

Research on Defects and Development Countermeasures of China’s Soft Power to University Culture

【作者】 顾佼佼

【导师】 帅相志;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “软实力”( Soft Power )一词是由美国哈佛大学教授约瑟夫·奈最先提出的,他认为,软实力代表着一种能力,是一个国家综合实力中除“硬实力”之外的另一组成部分。文化软实力主要是指反映并促进一个国家创造力和影响力的思想、制度、观念和文化,很多条件下它是一种不能被指标化,不能具体物化,不能市场化的抽象状态。将大学与文化软实力相联系,使之成为大学发展的一种影响力和感召力,囊括了大学品牌、形象、文化、价值观、团队精神等一系列因素,更多的是体现在大学的办学理念、学校制度以及人文精神等方面,日渐成为学校发展不可缺少的无形资产。大学文化软实力是对大学的影响力和号召力,是大学人文精神、办学理念和制度文化的综合体,是大学发展的永久支柱和内在动力,承载着大学本身的灵魂。大学文化作为社会文化的一部分,是国家文化发展战略的根基。大学是社会建设精英的集中地,大学文化直接影响甚至左右着未来建设者的思想和品德。因此,打造大学文化软实力,提升大学创造力和竞争力,是全球性竞争环境下大学实现全面、协调、可持续发展的战略抉择,同时,也是落实科学发展观、建设和谐社会的需要。改革开放30年以来,我国的大学文化软实力建设,特别是在办学理念、人文精神等方面已经取得了初步的、可喜的成绩。一些国内知名大学纷纷树立体现自身特色的办学理念,倡导建立勃发进取的人文精神。但是,仍有一部分高校出现了这样或那样的问题,例如:办学目标功利化,办学理念表层化、人文精神衰微,忽视了对学生的品德教育、行政权力色彩过浓,限制了“学术自由”的发展、创新意识明显不足等等。这就要求我们深入了解并构建大学文化软实力建设的核心体系,并以高校管理者的身份着手安排工作计划,落实实施方案,同时还要求政府给予相应的政策引导和评价监督,并需要社会各界的大力支持,以营造宽松的文化环境。本研究试图从国家文化软实力建设的高度出发,以我国大学文化软实力为重点和切入点,通过与国外大学文化建设的比较分析,试图从理念文化、制度文化、精神文化的层面研究阐述目前我国大学文化建设存在的缺失与成因,在此基础上构建大学文化软实力的核心体系,并提出相应的发展思路与对策,为国家文化软实力建设能力的提高提供有益的借鉴,更好地服务于当前和谐社会建设的大局。

【Abstract】 The term of Soft power is first proposed by Joseph Nye who is a Harvard University professor. In his view, the ability of soft power represents a country’s comprehensive strength, a component of something in addition to the "hard power". Cultural soft power mainly refers to reflect and promote a country’s creativity and influence of ideas, systems, concepts and cultures, what is can not be target-oriented, specific physical and market-based abstract in a lot of conditions.The university cultural soft power is linked to become a university development influence and charisma, including the university brand, image, culture, values, team spirit and a series of factors, more often reflected in the university school philosophy, becoming an indispensable intangible assets the school system to school development.University cultural soft power is the University’s influence and appeal, humanistic spirit, school culture, philosophy and system synthesis, what is a permanent pillar of university development and internal motivation, carrying the soul of the University itself. University culture is the foundation of national cultural development strategies as a social part of the culture. Universities are the social construction of the concentration of elite university education and even a direct impact on the future builders of the ideas and virtues. Therefore, to build universities cultural soft power and enhance creativity and competitiveness of university is a global competitive environment. It also implements the scientific concept of development, building a harmonious society.In the recent 30 years of reform and opening up, China’s soft power of university culture have made preliminary and encouraging results particularly in the educational philosophy, humanities and many others. Some well-known universities have begun to establish a school culture to display their own characteristics and philosophy advocating the establishment of blooming progressive humanistic spirit. However, there are still some colleges and universities which have kinds of problems, such as educational goals utilitarian, the surface-oriented educational philosophy, the decline of humanities spirit, neglecting of students’moral education, the thick administrative power color and the limiting of "academic freedom" development. This requires us to understand and construct the core system of the University of soft power and cultural, to proceed work plans with arrangements for university managers, while also to ask the government for providing policy guidance and evaluation of appropriate supervision, creating a relaxed cultural environment in the need for all sectors of society strong support.This study attempts from the construction of the national cultural soft power and perspective to our universities cultural soft power, focusing and the starting point with foreign universities and cultural construction of a comparative analysis from the idea of trying to culture, system culture, spiritual level of research on the current university culture and the causes of the lack of existence. On this basis, the university built the core system of cultural soft power, the corresponding development ideas and measures for the construction of national cultural soft power capabilities providing useful lessons to serve the situation of building a harmonious society overall on the current.

【关键词】 文化软实力文化建设缺失
【Key words】 cultural soft powercultural constructionmissing

