

The Arm Out of the Poetry Tree

【作者】 王媛媛

【导师】 杨江平;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是享有世界荣誉的女作家,在理论、小说、散文和评论上都颇有建树。她不仅是意识流小说的代表人物,还努力探索一种“有意味”的形式,构建了诗化小说的理论。这种创新为小说的美化和艺术化做出了独特的贡献,为当时沉闷的文坛注入了一股新鲜空气。《达洛卫夫人》是伍尔夫的代表作之一,也是一部具有明显诗化倾向的文学作品。本文以此部作品入手,探讨一下伍尔夫的诗化小说。论文第一章首先分析了伍尔夫诗化小说的形成以及理论建构。诗化小说是在动荡的环境中提出的,大战的炮火不仅摧毁了城市还毁灭了人们的信仰。怀疑感、危机感、绝望感笼罩着当时的人们。在这种情况下伍尔夫认为需要一种新的文学形式,来反映人们内心的情绪变化,来宣泄人们复杂的情感。伍尔夫认为诗歌对情感的表达不够细微,小说过于热衷外部世界,在这种情况下她提出了诗化小说的理论。伍尔夫认为认为这种诗化小说就是要有诗歌的宏大视野,来关注人物的内心世界,它将诗的语言、诗的意境、诗的技巧、诗的抒情融入到小说里面。第一章的最后一节又介绍了《达洛卫夫人》的主要内容,也从整体上分析了《达洛卫夫人》这部小说的诗化性。其次论文分析了《达洛卫夫人》的诗歌化特征。这部分是本论文的重点,主要从三个方面论述了《达洛卫夫人》的诗歌化特征。一是生活的诗意体验,二是诗歌元素的的借鉴,三是诗化的哲思。即从内容的诗意、形式的诗化和诗化的哲思这三个方面来论述。伍尔夫采用了一种新的透视方法,使我们看到了一种诗意的生活。她站在生活后退一步的地方来描写小说,使小说获得了诗歌的宏大视野。这种写作方法让理想和现实、物质和精神、灵魂和肉体、诗歌和散文交织在一起,营造了一种有意味的世界。伍尔夫又将诗歌一些因素运用到小说中,使小说成为一种更具有艺术性的表现方式。《达洛卫夫人》这部小说中具有繁多的意象,使原本抽象的东西有了具体的形态,呈现和展露了小说的诗性美。伍尔夫用意象和象征性来表现人们隐秘复杂的内心世界。伍尔夫为了抒发她心中复杂的情感,不仅直抒胸臆还运用了抒情独白和寓情于景等手法,来表现人物的情绪变化。伍尔夫在这部小说中还有意识的借鉴了一些音乐的手法,不仅借用了瓦格纳的主导意象,还借用了复调音乐的理论。由于小说中加入了音乐的一些表现手法,将《达洛卫夫人》这部小说编织成了一张立体的结构网络。在这部小说中伍尔夫不仅让小说充满诗的意境,还让诗化的意境承载了理智的探索。这部小说中充满了诗化的哲理思考。在《达洛卫夫人》这部小说中,整部小说充斥者主人公关于生和死的思考,文中的主人公在走向死亡的旅途中一步一步的领会这死亡,但是面对死亡他们没有消极的逃避,而是积极地面对,向死而生。他们不愿被死亡的阴影笼罩,他们想过一种有意义的生活,因为他们热爱生活。他们能体会到生活的宁静和美好,他们愿意去奉献去创造,因为他们有爱的信仰。最后一章写了伍尔夫的诗化小说的美学贡献。诗化小说是伍尔夫对于小说形式的一种创新和改造,它将小说塑造成了一个更诗意更圆满的境界,促使了小说的艺术化,为小说带来了一种新的面貌。这种诗化小说构筑了全新的美学原则,将小说向审美的道路上推进了一步,小说中充满的一系列的象征、隐喻、想象等因素使作品变得含蓄朦胧更具有韵味。

【Abstract】 Virginia·Woolf as the writer enjoy the world honor, and get many achievements both in theory, fiction, essays and reviews. She is not only representative of stream of consciousness novel, but also to explore a "meaningful" form, constructed the theory of poetic fiction. This innovative landscaping and art for the novels of the unique contribution made for the literary world was boring into a breath of fresh air. "Mrs. Dalloway" is one of Woolf’s masterpiece, is an obvious tendency of the poems of literary works. This works in this department, to discuss what Woolf’s poetic novel.The first chapter analyzes the formation of Woolf’s novels and poetic theory construction. Poetic novel is made in the turbulent environment, the war of the fire not only destroyed the city has destroyed people’s faith. Suspected of being, a sense of crisis, despair enveloped the people at that time. In this case, Woolf think that need a new form of literature to reflect the emotional changes people’s hearts, to give vent to people’s complex feelings. Woolf expression of feelings that poetry is not enough subtle, novels too keen on the outside world, in which case she has raised the theory of poetic fiction. Woolf considered that such a poetic novel is to have a grand vision poetry, to pay attention to people’s inner world, it the language of poetry, poetic mood, poetic techniques, the lyrical poetry into the novel inside. The first chapter introduces the last section of it, "Mrs. Dalloway" in the main content, but also from the overall analysis of the "Mrs. Dalloway" resistance poetry novel.Second paper of the "Mrs. Dalloway" Characteristics of Poetry. Part of this is the focus of this paper, mainly from three aspects of "Mrs. Dalloway" in the poetry of features. First, the poetry of life experience, the second ,the reference element of poetry, third, poetic philosophizing. From the contents of the poetic forms of poetry and poetic philosophizing discuss these three aspects.Woolf uses a new perspective ways in which we see a poetic life. She stood where life take a step back to describe fiction, the novel won the poetry of the grand vision. This writing method for the ideal and reality, matter and spirit, body and soul, poetry and prose intertwined, creating a kind of a mean world. Woolf in turn applied to a number of factors poetry fiction, the novel becomes a more artistic expression. "Mrs. Dalloway" This novel has many of the images, so that what the original abstract with the concrete form, present and expose the Poetic Beauty of the novel. Woolf and the symbolic use of imagery to express the inner world of people hidden complexity. Woolf to express her complex feelings in mind, not only willing to speak one’s mind has also used the lyric monologue and Emotion to the King and other means, to express the character of the mood changes. Woolf in the novel also draws on some music sense approach, not only borrowed the dominant image of Wagner, also borrows the theory of polyphony. As the novel addition of the music’s performance practices, to "Mrs. Dalloway" woven into a novel three-dimensional structure of the network. In this novel, Woolf not only to novel full of poetic mood, also to poetic mood carries the sense of exploration. The novel is full of poetic philosophical thinking. In "Mrs. Dalloway" in the novel, the hero throughout the novel is full of thinking about life and death, the hero of the text in the journey towards to death step by step and understand that death. They did not escape the negative , but face to the Death positive. They do not want to be the shadow of death, they want to live a meaningful life, because they love life. They can appreciate the tranquility and beauty of life, they are willing to sacrifice to create, because they have faith in love. WriteThe final chapter intraduce the contribution of Woolf’s poetic novel to aesthetics. Woolf ’s poetic novel is a novel form for the innovation and transformation, it will become a more poetic novel shape more satisfactory state to promote the art of the novel, the novel brings a new look. This poetic novel to build a new aesthetic principle of the novel the road to the aesthetic a step forward, but the novel is full of a series of symbol, metaphor, imagination and other factors work to become more subtle hazy charm.


