

Research on Triggering Reliability of Magnetic-control Drug Release Micro-robot

【作者】 曾昭旺

【导师】 朱文坚;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着溃疡性肠炎,结肠癌等消化道疾病的发病率的逐年上升,消化道定位药物释放技术成为国际制药领域的一个新技术热点,通过无缆式微型机器人将药物放在特定区域,研究药物在消化道不同区域的吸收特性,对于新药的开发和提高传统药物的有效性都有很大的帮助。本文分析了微型药物释放机器人的功能要求,提出了系统性的解决方案。在分析了人体消化道生理参数及功能特征的基础上,论证了机器人被动行走方案的可行性。对微型药物释放机器人的主体结构以及密封方案进行了合理的设计。通过对各种驱动方案的分析,选择了合理的驱动机构,对压缩弹簧进行了受力分析。提出通过检测永磁体空间磁场参数的变化从而实现对微型机器人在消化道的定位。探讨了一种基于磁荷模型的圆柱型永磁体空间磁场的数值计算方法。将置于机器人内的圆柱型永磁体等效为磁偶极子,建立了基于磁偶极子模型的磁定位方程。设计了基于HMC1023磁阻传感器的永磁定位信号处理电路。研究了压缩弹簧驱动机构的触发释放方式,提出了基于磁场触发的干簧管熔断电路与纯磁力机构两种触发方式。搭建药物驱动装置的压缩弹簧刚度测试试验台,得到了较为精确的弹簧刚度值。在定性分析干簧管导通磁场的基础上,通过实验测试了干簧管管脚的长短与弯曲程度对其导通磁场的影响,并提出了导通磁场的最佳设置方向。为了确认药物是否释放,设计了反馈信号电路,并应用电路仿真软件Multisim对西勒振荡电路进行了模拟仿真,制作了插板电路,用小型信号接收电视机进行了信号测试,结果表明,信号发射电路是完全可行的。用纯磁力机构的压缩弹簧释放方式成功模拟了药物释放试验。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the incidence of ulcerative enteritis,colon cancer and other gastrointestinal diseases are increasing year by year, the site—specific drug delivery technology (SSDDT) has become a focus areas of international pharmaceutical drugs. Releasing drugs to specific areas in alimentary Canal by non-cable-type micro-robot and studying absorption characteristics of drugs at different regions, which are very helpful for development of new drugs and improving the effectiveness of traditional medicines.Based on analyzing the functional requirements of micro drug release robot, a systemic solution was proposed. The functional characteristics and physiological parameters of the human digestive tract were analyzed. The passive walking micro-robot program’s feasibility was demonstrated. The micro-robot’s main structure and sealing system were designed reasonably. A reasonable drive mechanism was selected through the analysis of the various options. The force analysis of the compression springs was done. A location mode to achieve the positioning of the micro-robot in alimentary Canal by detecting spatial magnetic field parameters was proposed. A numerical calculation of magnetic charge model based on cylindrical permanent’s magnet magnetic field was studied. The cylindrical permanent magnet inside micro-robot was equivalent to magnetic dipole. The magnetic orientation equation based on magnetic dipole model was established. The permanent-magnet positioning signal processing circuit was designed based on HMC1023 magnetoresistive sensors. The triggering means of the compression spring drive mechanism was studied. Two trigger ways were proposed based on magnetic reed switch fuse circuit and pure magnetic mechanism respectively.Stiffness test platform of drug drive compression spring was built and the relative accurate stiffness value was got. Conduction magnetic field of reed switch was analyzed qualitatively. The experiment for testing influence of the reed switch length of reed-pin and bending to its triggering magnetic field was done. The best on-field direction setting was proposed. A feedback signal circuits was designed in order to confirm whether the drugs is released. The circuit simulation software Multisim was applied to simulate a Hilary oscillator circuit. A small TV signal reception was used to test the signal of the flapper circuit. The result demonstrated that the signal transmission circuit is completely feasible. The drug release experiment of compression spring model with pure magnetic mechanism trigger was successful.


