

Study on Acceptance Criteria for Pavement Surface Treatments Based on Performance-related Specifications

【作者】 黄志松

【导师】 苏卫国;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 路面预防性养护概念已为广大公路管理者所认识,各种预防性养护技术措施已经在许多路面上应用,其强调在路面承载能力处于较好状态、路面没有发生严重结构性病害的情况下,即采取恰当且具有成本效益的措施对路面进行保护,改善表面功能,保持路面状况处于良好状态,保证行驶质量,延长道路的使用寿命。沥青路面超薄层处理措施的厚度一般在4cm以内,它是道路预防性养护的最主要措施。目前,沥青路面超薄层处理措施的应用大多不具备规范性,缺乏对效果好坏的系统化评定标准,尤其是与路用性能及寿命周期成本相关的评定验收指标,目前在国内尚无涉及。性能相关规范是与路面的寿命周期性能相关的一些可度量的性能指标的质量管理体系,它描述关键材料及施工质量特性的期望水平值,这些水平值与表征路用性能的基本工程特性相关联,性能相关规范不仅描述这些期望水平值,而且采用包含预测后续路用性能各种特性的定量关系式。这些特性即为验收质量指标,可以直接用于检验路面施工质量。路面预防性养护措施施工质量既受旧路面影响,又制约路面的寿命周期成本及其性能,把施工质量与某给定路面的性能及寿命周期成本关联起来控制路面质量,正好适合于这种在既有路面实施的预防性养护措施的质量验收。本文借鉴性能相关规范这一国外近年来新兴的质量管理体系,对路面超薄层处理措施进行材料、施工、性能预测、成本分析等研究,确定评估其施工质量的质量验收指标,并以此建立合理的沥青路面使用寿命预测模型,计算应用路面超薄层处理措施后路面的预期使用寿命,并将预期寿命与设计寿命相比较衡量出施工质量差异,进而进行工程支付调节。首先,详细介绍了性能相关规范理论框架,以此为理论指导并结合实际工程选取合适的评价沥青路面表面超薄层处理措施施工质量的质量验收指标,建立合理的路面使用寿命预测模型,用于估计路面的预期使用寿命。最后以开级配磨耗层OGFC措施为例,选取了弯沉和面层厚度作为路面性能的质量验收指标,建立了基于这两个指标的路面性能预测模型,并依据此模型预测出的使用开级配磨耗层OGFC措施后路面寿命,再根据寿命周期分析原理进行支付调节金额的计算得出该路段的支付系数。

【Abstract】 The concept of pavement preventive maintenance had been known by majority of highway managers, various pavement preventive maintenance (PPM) treatments had been applied to much of highway. It emphasizes adopting the right treatments for the pavement and maintaining the pavement at good condition in time to ensure travel performance and extend pavement life, when the pavement’s structural capability is sufficient and there are not structural distresses.Asphalt pavement surface treatments, as 4cm within the old asphalt ultra-thin cover pavement, it is the main measures of preventive maintenance. Much of the application of pavement surface treatments is not normative at present, lack of the systematized evaluation standard to praise good and bad to the effect, especially, the acceptance criteria that related pavement performance and life cycle cost (LCC) is not involved in domestic yet at present.Performance related specifications (PRS) is a quality control system that related the life cycle performance to some magnanimity performance index, it described the the expected ratio of the key materials and construction quality, which related the basic construction characteristics that characterized pavement performance. PRS not only escribed the the expected ratio, but also used the quantitative relation that can use to predict pavement performance.Those characteristics called acceptance quality characteristics (AQCs),which can testing construction quality directly.The pavement preventive maintenance (PPM) treatments’ construction quality affected by the existing pavement, also restrict the pavement’s life cycle cost and performance. Relating treatments construction quality to same given performance and life cycle cost to control pavement construction quality, that suitable for quality acceptancing to pavement preventive maintenance (PPM) treatments on existing pavement.The paper use performance-related specifications the quality management system which is popular abroad in recent years to study materials, construction, performance prediction, cost analysis etc of asphalt pavement surface treatment. Then, determine the acceptance quality characteristics (AQCs) and reasonable use life prediction model to predict service life after using pavement surface treatment. And use the predicted life expectancy and design to compare the quality of construction, and then pay adjustment. Firstly, the paper introduced the framework of performance related specifications and regulate this and practical engineering proper for theoretical guidance to evaluat pavement surface treatment’s acceptance quality characteristics, and build a reasonable pavement life prediction model to predict the estimate of the pavement service life. Finally use the OGFC for example, select the deflection and the pavement thickness as acceptance quality characteristics, Based on these two the acceptance quality characteristics established the pavement performance prediction model, use the predicted life expectancy and design to compared the quality of construction. Then according to the life cycle cost theoretics to make pay adjustment finally give the pay factor of this section.


