

On Building of Civil Immediate Judgment Procedure

【作者】 郑广

【导师】 彭世忠;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 诉讼法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 进入二十一世纪,我国经济的高速发展和民众权利意识的觉醒,引发了一场诉讼的大爆炸。急速膨胀的司法需求与亟待健全的法制的矛盾日益白热化。为减缓案多人少的诉讼压力,各地基层法院纷纷展开了简化诉讼程序、提高司法效率的探索和改革。其中最引人瞩目的成果是民事速裁机制的推行,针对简易民事案件在现有的制度框架内最大限度地简化审理程序,快速解决纠纷。经过几年的实践,这种基层法院出于自身实际需要而自行推行的改革举措,取得了值得肯定的实效。民事速裁机制在提高司法效率、优化司法资源配置、促进案结事了方面的优势也得到了最高人民法院的认同。这一自下而上推行的改革取得了初步的胜利,同时也不可避免地引发了关于其正当性的争论。要进一步推行和发展民事速裁机制,必须及早明确改革的路径选择和定位。可供选择的路径有二:一是作为进一步简化后的简易程序的一种或是特殊的简易程序,一是作为普通程序、简易程序之外独立的程序。速裁强调经济和效率,这是速裁产生的根源和生命力所在,这样的价值理念要求的是一套较之现行制度更为灵活轻便的程序运作规则,其以调解、撤诉为主的结案方式也使其具有鲜明的独立色彩。主张在简易程序框架内置放速裁机制者,未意识到目前的做法只是由下而上推行改革时无奈的选择。要实现改革,不能仅考虑推行的便捷,而更应放眼长远。改革膨化和被滥用的简易程序已是燃眉之急,将速裁内置是对这一膨化的认可和加剧,不利于解决现实的困境,更不符合民事审判机制改革的需求。构建一个独立的速裁程序才是更为合理的路径选择。在具体的制度构建上,应坚持经济、公正、便民等原则,针对速裁的特色设计一套科学合理的分案标准、启动方式、机构配置、审理规则、救济方式等规则和制度,处理好速裁程序与其它审判程序、与调解及其它诉讼外纠纷解决机制的关系。构建我国独立的民事速裁程序,是对我国民事审判机制的进一步完善,是我国民事审判机制适应时代和国情需求而改革的合理选择。

【Abstract】 Since the new century comes, the fast development of our country’s economy and awaken of citizen’s rights awareness have initiated a big explosion of suits. Rapid expansion of judicial demand and urgent need of a sound legal system has become an increasingly heated. To alleviate the pressure of litigation cases and few people, around the primary court proceedings have started streamlining, improving judicial efficiency of exploration and reform. The most striking result was the implementation of immediate judgment procedure. After several years of practice, the grass-roots courts have made commendable effectiveness. To further promote and develop civil-speed cutting mechanism and it should clear the path of reform, choice and positioning.There are two alternative paths: one as a further simplified summary of a summary or a special, first as a normal procedure, independently of the program summary. Emphasis on economic and efficiency of fast, which is the root cause of fast and vitality, this requirement is a set of values than the current system more flexible procedures for the operation of rules of light, its mediation, withdrawal of cases by way of the main it also has distinctive independent color. Expansion and reform of the abuse of summary procedures have been pressing for, is to be built of fast recognition and increase the puffing is not conducive to solving practical difficulties, but do not meet the civil justice system needs reform. Construction of a separate process of fast path is more reasonable choice.Construction of the concrete system, we should insist on the economy, justice, the principles of convenience for the characteristics of fast scientific and rational design of rules and institutions handle the quick judicial procedure and other court proceedings, litigation and mediation and other dispute resolution mechanisms outside the relationship.Establishing a Civil Immediate Judgment Procedure is a reasonable reform options to further improve our country’s civil justice system.


