

Study on Anti-seismic Behavior of Main Machine Hall in Conventional Island Based on Pbsd

【作者】 林生逸

【导师】 韩小雷;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国处于经济建设的快速发展及经济结构转型的特殊时期中,保证国民经济的发展需要庞大的能源供给。核电作为可再生能源,具有低大气污染、原材料丰富等特点,已经成为我国能源行业越来越重视的开发对象。然而,我国是世界上地震灾害最严重的国家之一。因此需要对核电厂厂房抗震减灾进行深入的研究。基于性能的抗震设计方法是目前国际上先进的抗震思想,该领域领先的美国、日本、新西兰、欧洲的抗震设计规范目前正在由传统方法向该方法进行过渡。基于性能的抗震设计的特点是:使抗震设计从宏观定性的目标向具体量化的多重目标过渡,业主(设计者)可选择所需的性能目标;抗震设计中更强调实施性能目标的深入分析和论证,通过论证可以采用现行标准规范中还未明确规定的新结构体系、新技术、新材料;有利于针对不同抗震设防烈度、场地条件及建筑的重要性采用不同的性能目标和抗震措施。本文阐述了基于性能的结构抗震设计的理念以及发展过程,在研究团队的基于性能的工程设计经验的基础上,总结了适用于我国规范的性能设计方法。在参考国内外规范基础上,针对混凝土和钢构件提出了相应的构件性能目标。并将提出的设计流程引入到核电站常规岛主厂房结构抗震设计中,对典型常规岛主厂房进行抗震性能分析。常规岛主厂房结构具有质量、刚度分布不均,多错层等特点,该类型结构抗震重在保证电厂运行功能在设防预期的水准地震作用下不中断,避免重大设备损坏而造成的严重财产损失。本文在基于性能的结构抗震设计流程的基础上,根据常规岛主厂房结构特点,制定了常规岛主厂房整体性能目标和主要构件的性能目标。根据相应规范要求,选取了5条地震波记录对典型常规岛主厂房结构进行性能分析。主厂房在小震及中震下的性能分析在SAP2000程序中完成,本文采用Perform-3D程序建立了主厂房非线性模型并进行大震作用下的性能分析。结构分析表明按照目前设计方法设计的常规岛主厂房满足设定的性能目标,承载力以及变形要求均满足要求。但在强震作用下,整体结构的耗能形态与设计预想有所不同。由于主厂房设计过程中考虑了甩击荷载,不明确的设备荷载等原因,造成与主厂房近核岛处的山墙连接的框架部位较为薄弱,较多构件进入屈服阶段。而其余部位的构件在大震下的屈服耗能作用并不明显。本文针对主厂房的抗震性能给出了相应的设计建议。针对出现的主框架薄弱层部分进行了加强并进行优化后的结构大震验算。优化后的结构非线性分析结果表明,对主框架薄弱层部分进行加强可有效改进结构整体耗能机制。本文表明了基于性能的抗震设计方法可以量化常规岛主厂房在不同水准地震作用下的结构响应,给设计者提供明确的概念,方便进一步的结构优化改进。同时也证明基于纤维单元的非线性分析模型能高效的完成复杂结构的整体分析。

【Abstract】 China is in a special period that both development of economy and transformation of economic structure have to be considered. A large supply of energy is needed to guarantee the development of national economy. Nuclear power is a kind of renewable energy and is becoming a more and more important development object. However, China is one of those countries that suffer from the disaster of earthquake. Therefore, a further research on the anti-seismic behavior of nuclear power station is needed.Performance-based design method of structures is considered to be an international advanced seismic design idea. The leaders in the field of earthquake engineering, such as the United States and Japan, are currently under consideration of transforming the traditional design method to the advanced method. One of the typical characters of PBSD is that the method require designers to quantify the behavior of the structure components due to multiple performance targets that adopted in design procedure. The importance of numerical simulation of structure is also emphasized. New technology and new material, as well as new structure system that haven’t provided by the code can also be employed by PBSD on the base of convincing improvements.This paper presents the theory of Performance-based structure design, as well as its development history. Based on the experiences of practical engineering, the PBSD method that suitable for Chinese codes is concluded. Performance targets and deformation criteria for concrete and steel components are also concluded according to various codes home and aboard. The PBSD method that suitable for Chinese codes was employed in the anti-seismic analysis of main machine hall in conventional island of nuclear power station and the evaluation of the behavior of main machine hall is made.Due to the requirements of the machine equipments, the main machine hall is irregular in mass and stiffness. It is important to notice that the essential purpose of main machine hall is to prevent serious damage of important equipments and reduce the economy cost encountering earthquake. According to the character of the main machine hall, this paper sets different performance targets for the main machine hall components. 5 site acceleration records are adopted for the performance-based analysis of typical main machine hall. The performance analysis under frequent seismic and middle seismic is carried out in SAP2000. The nonlinear analysis of main machine hall is carried out in Perform-3D.This paper indicates that the main machine hall designed by the present design method can satisfy the performance target set in the paper, including strength capacity and deformation ability. However, the behavior of the structure under seldom earthquake is different from the prediction of the designer. The frame components near the gable wall went into nonlinear procedure while the components far from the gable wall still remain elastic, which different from the prediction of the design. This might be caused by the sway load and other uncertain equipment load considered during the structure design. The analysis procedure indicates that the performance-based design method can quantify the response of main machine hall under different level of earthquake. This will provide a clear concept of the behavior of the machine hall to the designer and it is convenient to optimize the structure. The results also show that nonlinear analysis based on fiber elements can be employed for complicated structure simulation.


