

Project Management for SAP Implementation of Electric Power in China

【作者】 陆天恒

【导师】 周杰; 王峰;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 对于现今的企业来说,“ERP”已经不再是一个新名词了,上世纪末到本世纪初,国内外涌现了大批企业管理软件供应商,如国内有用友、金蝶、浪潮,国外有SAP、ORACLE、MICROSOFT等。其中来自德国的SAP占领了70%以上的高端市场,全球500强企业中有80%都在应用SAP系统进行企业管理,在我国也有越来越多的大型企业已经或正在实施SAP,在金融、制造、服务等行业中得到了广泛的应用。随着ERP软件在我国的广泛应用,问题也接踵而来,很多项目不成功或者失败,不是因为没有成熟的项目管理方法,也不是因为软件本身的缺陷,更不是因为客户方的不配合,究其原因是多方面的,其中最主要的是生搬硬套国外的项目管理理论,没有因地制宜地根据项目的具体情况进行灵活变通,造成实施过程中的冲突不断,直到矛盾无法调和而以失败告终。本文作者通过参与国家电网江西省电力公司ERP工程项目管理的全过程,并以项目管理的主要阶段为顺序,阐述了项目实施前的硬件设备部署、组织结构、项目计划的制定、项目范围划分等准备工作;项目实施过程中对项目重要里程碑进行质量评审、项目方案的选择制定、项目组内部进行文档质量评审、系统测试以及第三方监理对项目进行质量管控;项目上线前的数据收集和整理;项目上线支持的人员组织和沟通、问题处理流程和项目效益分析等内容,最后对该项目的实施进行了总结、并对国内企业ERP项目实施失败的原因从客户方和实施方两个维度进行分析和总结,并对未来国内企业ERP实施方法进行了探讨。通过对江西省电力公司ERP项目的成功实施,验证了本文所提及的相关实施方法是科学可行的,对于国内大型集团企业的软件项目实施有很高的推广应用价值。

【Abstract】 Now a day, ERP is no more a new word for people. There are a lot of ERP system provider since last century, such as UFIDA, KINGDEE, INSPUR, SAP, ORACLE, MICROSOFT ETC. The SAP who come from Germany occupy 70% for the high-end market, also there are 80% of the fortune 500 company whom are using SAP to manage their company. During these day in China, there are more and more large enterprises are implementing or had implemented SAP system, it was used widely in financial industry, manufactory industry and service industry.During the popularization of ERP in China, the problem is coming. The reason of the failure is not by having imperfect project management methods, also not by the defect of the software system or even not the incoordinate client. The main reason is to apply the methods from foreign country mechanically and do nothing for adjustment. It make confliction during the implementation and lead to failure of the project.This article is based on the writer’s implementation of JIANGXI ELECTRIC CORPORATION STATE GRID OF CHINA ERP SYSTEM. It has described the deployment of hardware system, organizational structure of project team, making project plan and the scope of project. It also described the quality control of project mailstone, making decision of solution, internal audit of delivery, system test and the quality control by the third party, data collection and adjustment, staff organization and communication management, process of flow chart and project economic analysis. Finally, auther make a conclusion for the implementation of the project and do some analysis for the reason of failure for the ERP implementation by the angle of client and service provider, and make discussion of the implementation methods of state own company.This paper is to make a prove for the implementation methods which used during the implementation of JIANGXI ELECTRIC CORPORATION STATE GRID’s erp project, and this methodology of SAP system implementation is useful for the large size state own company.

【关键词】 ERPSAP项目管理电力
【Key words】 ERPSAPPMElectric
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】599

