

Case Study: Orbotech Strategy Choice

【作者】 唐志阳

【导师】 陈春花;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 奥宝公司是一家成立于20世纪80年代的以色列公司,是在纳斯达克上市的高科技企业。奥宝公司发明的自动光学检测设备(AOI,Automated Optical Inspector)是世界上第一台实现全自动检测印刷线路板(PCB)缺陷的设备,开创了印刷线路板自动检测的先河。并在其20余年的发展历程中,奥宝公司一直以行业领导者的地位立于发展的潮头。作为AOI的发明者和领先者,奥宝公司的发展历程是公司不断面临各种挑战的过程,也是公司不断克服困难,做出适应环境的改变的过程。这个过程有许多的坎坷和风波,也立下了一座座的丰碑。本文以奥宝公司的发展历程为出发点,分析研究了奥宝公司曾经面对的挑战和其采取的战略选择,并用一些战略工具分析了奥宝公司的内外部环境,找出公司的核心竞争力。通过对过往成功经验的总结和分析,得出了企业必须因应环境的改变而改变其战略选择,而战略选择必须以顾客价值为导向的结论,并用此结论对奥宝公司当前面临的新挑战进行了分析,指出公司正采取聚焦差异化战略,以公司的核心竞争力为依托,进行适当的横向多元化发展。本文采用案例研究的方法,以理论指导实践,以定性分析为主,定量分析为辅的手段来开展研究。本文分析并研究AOI行业的共同特点、发展趋势和面临的挑战,分析了奥宝公司的战略变迁和新的战略选择,分析了该公司采取的策略和措施,同时也希望为我国中小型高科技公司的发展提供借鉴和参考。本研究表明:无论市场怎么变化,竞争对手使出什么招式,公司都必须紧紧抓住以为顾客创造价值为导向的战略选择原则,在不断变化的环境中调整和适应,才能使公司获得持续发展的空间。

【Abstract】 Orbotech Ltd., is established in 1980s, a NASDAQ-listed Israel high technology company. Orbotech invented the world’s first automated optical inspector (AOI) for PCB industry. Orbotech brought PCB industry into AOI era and leaded AOI industry in the past 20 years.To act as an inventor and leader of AOI, Orbotech met many challenges and overcame all of them, flexed itself to fit environment changes. Orbotech left a lot of landmarks in its growth path.This paper starts from Orbotech establish point, analyzed the challenges Orbotech met and its respond strategy, using SWOT to analyze Orbotech strength and weakness, also opportunities and threats, try to find out this company’s core competence. We conclude that a company must flex its strategy choice to the environment, and strategy choice must base on customer value directed by summing up and analyzing Orbotech success experience. Then we used this conclusion to analyze Orbotech current challenge and its newest strategy choice, and propose that Orbotech must depend on its core competence, fit environment changing, and suggested Orbotech turning its development priority to the trend of diversified development.Adopting a case study research method, combining quantitative studies and qualitative analysis, this paper analyzed the problems and tendency of AOI industry, tried to explain the reason of Orbotech success. Hope it can provide reference for China small to medium high-tech enterprises.This study shows that no matter how the market changes, no matter what actions competitors taken, one company can only obtain continuous development space by holding the principle of creating customer value and adapting itself to fit the environment.


