

Research on the English Story Teaching in Kindergarten

【作者】 史晓华

【导师】 曾继耘;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 英语的早期教育一直是人们关心的议题。20世纪下半叶,尤其是改革开放以后,中国和英美等西方国家在官方和民间的交往日益频繁和加强,中国学校英语教育的发展成为必要。学校英语教育的发展和低龄化,为幼儿英语教育创造了条件。20世纪八、九十年代,英语教育开始延伸到学前领域,许多幼儿园都安排了各式英语教学课程或活动,社会力量办学也异常活跃,形成了一股强大的英语学习热潮。关于幼儿英语教学的研究也日益深入。从幼儿英语教学法的角度看,目前仍然处于摸索的阶段,幼儿园在实施英语教育的过程中大部分会借鉴国外的一些教法理论,在盲目追随的过程中,很少会去认真考虑这种教法的有效性。本研究以理论和实践相结合的方式,对幼儿园英语故事教学进行了剖析和论证。第一部分,介绍了幼儿园英语故事教学国内外研究的现状以及存在的不足,并介绍了本文研究的思路和方法。第二部分,界定了幼儿园英语故事教学的概念;描述了幼儿园英语故事教学的三大特征:以幼儿英语故事为载体;以故事讲述和故事表演为主要活动形式,以游戏、儿歌等活动形式为补充以及以提高幼儿的英语水平为最终目的;指出幼儿园英语故事教学对幼儿的英语语言发展、幼儿的个性与社会性发展、幼儿的审美发展的作用。此外,从神经语言学、社会建构主义学习理论的角度为幼儿园英语故事教学提供了理论支持。第三部分,介绍了幼儿园英语故事教学的实践模式。对于如何设计幼儿园英语故事教学的目标提出了建议;提出了四种幼儿英语故事分类的方法:按照英语语言教学目标来分类、按照主题内容来分类、按照表现形式来分类以及按照叙事风格来分类;介绍了选择幼儿英语故事的标准。本部分还设计了幼儿园英语故事教学的活动程序,指出在幼儿园英语故事教学的过程中,幼儿从初次欣赏故事到完整地复述表演故事,一般要经过五个阶段:故事的欣赏与理解、关键词汇与句型的教授、再次熟悉故事、表演故事以及故事的延伸与扩展等。第四部分,采用准实验的研究方法,并用课堂观察的研究方法作为补充,以幼儿园中班为被试,来考察故事教学法指导下幼儿英语学习的效果。得出了以下结论:1.故事教学法与传统教学法相比,幼儿的英语水平在听、说能力以及文化意识方面均有更加明显的提高;2.故事教学法指导下的课堂教学活动比传统教学法指导下的教学活动对幼儿的吸引力更大,幼儿的参与性更强,专注力更持久。

【Abstract】 The early English education has always been the issue that people cared about. With the reform and opening to the outside world in the 20th century, English education has been necessary in China, which brings out a chance to children’s English education. In 1980s or 90s, English education has extended to pre-school area. All kinds of English teaching courses or activities were arranged in a number of kindergartens. Some social powers began to set up schools extremely active forming a powerful English learning atmosphere. Researches on early childhood English teaching are also increasingly in-depth. From the perspective of teaching children English, it was still at the exploratory stage. Kindergartens in the process of implementing English language education learn some theories of teaching method from abroad. During the process of pursing from abroad blindly, they seldom take the validity into account. The research based on the combination of theory and practice makes some analysis of story-based approach in English teaching in kindergarten.The first part introduces the current situation at home and abroad of story teaching and its weak points, as well as the research clues and methods.The second part puts forward the concept of kindergarten English story teaching. And describes the three features: taking English story as a carrier, taking advantage of story telling and story performance, and improving children’s English level. This part puts forward the function of kindergarten English story teaching. It also looks for theory support from neurolinguistics and social construction theory of learning.The third part introduces the practical pattern in kindergarten English story teaching and tables a proposal on the target of kindergarten English story teaching. This part also puts forward different method of classifying English story teaching. It also introduces the standard of the choices of English story.It also introduces the process of teaching stories in kindergarten, which includes five stages: story enjoys and comprehension, key words and sentences teaching, familiarizing children with the story, story delivering and extending.The fourth part adopts experimental method by using questionnaires, classroom observation research method as a supplement. The research taking the middle class in kindergarten as the experimental subject compares the different learning effect between the method of traditional teaching and the method under the guidance of the story teaching. The conclusions are got as follows: 1. Compared with the traditional teaching method, using the story teaching method makes children’s English listening, speaking level as well as the cultural consciousness to be improved greatly. 2. Compared with the teaching activities under the guidance of the traditional teaching method, the teaching activities under the guidance of story teaching method have more attraction to children, and children prefer to participate in it with greater concentration.


