

Study on Semantic Web Service Matching Algorithm Based on Concept and Application in the Distribution Center System

【作者】 张囡

【导师】 刘发贵; 刘钢;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现代配送中心不仅限于承担传统仓库的角色,还要优化商品仓储、配送、分拣过程,降低各种成本,这些都需要一个可以对配送中心大量服务的有效发现和对其统一信息化管理的系统来支撑。传统的Web服务数据要靠人类理解,需要太多人工参与,因而难以实现配送中心的服务自动有效发现,而语义Web服务的出现,为服务的自动智能发现提供了新出路。语义Web是Tim Berners-Lee于2000年在国际XML会议上提出的未来Web,基本思想是通过本体(Ontology)和Web内容的语义标记,使得计算机能够理解并自动处理Web上的信息,从而更好地帮助人们进行Web上内容的查找和处理。本文经过对传统Web服务发现和语义Web服务发现的国内外现状进行研究和分析之后,引入OWL等语义标记语言描述服务,构建配送中心领域的相关本体,将本体论和语义推理应用到Web服务的查找和发现中,从而为服务的发布和请求提供了语义基础,并且经过对信息领域中经典的基于概念的语义Web服务发现算法的研究,提出一种基于概念的语义Web服务匹配算法的改进,并将其应用在配送中心服务发现模块中,最后通过对配送中心各种业务流程进行优化整合,建立完善的信息库,实现配送中心统一信息化管理,自动安排入库、出库和维护仓库物资,提供分拣策略,最终达到一个服务发现智能化,信息自动化管理的配送中心系统。

【Abstract】 In the modern context of rapid economic development, the distribution center should not only take traditional role, but also improve the service quality, optimize the product storage, distribution and sorting strategy to reduce the various costs, which require an automated distribution center system to support the unified information management, goods in time and space management, the provision of a comprehensive storage strategy and sorting strategies and effective service discovery.The traditional Web services need too much human intervention because the data relies on human understanding, and the distribution center includes all kinds of business and a large number of services, so it is difficult to achieve automated service discovery of distribution center. The emergence of Semantic Web services provides a new way for intelligent automatic service discovery. Semantic Web proposed as the future Webby Tim Berners-Lee in 2000 international conference on XML. The basic idea is to make computer understand and process information on the Web automatically by Ontology and Semantic Web content tag, so the computer can help people find and process content of Web better, and discover the potential knowledge in the massive Web information.Based on the study and analysis of traditional Web services discovery and semantic Web services discovery at home and abroad, the paper introduces the semantic description language like OWL to describe service, constructs the distribution center related domain ontology and applies ontology and semantic reasoning to the Web service search and discovery, which can provide the semantic foundation for service issue and request. This paper improves a concept-based service matching algorithm through the research of the classic concept-based semantic service matching algorithm in the information field, which can be applied in distribution center service discovery module. Finally, the paper builds and improves the information databases, through the optimization and integration on various business processes of distribution center, realizes the unified information management of distribution center, arranges and maintains warehouse material automatically, provides a comprehensive storage strategy and efficient sorting strategy , and eventually achieves a distribution center system of intelligent service discovery and information automation management.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【下载频次】99

