

Study on Water Right Transaction of East River Basin in Guangdong Province

【作者】 卢晓敏

【导师】 韦曙林;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在水资源管理领域引入市场机制,开展水权交易已经成为我国创新水资源管理手段的趋势和学术研究重点。目前,国内学术界在这方面的研究大多停留在对水权的概念辨析以及实施水权交易的必要性和可行性的定性探讨上,缺乏针对具体流域的实证研究。在此背景下,结合广东省东江流域开展水资源分配和调度试点工作的现实需要,研究广东省东江流域水权交易的问题,尤其是政府推动水权交易的作用,具有重大的理论和实践价值。本文首先运用文献研究和实证分析的方法,对广东省东江流域水权交易的实施现状进行梳理,甄别问题并进行原因分析;其次通过比较分析国内外多个地区的水权交易实践,总结归纳国内外政府推动水权交易的共同经验,为完善广东省东江流域水权交易提供经验借鉴。梳理广东省东江流域水权交易的实施现状发现:流域范围内水权交易的交易主体较为明晰,相关法规和规范性文件的出台奠定了交易的产权基础和规则,流域城市的用水缺口构成交易驱动力等等。然而,由于对“市场”与“政府”职能边界的界定不清、立法冲突和立法滞后以及以行政区域管理为主的水资源管理体制障碍,东江流域水权交易尚存在微观主体地位缺失、法制保障不足、管理机构职能错位和管理体系不完整等问题。完善东江流域水权交易应修改现行法律内容以消除立法冲突,加快后续保障性立法;强化流域管理机构的管理职能;构建东江流域水权交易的准流域市场和准地方市场;完善水权交易的政府管理体系;从而拓展水权交易的范围和深度。

【Abstract】 To introduce market mechanism into water resource management and to implement water right transaction have become the trend of water management innovation and academic research priorities. Currently, most of the domestic researches in this area focus on the concept of water right and the necessity and feasibility of water right transaction, but lack of empirical research for specific basin. To combine with the need of implementing water right transaction in East River Basin, particularly emphasizing the role of government in promoting water right transaction, this context is of great theoretical and practical value.By using literature and empirical analysis, this paper firstly analyze the implementation of water right transaction in East River Basin, and then identify the problems and the causes. Secondly, by comparing the practices of water right transaction in different areas of different countries, this paper also provides co-experience of government role in improving water right transaction for East River Basin.Through sorting the implementation of water right transaction in East River Basin, it could be found that, the subject and object of water right transaction are comparatively clear, laws and other policies lay down the rules of transaction, and the using gap of different cities constitute a driven force. However, due to the ambiguous relationship between government and market, legislation conflicts, legislation emptiness and the barriers of current water management system, water right transaction in East River Basin is not deep enough in practice, and lack of necessary legal protection and has loose function systems and so on. To improve water right transaction in East River Basin, the content of existing laws should be amended to eliminate conflicts, the follow-up legislation should be speeded up to provide protection, the functions of related institutions should be strengthened, and also should the market in a whole basin and different cities be constructed.

  • 【分类号】F552.7;D922.66
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】387
  • 攻读期成果

