国内外著作的研究,向读者展示了这一时期童工救助的最新研究动态,分析了这些研究在内容上的不足和前后联系上的缺陷,总结了童工救助研究的理论意义和实践意义。在这些研究分析的基础上,文章回顾了进步主义运动之前童工救助的历程,指出了基督教思想、维多利亚主义和达尔文主义对童工的影响,描述了童工的扩散状况和受迫害程度,介绍了童工救助的具体措施,特别是立法救助的发展。但是这一时期的童工救助并没有取得明显成效,童工仍然在继续发展。进入到进步主义运动时期以后,童工仍然存在并进一步发展。19世纪末20世纪初工业化和城市化的急剧发展使得社会对童工的需求大量增加,童工不断扩散,同时劳动环境却依旧恶劣,童工仍旧生活在水深火热当中。针对这一情况,美国社会在思想认识上发生了转变,人们对待童工的态度发生转变,开始同情童工的境遇,并出现了多种新的童工救助思想,包括了社会导进学说、自由放任经济学说和实用主义哲学思想,这对于童工救助大有帮助。在这些思想指导下,美国社会展开了轰轰烈烈的童工救助运动。教会首先举起童工救助的大旗,基于社会发展对教会形成的冲击,教会开始转变其思想认识,开展了社会福音运动,积极参与社会生活,并在童工救助中做出了自己的努力;民间团体城市定居救助之家和妇女俱乐部则是通过自身组织的具体特点,深入到社区中实施具体的救助活动,并期待通过自身的努力改变社会童工的状况;许多的社会著名人士也通过自身的努力来救助童工,并通过自己的影响力将这些救助影响扩大化;在教会救助和民间团体救助的推动下,美国政府受到莫大的压力,进而在立法上对童工进行立法保障,并将民间救助的许多成果以立法的形式确定下来。通过这一系列的救助,童工状况有所改观,取得了一定的成果。这一时期的童工救助开启了20世纪童工救助的序幕,其中思想与行动的紧密结合,大量创新团体的出现以及个人与政府活动的互动都是这一时期童工救助的特点,但同时这一时期的童工救助也存在不足,联邦政府立法救助反复不定,法律执行大打折扣,各种民间团体内部存在矛盾,这些都影响了这一时期童工救助的进一步发展。尽管如此,这一时期的童工救助对于我们仍有许多的借鉴意义,对于我们研究美国童工救助的发展,以及我们对于社会发展的认识,都有十分重要的作用。

【Abstract】 Child labors has always been the object of criticism by people as an evil in history, especially in the United States, which is a country that has a promotion of freedom and democratic, it is in tolerated for child labors.In the Progressive Movement the United States launched a vigorous for child labors assistance.The United States carried out analysis and research assistance for the child labors during this period by the basic theory of history, sociology and social security.The article defines a number of technical terms, and through the research work at home and abroad, shows the reader the latest research about the child labors assistance during this period, analyzes the deficiencies on these studies and defects about the contact, summary the rescue of child labor in theory and practice.In these studies based on the analysis, the article reviews the progress of movement of assistance before the Progressive Movement, and has the Christian ideology, Marxism and Darwinism in Victoria on the impact of child labor, describes the spread of child labors and the degree of persecution, introduces the reliefspecific measures of child labors, in particular the development of legislative relief.But child labors has not achieved well aid in this period, the number of child labors still large.The child labors still existed and further development in the Progressive Movement.Rapid development of industrialization and urbanization made the factory a significant increase in the demand for child labors, and child labors had continued to spread, while the working environment was still poor. In view of this situation, American ideologics had changed, people changed attitudes about child labors, and began to sympathize child labors and have many new ideas of child labors relief, including the theory of social guide,laissez-faire economytheory and the philosophy of pragmatism, which was importent for the child relief.Under the guidance of these ideas, the United States launched a vigorous society movement about child labors assistance. Church first raised the banner of child labors relief, which was based on the formation of social development, and the church began to change their thinking and understanding to carry out the social gospel movement, and actively participate in social life, including child labors assistance in their aid efforts; House of urban settlement assistance and women’s club was the organization that through its own specific characteristics, went to the community in the implementation of specific activities, and looked forward to change child labors conditions through its own efforts; many of the community which was well-known were through their own efforts to rescue child labors, and through their influence to affect the magnification of these relief; in the church relief and aid of civil society, the U.S. government had great pressure, and then made the legislation on child labors protection, and made civil aid in legislative form.Through this series of relief, child labors situation had changed, and achieved certain results.Child assistance during this period opened the prelude to the 20th century, and the close integration of thought and action, the emergence of a large number of creative groups and individuals interact with government activities in this period were the characteristics of child labors assistance, but there were also inadequate relief of child labors about legislative relief capriciously in the federal government, and law enforcement greatly reduced, and all kinds of contradictions that exist in civil society, which were affected further development of the child labors relief.However, there were still a lot of reference about child labors relief in this period, and had an important role on studing the United States for the relief of child labors development and understanding of social development.


