

Research on the Effect of Infill Walls on the Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frames Base on Damage of Wen Chuan Earthquake

【作者】 王娜

【导师】 徐其功;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年5月12日汶川地震后,由广东省建设厅组织的广东省房屋鉴定专家援助队赴汶川完成了对汶川县城1141栋房屋的震后鉴定作业,为本课题研究带回了宝贵的第一手资料。由震害统计发现框架结构填充墙破坏现象非常普遍,地震造成了墙体由轻微裂缝到整体倒塌等不同程度的破坏,给人们的生命和财产直接造成威胁和损失,给人们心理造成阴影。砌体填充墙作为一种非结构构件,其抗侧力性能的研究早已引起了国内外工程界的关注。以往的设计中往往将填充墙等效为梁上荷载,忽略了填充墙的刚度效应等因素,而本次震害表明填充墙的刚度等因素对框架结构的抗震有很大的影响,非结构构件破坏及其所造成的损失已不能认为是次要的因素,而必须加以认真对待。为了从理论上分析填充墙对框架结构抗震的影响,就必须对填充墙提出一个合理、有效的计算模型。本文首先对已有的模型进行了总结与分析,对于不开洞的填充墙,采用了Wale的三角撑模型;对开洞的填充墙,提出了简化模型,并通过模拟已有的试验证明了这些模型的有效性。统计分析了汶川县城填充墙框架结构震害情况,并选取典型框架结构,对各结构分别建立无墙和含墙模型并利用振型分解反应谱法进行弹性分析,考察了无墙与含墙模型的结构承载力、刚度以及结构受力情况,总结填充墙对框架结构抗震性能的影响。采用有限元分析软件SAP2000对各模型进行非线性静力分析,利用承载力谱法求得结构性能点,分析结构在性能点处的基底剪力、顶点位移、最大层间位移以及出铰情况,了解结构在地震作用下的非线性反应。并利用本文提出的划分结构性能水平的层间位移角量化指标,对填充墙框架结构在地震作用下的抗震性能进行评估。对两个结构按照传统的和本文提出的考虑填充墙方法进行抗震设计,并对两种方法设计的模型进行推覆分析,对比了两组模型在性能点状态结构反应,总结了传统方法的利弊,分析了按本文方法设计的合理性及优势。

【Abstract】 Damage identification of 1141 houses in Wenchuan County had Completed by the expert group organized by Construction of Guangdong Province after Wenchuan earthquake occurred in May 12, 2008. It brought back valuable information for this paper.The damage phenomenon of infill wall in frame was widespread in this appraisal. Various damage forms ranged from minor cracking to the overall collapse was caused by the earthquake. It caused threats to people’s lives and property losses directly. It also brought psychological shadow to people. Domestic and international engineering had already paid close attention to the performance of lateral of infill wall as a subsidiary member. Infill wall was equivalent to the load on beam in traditional design. In this way, factors such as the effect of stiffness of the wall would be ignored. The damage showed the importance effect of these factors, so non-structural damage and the loss caused by it is no longer considered as a minor factor, but must be taken seriously.It is necessary to propose a reasonable and effective simplified model to analyze the effect of the infill walls on the frame. In this thesis,first,existing models are summarized and compared.For the infill walls without hole,three-strut model proposed by Wale was used. The simplified model of infill walls with hole was suggested,too. Moreover, the validity of the proposed models are verified by modeling existing experiments.The damage phenomenon of fill wall in Wenchuan County was added up. Typical infilled frame structures was chosen.Based on alaysis of mode of vibration resolving,top and interstorey displacementof current structureis put forward.Linear analysis based on vibration response spectrum method used on walls and no wall model to study the structural strength, stiffness and force structure.The impact of infill wall on seismic performance of frame structure was summarized. Review infill walls on the seismic performance of frame structures.With the aid of finite element analytical software SAP2000, made the nonlinear static analysis for Typical frame structures,by using two types of analysis model.Capacity spectrum method was used to achieve the seismic response and get the performance point. The base shear, Vertex displacement, Maximum story drift and the hinge case were analyzed to clear the nonlinear response of structure under the earthquake. Then give the evaluation of the structures according to the inter-story drift ratio.Design the two structures according the traditional method and the method proposed in this paper. Made the nonlinear static analysis for two types of model. The pros and cons of the method of simulating the infill walls in tradition were analyzed and summarized. The analysis of the rationality and advantages of the new method was given by comparing the two results of the structure response.


