

Case Study of Execution of LX Company’s Supply Chain IT System’s Integration

【作者】 罗民德

【导师】 张红;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 并购是当今中国也是全球经济热点。并购后的整合是否成功直接影响了企业并购成功与否。执行力在整合中起着至关重要的作用。2004年12月,LX公司宣布并购PCG公司业务。众所周知,并购难,整合更难。整合才是真正摆在新LX公司面前的难题。组织架构的整合、文化整合、业务流程整合、信息系统整合、人力资源整合等,这些都是LX公司要解决的问题。供应链信息系统的整合被认为是LX公司整合PCG公司中最困难的一环。LX公司供应链信息系统整合包含了六个重要阶段:Evaluation评估阶段、Preparation准备阶段、Blueprint系统需求阶段、Realization开发阶段、Final Prep最终准备阶段、Post-production Support系统上线后支持阶段。整合过程通过严格的项目管理方法进行管理。通过分析LX公司供应链系统整合过程,可以发现执行力问题主要有三个。第一,文化差异导致沟通障碍。文化冲突在跨国并购的情况下更为明显,对于LX公司收购PCG公司也是如此。PCG公司的历史比LX公司长70年,文化深度自然不能相提并论。双方文化的冲突一方面表现为PCG公司文化与LX公司文化的冲突,另一方面表现为美国文化(西方文化)与中国文化(东方文化)的冲突。第二,整合项目复杂导致控制困难。因为涉及部门广,参与人员多,涉及IT系统多,整合步骤复杂,时间要求严格。第三,PCG公司有着“大国企”一样的企业文化,在业务流程上是官僚化和程序化,员工缺少变革的意愿和积极性,对供应链信息系统整合参与的主动性不强。这些对LX公司的执行力都提出了挑战。针对以上问题,LX公司提升执行力的措施包含三个方面。一是消除跨文化沟通障碍,通过文化整合建立新的核心价值观,并在公司内外部建设推广新文化,建立多种沟通渠道鼓励坦诚沟通,制定跨文化沟通规则并在供应链信息系统整合项目中应用。二是成功地应用项目管理的方法,包括项目沟通机制、项目的检查和监控、项目的风险管理、项目的经验教训记录总结。第三是建立有效的绩效管理体系。公司在战略管理体系的基础上建立了基于KPI的公司绩效系统,使个人目标支持公司目标的实现。在员工绩效考核上,通过P3考核体系将公司战略目标、各工作重点的绩效结果与员工薪酬奖金紧密关联,极大地促进了整个公司目标的实现和员工积极性的提高。

【Abstract】 The enterprise mergers and acquisitions is becoming a hot topic in China even all over the world. The success of mergers and acquisitions depends on the post-merge integration to some extent. The execution force plays an important role the process of integration.As we all know, the mergers and acquisitions is a difficult thing, while the integration is more difficult than that. In Dec of 2004, LX Company announced the deal of merge PCG Company with 1.25 billions dollars. Then, the integration became a big challenge that LX had to face. The integration of organization, integration of culture, integration of business process, integration of IT system, integration of human resource etc, all these issues were to be solved by LX Company.The integration of supply chain IT system was looked as the most difficult one of all integration activities. The project of integration of supply chain IT system included six phases: evaluation phase, preparation phase, blueprint phase, realization phase, final preparation phase, post-production supporting phase. That integration activity was managed by way of project management.This article analyzed the process of the integration of supply chain IT system. Three issues that may jeopardize the execution force were found out. The first issue is the communication barrier caused by corporate culture conflict. The culture conflict is an outstanding issue for cross-border mergers acquisitions. So it is the same for LX Company merge PCG Company. PCG had a 70 years older history than LX. On the one hand, the culture conflict represent as the culture conflict between LX and PCG, on the other hand, it represent as the culture conflict between western culture and eastern culture. The second issue is the complexity of integration project. The project involved so many function areas, so many people, so many IT systems, and so many integration steps. In addition, the time limitation is so tough. The third issue is that the PCG’s original culture is bureaucratic and low efficiency. They don’t like any change, so they have no willingness to the integration activities, which means change for all people. The above three issues depress the execution force of integration of supply chain IT system.In order to solve above issues, LX Company took several actions to enhance the execution force. First of all, LX dedicated to remove communication barrier. It established new core personal value by culture integration. LX also published its new corporate culture to internal and external customers. LX Company set up many kinds of channel for open communication. LX Company also defined rules of cross-culture communication. Secondly, the use of project management tool enhanced the execution force. The project communication plan, project review and control plan, project risk management and project lesson learning management etc, these tools were useful. Thirdly, LX Company set up new performance management system. It is a key performance indicator (KPI) driven performance system, align employee target with the strategy target of the company. About the employee performance, the P3 performance management system associated employee’s bonus with his own performance result and company’s business performance. These actions enhanced the execution force of integration of supply chain IT system.

【关键词】 供应链信息系统整合执行力
【Key words】 Supply ChainIT systemIntegrationExecution force

