

Study of Hybrid CDN-P2P Streaming Media Model

【作者】 翟伟

【导师】 许洁斌;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着以流媒体应用服务为主动力之一的互联网技术和宽带业务的快速发展,在IP网络上传输丰富多彩的影视节目成为可能。电信、网通等宽带运营商都纷纷推出了自己的流媒体点播平台,目前主营的流媒体平台都是基于CDN技术,由于CDN架构流媒体系统的运营成本较高,且其灵活性和和扩展性有限,这些都极大的限制了流媒体业务的飞速发展。P2P技术是近几年涌现的一个热潮,而且P2P流媒体是目前最成熟最热门的一个应用之一。该技术能够节省大量的骨干网带宽,但由于P2P网络的难以管理控制性等特征,严重阻碍了其发展和更大规模的应用。P2P技术和CDN网络技术都有自己固有的缺陷,都对其业务发展提出了严峻的考验。但由于其优势的互补性,很多研究团体都把二者的融合作为主要的研究方向,目前也出现了一些实验性应用。本文在总结分析CDN和P2P技术优缺点的基础上,参考了现有CDN和P2P结合的两种方式的研究,设计并实现了CDN-P2P混合模式流媒体直播平台的模型。本文首先分析了P2P网络方向的国内国外现状,介绍了基于P2P网络的流媒体系统和CDN网络所涉及到的流媒体、对等网络以及内容分发网络的最新技术成果,为实践打下了坚实的理论基础。深入探讨了目前已经存在的几种基于CDN-P2P网络融合的模型,分析了各种模型的性能优势、存在的问题和适用范围,并对这些模型进行了比较,对本文所提出模型的设计具有重要的借鉴意义。完成了支持非P2P节点使用的P2P-CDN混合流媒体模型的设计和实现。对设计思想、整体框架以及系统中各个角色的设计流程有详细的介绍。并对模型系统中的关键功能模块和参数进行了分析阐述。最后对比与传统的CDN网络,设计了实验并对实验数据进行了分析说明。

【Abstract】 Along with the multimedia streaming service as one of an impulsive force, Internet technology and broadband services has developed rapidly, to transmit a variety of audio and video in the IP network become possible. Telecom, CNC and other broadband operators have launched their own video-on-demand platform, the current main those platforms are based on the CDN technology. As streaming media CDN architecture system operating costs higher, and its flexibility and scalability limited, these are great limits the rapid development of streaming media business.P2P technology is the emergence of a boom in recent years, and P2P multimedia streaming technology is one of the most mature and popular application. This technology can save a lot of backbone bandwidth, however, P2P networks is difficult to manage and controlled, it’s serious obstacle to its development and application of more large-scale. P2P technology network and CDN technology has its own inherent defects, which has blocked its development. Many of the integration between the two groups regarded as the main research direction, there are also some experimental applications.This paper analyzed the advantages and disadvantages about CDN and P2P technology, designed and implemented a CDN-P2P live streaming media platform for mixed-mode prototype. At first, the paper analyzes the direction of P2P network status at home and abroad, introduces the P2P and CDN networks involved in streaming media of the latest technological achievements, and achieve a solid theoretical foundation. Insight into the current of several already existing CDN-P2P networks, Analysis and compared of the performance advantages of various models, problems and scope, those has important reference to this paper’s mode. At last, the paper has made an experimental platform to collect data. Compared with the traditional CDN network, an experimental and test data were analyzed and explained

【关键词】 CDNP2P流媒体非P2P节点
【Key words】 CDNP2PStreaming mediaNon-P2P Peer

