

Research on Energy Consumption of Air Conditioning and Saving Energy Technology of Housing in Guangzhou City

【作者】 吴智辉

【导师】 赵立华;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 广州地处沿海经济发达地区,住宅建筑空调器保有量巨大且逐年递增。空调器保有量的不断增加给城市电网运行带来了极大的压力,据了解在夏季高峰时期空调用电已占电网总负荷的30%左右,所以对于住宅空调能耗的研究具有重要意义。本文以户为单位对2008年广州某节能住宅小区进行了逐月耗电量的统计,得出了小区整体的全年平均耗电量为31.44kW·h/㎡·a,全年平均空调耗电量为11.63 kW·h/㎡·a;并对小区内各楼栋的数据进行了分析,结果显示小区住宅朝向及位置对空调能耗有重要影响,朝向不合理的楼栋平均空调耗电量可比小区平均值高出33.7%。其次,为了对比了解节能住宅小区节能措施的实际效果,我们选取了另外一个未采用节能措施的住宅小区进行空调能耗调查作为对比,通过计算得出两个小区夏季空调耗电量,进行耗电量数据进行定量对比分析,结果显示采用节能措施的小区单位面积空调耗电量可降低34%。最后,为了了解在实际作息下,建筑节能措施对住宅空调能耗的影响,我们对节能住宅小区进行了入户问卷调查,整理得出了小区住户的实际作息模式,通过在DEST-h中以实际作息为输入参数模拟住宅在各种节能措施下的节能效果,结果显示各项节能措施都基本达到了预期的设计目的。

【Abstract】 Guangzhou is situated at the coastal area where the economy is developed, the residential building air-conditioner inventory is huge, and increases progressively year by year.. The air conditioning inventory keep increase has brought the enormous pressure for the urban electrical network it is known that air conditioning electricity consumption has accounted for about 30% which the electrical network always shoulders in the summer peak time. Therefore it has the important meaning regarding the housing air conditioning energy consumption’s research.This article survey the power consumption carry on as the household in a saving energy residential district to month by month in 2008. It has obtained the whole year annual average power consumption is 31.44kWh/㎡ a, the annual average air conditioning power consumption is 11.63 kWh/㎡ a. Afterward it analyzed the power data for various building in this residential district ,the finally result had indicated housing faced and the position has the importance effect to the air conditioning energy consumption, the housing that faced unreasonable the average air conditioning power consumption to be possible higher than 33.7% compared to the mean value.Moreover, in order to understanding the saving energy measure’s actual result for saving energy residential district, we had selected other one residential district that not use the energy conservation measure to carry on the air conditioning energy consumption investigation to take the contrast, it had obtained the summer air conditioning power consumption for two residential district through the computation, it carries on the contrastive analysis to the power consumption data. The finally result show that the residential district used energy conservation measure could reduce 34% air conditioning power consumption.Finally, in order to understand the influence of saving energy measure on the housing air conditioning energy consumption that under the actual work and rest, we had carried on questionnaire survey in the saving energy residential district, it obtained the inhabitant’s actual work and rest pattern. Through simulated the effect under the kind of energy conservation energy measures for housing under in DEST-h that take the actual work and rest as the input parameter, the finally result show that each saving energy measures has achieved the anticipated design purpose.

  • 【分类号】TU201.5;TU831
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】396
  • 攻读期成果

