

A Research on Performance Appraisal System of Changyu Co.

【作者】 李小龙

【导师】 梁彤缨;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中小企业在促进我国经济发展、优化经济结构、缓解就业压力等方面起着越来越重要的作用。在经济快速增长的背景下,企业竞争愈演愈烈。然而企业间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,如何留住人才、用好人才就成为中小企业成败的关键。管理学大师德鲁克说过:企业战略的核心是人力资源管理,而人力资源管理的核心是绩效管理,绩效管理的关键又在于绩效考核。绩效目标管理是使中小企业在激烈的市场竞争中生存的有效方法,但中小企业人员配置结构相对简单,人力资源管理能力较弱,通常绩效考核系统不够科学合理,绩效考核往往达不到预期效果,因此,做好中小企业的绩效考核系统诊断分析,在帮助中小企业搞好绩效管理工作、提升企业战略目标、提高企业的竞争力等方面具有非常重要的意义。本文以中小企业——常玉种业公司为研究对象共分四章对其绩效考核系统进行分析研究。第一章概述了本文的选题背景及意义、国内外研究现状、并介绍了本文的研究内容、研究方法和技术路线;第二章简述常玉种业公司概况及其绩效考核系统运行现状,使得我们对公司有一个比较详细的了解;第三章通过对常玉种业公司绩效考核系统的调研、诊断、分析,找出其在绩效考核流程、考核方法和公司内部管理体系存在的缺陷;第四章在前面几章研究的基础上,借鉴国内外先进理论观点和实践经验,对常玉种业公司绩效考核系统提出改进和优化对策,为其能够建立一个更科学、更具有针对性的绩效考核系统提供指引。本文采用实地访谈、问卷调查和统计分析等方法,对常玉种业公司现有绩效考核系统进行分析研究,找出其考核方法、考核周期、考核指标等存在的不足,提出建设性的改进建议。通过本研究对常玉种业公司绩效考核系统的改进,希望能够达到调动员工的工作积极性、主动性、创造性,在一定程度上减少人才流失,最终达到吸引人才、培养人才、开发人才、保留人才的目的,为常玉种业公司的未来发展奠定基础。

【Abstract】 Small and Medium Enterprises is playing an increasingly important role in the aspects of China’s economic development and optimizing the economic structure. Under the circumstances of rapid economic growth, business competition is intensifying. The competitiveness of enterprises, however, is the competition for talent, retaining talent. Talents have become the key to the success of SMEs. Performance management is an effective method to enable SMEs to survive in the fierce competition, however, the simple staffing structure of SMEs usually made it’s performance management system not so scientific and rational. Therefore, to finish a good diagnostic study of performance management for SMEs has very important significance in the aspects of enhancing corporate strategic goals and improving the competitiveness of enterprisesThis paper consists of four chapters. We take Shanxi Changyu seed company as an example to make a research on problems of its performance appraisal system. The 1st chapter outlines the background and purpose of this study, concludes the content, methods and routes;the 2nd chapter briefly states the performance appraisal system of Changyu Seed Company,make us a more detailed understanding; in the 3rd Chapter, through research and diagnosis on the performance appraisal system of Changyu Seed Company, we found its shortcomings existing in the operation of its performance appraisal process, evaluation methods and management system; and in the 4th chapter, we put forward improvement and optimization strategies for it’s performance appraisal process, evaluation methods and internal management, so as to establish a more scientific, more focused performance management system and guidance.With the methods of field interviews, questionnaires and statistical analysis, this paper analyzed it’s performance appraisal system and made a number of constructive suggestions for their assessment methods, assessment cycle and the weight distribution of assessment indicators. With all these actions, we aim to improve the performance management system, mobilize the employees’enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and avoid the brain drain to some extent, finally, achieve the goal of attract qualified personnel, personnel training, development and retention of talents.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F324.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】254
  • 攻读期成果

