

Study on Religious Belief of College Students Under the Background of Multi-culture

【作者】 马辉

【导师】 高伟;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当代世界是一个多元文化的世界,文化的多元性是全球化过程中不可忽视的因素。多元文化的形成无论是对文化本身的繁荣与发展,还是对个体人生的丰富和思想的解放无疑都具有十分重要的积极意义。我国自实行改革开放以来,以一种开放豁达、兼收并蓄的胸襟,开始了与世界文化的双向互动,经过二十多年的痛苦蜕变和艰难探索,中国文化也呈现出前所未有的多元态势。宗教文化就是其中之一。在人类数万年的文明进程中,宗教已经成为一种特殊的文化,它对人类精神的特殊支配方式,使它自觉或不自觉地对社会关系起着一定的制衡调节作用。我国是一个无神论信仰为主的国家,同时又是一个宗教多元化发展的国家。随着改革开放,宗教信仰复苏,作为未来发展的主导力量——高校大学生,是青年中最敏感、最有条件和机会接触各种社会意识形态的高级知识群体,自然会受到社会上“宗教热”的影响。就个体而言,大学生时期是一个人的人生观、世界观、价值观形成确立的重要而关键的阶段。在大学校园中,已有一部分大学生成为虔诚的宗教信徒,有的虽非信徒,但对宗教文化也是非常的感兴趣,出现“宗教暧昧”现象。宗教在大学校园蔓延,而且长期存在于高校,己经成为不争的事实,不容我们忽视。对于大学生信教、慕教群体,不是以简单的“愚昧”、“思想有问题”就可以解释的。改革开放以来,文化的多元带来了价值的多元,在多元价值的嘈杂声中,人们左右为难,也难以形成对一定文化的归属感,从而陷入道德价值选择的迷茫中。现代社会在破除迷信的同时,往往有一种庸俗唯主义倾向,将许多反映人类尊严的价值还原为赤裸裸的现实利益关系和对感性生活的追求,其结果是使道德生活和道德教育成为仅仅局限于日常生活的游戏规则的确立过程,使道德教育成为一种非精神的物理的运动,这是现代道德教育的最大病痛。宗教以其教义的神圣性、丰富的文化性和终极关怀性吸引了很多大学生,对于处于迷茫、困惑中的大学生很具有吸引力。客观的讲,宗教信仰对于大学生的道德教育方面来说,既有积极的启示作用也有消极的影响。因此在这样一个全球化、多元文化的背景下,如何正确看待宗教与大学生的关系、关注大学生的信仰问题,既是培养其健全人格、促进身心发展的需要,也是社会主义大学把握人才方向的需要。近年来人们对大学生宗教信仰和多元文化的研究都不少,但专门把大学生宗教信仰问题置于多元文化的背景下,尤其是置于我国当前多元文化环境中予以透视的尚不多见。因此,本文主要是研究在当前我国处于道德信仰危机的状态中,对多元文化背景下大学生宗教信仰的状况、利弊分析以及高校思想政治教育工作者应如何正确认识和解决这一问题。

【Abstract】 The contemporary world is world of multi-culture, and culture diversity is a factor that could not be neglected in the trend of globalization. The formation of multi-culture has momentous positive significance on the prosperity and advancement of culture itself, the fullness of individual life as well as the liberation of thinking. Since the adoption of the reform and opening up policy, China initiates a way of“Two-way Interaction”on world cultures with an opening and all-embracing heart. Through over 20 years of painful transformation and hard explosion, Chinese culture is now showing unprecedented miscellaneous tendencies, and religious culture is one of them. In the course of thousands of years of human civilization, religion has already become a special culture. Owing to its special way of controlling human spirit, religion has consciously or unconsciously played a certain balancing and regulating role in social relationships.China is an officially atheist country and also a country allowing religious diversity. With the reform and opening up, religious beliefs has been resurrected. College students– the main force of social development in the future are a special highbrow group who are the most sensitive and who have the most opportunity to get in touch with various social ideologies, naturally, they are prone to be influenced by the social phenomenon of“Religion Hot”. As far as individual is concerned, college is an important and critical step in man’s formation of outlook on life, world view and value. Some college students have already been pious religious believers, while others, though not believers, still showing keen interests in the religious culture, hence a phenomenon of“Religion Ambiguous”is occurred. The extension and long existence of religion in colleges has become an indisputable fact that we can not neglect. As for those college students who believe and adore religion, it is far from merely considering them as“ignorant”or someone with thought problems. Since reform and opening-up, cultural diversity has brought value plurality. Within the loud sound of multi-value, people face a dilemma and it is difficult for them to form a sense of belonging to a certain culture, thus they fall into a confusion of selecting moral values. While eradicating superstition in modern society, there is often a tendency of vulgar materialism, which restores the value that reflects human dignity into a naked relationship of real interests and a pursuit of sensual life, and the result is just to make moral life and moral education become a process of establishing the rules of daily life, and the moral education an unspiritual physical movement, which is the biggest pain of modern moral education. Owing to sacred religious doctrines, rich culture and ultimate concerns, religion is attractive to many college students, especially for those in confusion and loss. Objectively, in terms of the moral education for college students, religious belief has positive significance as well as negative influence.Therefore, how to treat the relationship between religion and college students and care about college students’religious problems under such a global and multi-culture background is not only a need for college students to build sound characters and promote physical and mental healthy development, but also a need for Socialism University to hold the trend of the talent.In recent years, a large number of researches have been made on the religious beliefs of college students and multi-culture respectively, yet, studies on the religious beliefs of college students under the multi-culture background, especially the current multi-culture environment in China are still rare. Therefore, this thesis mainly studies that when China is now facing a moral belief crisis, what are the current situation and the advantages and disadvantages of religious belief in colleges under the multi-culture background, and how an ideological and political education worker correctly understands and solves this problem.

【关键词】 多元文化大学生宗教信仰
【Key words】 multi-culturecollege studentreligious belief

