

Designed of Wearable Physical Parameter Detection and Research on Low Power and Miniaturization

【作者】 杨易华

【导师】 岑人经;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 生物医学工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 穿戴式医疗检测技术早期用于航空和军事等特殊领域。随着科技的发展已经向临床监护、家庭保健和特殊人群等方面推广,克服了传统有线检测的局限,实现自然状态下的监测和远程监护,为个性化医疗提供一种手段,也为医疗健康面向社区和家庭提供了一种解决方案。本文设计了以CC2430为核心,集信号采集、无线通信以及数据处理等功能为一体的生理参数检测模块,并对低功耗与微型化设计进行了研究。以TI公司推出的片上系统CC2430为基础,设计了穿戴式生理参数检测系统的结构,完成了ZigBee传感器节点的硬件设计。该芯片内置了RF射频、ADC、串口等模块,可以完成信号采集、通信和前段处理。重点解决了CC2430硬件资源分配及外围电路设计、单节锂电池供电系统的电源管理及充电技术、内嵌PCB天线、接口微型化和高速PCB布局及布线等问题,完成节点制版和调试。设计了可穿戴的心电和血氧检测模块。在深入研究了生理参数产生机理及检测原理的前提下,通过对传统生理参数检测模块的分析、比较和总结,设计出模块检测电路,可以完成标准三导联连续心电信号检测与透射式血氧饱和度测量。详细分析了医疗传感器节点功耗产生的主要因素,阐述了在进行低功耗设计时应注意的事项,并提出了一些解决措施,例如休眠机制、代码优化、选用低功耗与低电压芯片和功耗动态管理;同时介绍了微型化设计方面所用的方法,采用贴片式小封装器件、柔性扁平线及微型接口、内嵌PCB天线、硬件时分复用以及硬件软件化思想来裁剪电路,达到微型化的目的。各模块具有选择适应性强、使用方便、体积小、功耗小等优点,并且易于实现用户随身穿戴。构建一套简单的测试系统,包括基于ZigBee精简版协议栈的星型网络和监护界面。利用各穿戴式检测模块进行了测试,完成信号采集、无线通信、波形实时显示和回放。同时各模块体积明显减小,应用灵活方便,基本达到穿戴式检测的要求。

【Abstract】 Early wearable technology for medical is used in military and aviation. However, along with the development of science and technology, it widely used in clinical, home health care and special populations care. It overcomes the limitations of traditional wired detection and can acquire the physical parameters in natural state. What’s more, it provides an effective solution of personalized wireless health care for community and home. This paper designs modules of physical parameters detection, which have the function of signal acquisition, wireless communication and data processing with CC2430 as the core. And then, make some studies on low power and miniaturization.Completes hardware design of ZigBee sensor nodes based on TI’s SOC CC2430 that built-in RF radio frequency, ADC, UART modules, which can perform signal acquisition, communication and processing of front-end. And put emphasis on solving the CC2430 hardware resource allocation and peripheral circuit design, power management and charging with battery-powered, PCB antenna, miniaturization interface and high-speed PCB layout.Designs three-lead ECG and Oxygen saturation wearable modules thought comparison, analysis and summary with the traditional detection modules.Details analysis the main factors of power consumption of the medical sensor node and elaborate the announcements under low power system design. Then present some solutions, such as sleep mechanism, code optimization, selection chips of same power-supply with one company produces and dynamic power management. Also, it lists some solutions in miniaturization, such as using SMD (Surface Mounted Device) with small package, FFC (Flexible Flat Cable) and FFC connector, embedded PCB antennas and time multiplexing the hardware. Each module has the advantages of strong adaptability, easy-to-use, small size, low power consumption and easy for user to wear.We built a simple test system for hardware test, including a star-like network with simple ZigBee protocol stack and monitoring GUI, which can realize data collection, wireless communication, real-time wave display and playback. Finally, we make some test with the modules and the results indicate that the signals that wearable hardware modules acquired reflect the signal characteristics, which significantly reduced the module size and easy-operating for wearable monitoring.


